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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Just had a discussion with hubby on the addicted brain. I am currently reading that book. I downloaded it about 3 months before I found mwo. It is a very effective book. Thanks ns for this subject. You have helped me explain better how addiction works.
    I hope everyone is having a great af weekend. Nite all.
    No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


      Newbies Nest

      Having my last weekend off for a while out of town. Visiting family today, I told my SIL I quit drinking. She comes out of the house (we're sitting in the garden) with a bottle and a bunch of wine glasses in her hand. I was silently freaking out when she said oh it's ok it's alcohol free. I had a small glass but it really made me feel strange drinking from a wine glass and all. It was white sparkly stuff. Not very good. I read the label, it says less than .05% on the bottle. I'm ok right? I didn't feel anything from it except the anxiety it caused! Can I still say I'm AF? I feel like it!
      Newbies Nest
      My accountability thread


        Newbies Nest

        3June2013;1529171 wrote: Can I still say I'm AF? I feel like it!


        I've heard that AF stuff is pretty nasty, anyway.

        I don't really want to recreate the drinking experience but I've seen several posts from people who like the AF beer and don't have a problem with it. I drink kombucha, which is fermented and may contain traces of ethanol, but I guarantee you I've never been inclined to drink a liter of it!

        Hope you don't have drinking dreams tonight after your experience!

        Congratulations on another successful event to which AL was unfortunately invited (as usual).

        :h NS


          Newbies Nest

          Hi everyone,

          Another nice AF Sunday. Woke up clear, went out to a market, bought a few treats for myself (i have more money in my po' since i quit drinking!)

          I had been angsting over what to do about my 50th birthday at the end of August. My partner wanted to throw a party for me, and with some misgivings i agreed. Now i've told him i don't want to put myself (and our friends) in a situation where i'm tempted to drink al. So the party's off, and we (my partner and i) are going to go to some hot mineral springs for a bathe and pamper! That's taken a huge pressure off!

          Monday beckons (sigh.) So glad i wont be hungover

          take care everyone, be good to yourself,
          love Steady
          AF free since April 29, 2013


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters. I feel lucky to be alive this morning, I seem to have got through the worst of the withdrawals after the worst drinking binge of my life. I am just so grateful that nothing disastrous happened apart from time off work and that is going to be tricky to explain. But I am alive, and I am getting better. I just have to be thankful for that. I hope everyone is having an AL and hangover free Sunday. If it helps anyone I have been taking Kalms, which contain Hops, Valerian and Gentian and they seem take the edge off the anxiety, they are available over the counter in the UK.
            Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


              Newbies Nest

              Morning, Nesters!
              3June, your post took me back to when I was first quitting and decided to buy a bunch of AF wine... I poured a glass and it tasted like pancake syrup! Sickeningly sweet... then I found myself irritated that I was sipping it...instinct was telling me to chug it!!! This realization made me sob. It was weird! So then I decided it wasn't worth the calories...odd thing is, I didn't seem to worry about calories when it had AL in it! Moral of the story: I was chasing the AL! It wasn't the pretty glass or the romantic setting or the was the AL!

              You will be amazed at the way we are conditioned to think that our world revolves around AL and there's no way around it. In some ways that's true, but our task is to find ways to fit into this world without partaking of it ourselves. I thought everybody drank (except my sister). So the thought of going to a social gathering or party or even dinner without drinking was anxiety-producing!! But if you really look around, there are a slew of people to whom it never occurs to drink! I'd say that it's about half the folks out and about in real life don't drink at all and think nothing of it! Don't think you have to apologize for not drinking! It will be a big day in your head when you come to realize that NOT drinking is normal for mankind and drinking is the ABNORMAL behavior! After all, what species of animal out there would knowingly drink poison? What species would market it and promote it and encourage it to other members of the group? Yep.....humans. Don't apologize for not drinking..... we are the minority today, but someday, (hopefully) we will wise up as a species! Be loud and proud and sober!! (I used to be just loud before....) Raise your fizzy waters to each other and let us give thanks that we are no longer part of the problem we are part of the solution!!
              Have a wonderful Sunday! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Back on Day 1. Sooner or Later I'm going to get this right!


                  Newbies Nest

                  NS thanks I was feeling pretty freaked out last night. I'm with you I'd rather not simulate what got me into trouble.

                  Steady that's a smart decision!

                  Broken halo glad youre feeling better!

                  I'm at five weeks now and feeling great! I have t been AF this long in 40 years!
                  Newbies Nest
                  My accountability thread


                    Newbies Nest

                    And thanks Byrdie you're right the fake wine tasted shitty and made me all anxious. Not doing that again!
                    Newbies Nest
                    My accountability thread


                      Newbies Nest

                      Dogwood welcome back! We all had some false starts the main
                      thing is you're back!
                      Newbies Nest
                      My accountability thread


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good afternoon nesters. Today, I will complete day 8 in two hours. I know it sounds silly, but I started my 24 hour day by the time I had my last drink and then I added two hours on in case I was wrong....after all, I was drinking already that day.

                        I am feeling better today. This was the worst quit I have ever had and cannot believe I made it to day 8. Without all of your support, the laughs, the tears, the honesty and all the posts that I poured through daily, I would be back to day 1, again.

                        I look forward to being able to say 14 days done.

                        Have a great AF Sunday. I'm heading out to get some sun and do a little reading, something I was unable to do while drinking since I'd forget the pages I had read and not know what was going on. I have started this book at least six times and so far I'm reading it and remembering

                        Still hugging the tree~ Stuggles:l


                          Newbies Nest

                          BH, I took a couple calms last night at about 11 after searching for some Tylenol pm. It definitely helped the anxiety and I woke up (amazingly I slept some) without the awful guilt ans anxiety. I got some over the counter sleep stuff for tonight. I know I can never have a day one again I was also that close to checking myself in somewhere yet fearing how my kids would take it is helping me so much I don't want to lose them. Also helping is recalling the words about about my drinking is caused by my misery to stop drinking. Posting from my phone so ill check in later


                            Newbies Nest

                            welcome back Dogwood, I don't think we've met but we are all in this together. Struggles, huge well done on day 8!

                            Piper I found the kalms helped a bit with the anxiety and the shakes, and I will take some before bed tonight. I really need a good sleep! They don't scare me like normal drugs because they are herbal. Maybe it's a placebo effect, I don't know, but I am going to keep taking them anyway. I don't feel 100% yet, but I am over the worst I think. I went to the gym, enjoyed the tennis, and really enjoyed the nice meal I made for myself, because I was actually hungry for a change!

                            Tomorrow can only be better, right? Hang in there everyone!
                            Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                              Newbies Nest

                              Yes tomorrow will be better. Sheese today was miles from yesterday. I just keep having to remind myself that day 1 can never happen again. I am that scared of how I felt.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Guys,

                                I think I missed a few weeks of posts but during that time I see there was some conflict among MWO members involving Kuya and it seems that she has not been back here since mid June. Does anyone keep in touch with her? Does any one know id she is alright? If you don't want to post on this thread can you please PM me? She was a good friend of mine on MWO and I am really worried about her.


                                AF since 1st Sep 2012
                                NF since 1st Sep 2012

                                If you want to feel better visit

