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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    3June2013;1528650 wrote: Oh NS you sure know how to make us feel better LOL so we're going around in circles looking for relief in a way that causes stress? Marvellous! Oh and better still the chances of relapse are forever and if we relapse it will be worse! Thanks for brightening up my day. LOLOL just kidding.
    Believe it or not, it does make me feel better !

    I could not understand why I could not stop a behavior that clearly was bad for me and that I did not enjoy. Understanding more completely that the cognitive part of my brain was not in charge (that loop goes on elsewhere) frankly makes me feel less like an idiot or "bad person". Because really, making something worse for yourself seems pretty ridiculous! Plus, that destructive loop that we can't control with our thoughts and will-power has extremely powerful inputs that just keep it going until something is done to stop it, such as via drugs, AA, MWO, etc. Another thing that can stop it has been experienced by several here -- pregnancy. Because we have a large cortex, we can override the loop but the motivating factor has to be very strong. Apparently the maternal instinct can transcend addiction.

    Another thing that made things make more sense to me was that whereas at the beginning most people are drinking to go from feeling ok or good to feeling better (or great), by the time the damage has been done, the best
    that can happen is to go from feeling bad to feeling ok. That is why so many of us have realized 'that it just isn't fun anymore' -- the deal is, it can't
    be. Our brain has lost the capacity, making it difficult if not impossible to experience joy from normal things in life, either.

    So, we have to quit and be done.

    Sorry to be the party-pooper in the Nest .


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Gardener,
      I have a simple suggestion......
      Don't go!
      You have just started your AF journey, congrats on those 4 AF days you have, do everything to protect them.
      I did not go anywhere with anyone for nearly 3 months when I started. I needed to be sure I was strong enough to say NO THANKS & really mean it too It takes time & practice but something you have to work on before putting yourself into a potentially dangerous situation. Something to think about anyway!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Hey JDG, Ok, deep breath taken, have felt pretty good the first few days, but am feeling anxious today, in part because of this dinner. I have started an exercise and diet regimen along with AF, so I think I'll say that wine isn't in the diet plan for this evening and leave it at that.. I really don't want to bring it up during dinner and make this couple along with my husband enjoy themselves any less. They don't have a problem that I can see, so I'm putting the big girl panties on and taking this challenge on. I know I can do it.

        And, lol, guess the wine club is going to have to go. I laughed to myself after posting this, cause I should have prefaced my involvement in this club, but its such a part of my life I didn't even hesitate. Change is gone come.

        Hey NS, you are right, this may open up some eyes about this habit, there are a few folks I know that are as bad as I was and maybe it will have a positive effect on them.

        I do plan on leveling with my friends, just not ready tonight.

        I'll check in when I get home. Thanks for the pep talk and advice.
        "A good garden may have some weeds"
        Thomas Fuller


          Newbies Nest

          NS, you are no party pooper :H
          Those of us with a science background always look for concrete, evidence based explanations for everything, don't we? :H
          Thanks for sharing that info in the Nest!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Lavande, I really do have to go, its a special birthday for my friend and I don't want to miss it.

            That's why I'm posting here today for reinforcement, I feel anxious but strong. I hate alcohol and all the pain and misery it has caused me. That is in my heart and head today and damned if I'm going to let it rob me once again , and from being there for my friend.

            Thanks for your kind advice though, stubborn I am.
            "A good garden may have some weeds"
            Thomas Fuller


              Newbies Nest

              Hey JDG, Ok, deep breath taken, have felt pretty good the first few days, but am feeling anxious today, in part because of this dinner. I have started an exercise and diet regimen along with AF, so I think I'll say that wine isn't in the diet plan for this evening and leave it at that.. I really don't want to bring it up during dinner and make this couple along with my husband enjoy themselves any less. They don't have a problem that I can see, so I'm putting the big girl panties on and taking this challenge on. I know I can do it.

              And, lol, guess the wine club is going to have to go. I laughed to myself after posting this, cause I should have prefaced my involvement in this club, but its such a part of my life I didn't even hesitate. Change is gone come.

              Hey NS, you are right, this may open up some eyes about this habit, there are a few folks I know that are as bad as I was and maybe it will have a positive effect on them.

              I do plan on leveling with my friends, just not ready tonight.

              I'll check in when I get home. Thanks for the pep talk and advice.
              "A good garden may have some weeds"
              Thomas Fuller


                Newbies Nest

                Hey NoSugar! Wow, what a powerful statement! It makes me feel better, too, knowing that it's a condition that is just very powerful (understatement!). It also strengthens the argument about moderating! You just can't undo addiction! Thank you for that've made my day!

                Gardener, yep, the ole Wine Club's gotta go. My neighbor keeps wanting me to help her host a wine tasting party....can you imagine what a bad idea this is for an ALK? It's a lifestyle change for sure....but it is a LIFE sentence not a death sentence so totally do-able. Not to fear, you will learn to find other clubs that are healthy to take part in! As strong as my resolve is, I get tested from time to I try to stay clear from heavy drinking parties, meeting at bars after work and other places that are designed for heavy drinkers. I'm not missing out at all! I am now choosing where and how I want to spend my time. It's empowering, really. Don't let anyone derail you from your goal of staying AF, not even the wine club president! You have to live with the consequences of falling, not him (or her). Trust me, nothing is worth another Day 1!! Stay strong, have your excuse in hand, be ready with your drink order, and eat something before you go. Let us know how it goes! Imagine all our little avatars on the table cheering you on!!! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks Byrdie, all of your avatars and encouraging words are going to be with me tonight, I love your avatar, if I feel weak I'll just flex that muscle. Thanks everyone, this really helps.
                  "A good garden may have some weeds"
                  Thomas Fuller


                    Newbies Nest

                    So here I am, back in the newbies nest yet again. I've always paid lip service to quitting till now. Now I know it's the real deal. The last week has been a nightmare, and I am now on meds. I wish I had asked for the help before, from my Doctor and family members. I feel relieved it's out in the open, and I am so appreciative of the support and messages I have received so far. Anyone else on Day 1 yet again? Also thanks to Jackie and Burdy for the lovely messages of support. Thanks to them I know this can be done!
                    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                      Newbies Nest

                      Welcome back broken halo,

                      Glad to have you back in the nest. I am also proud that you have such great support. I pray that this is your last day one.

                      Hang close read and post often.

                      Strength and courage to you my friend.
                      Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hang tough broken halo. :welcome:
                        You can do it Gardener. The first few events you attend are the hardest. After the precedent is set it gets easier. Always have a plan though. That is what I do. I plan what to say, what to eat ( don't arrive hungry ) and most Important i plan what to drink.
                        Good luck.
                        Have a great af day everyone.
                        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                          Newbies Nest

                          hello everyone
                          welcome back broken halo
                          Your right little beagle thinking on a matter is what makes us do it ......we choice whether we drink or not


                            Newbies Nest

                            Takes courage to come back broken Halo , looking forward to offering support where I can for you.

                            Thanks for the tips Little Beagle, just googled restaurant website to plan ahead. Having a snack now. Later peeps.
                            "A good garden may have some weeds"
                            Thomas Fuller


                              Newbies Nest

                              Well done LS33, Like the new avatar, too.
                              Welcome back Halo, I haven't even made it to day one.

                              Here's a little inspiration I found on Jon Acuff's site. Can apply to all facets of life, but is appropriate here, wanted to share.

                              You failed. That?s OK, so did I.

                              And you know what? I am going to fail again.

                              And so will you. But when you do, I want you to remember these simple words from Zig Ziglar.

                              MAKE FAILURE YOUR TEACHER
                              NOT YOUR UNDERTAKER


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hang on tight tonight Gardener.

