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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Thursday morning fellow fledglings,

    I was thinking this morning how our nest is like a true mother chicken and her baby chicks. The senior members are mother/father chickens and we are the chicks. If we stray to far from the nest they call us back and protect us under their wings. I love this place.

    MIM and Sobersoul welcome. Hope you both are doing better every moment. This AF life is so worth it.

    G man glad to see you back in the nest. I was just asking about you the other day.

    June 3 great work.

    It is sometimes saddening when we watch others drink to the point of drunkenness, but IMO it makes me thankful that I don't have to ever go there again. I did some really stupid stuff.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful sober day, the WE is on the horizon. Lets make a plan not to drink.
    Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


      Newbies Nest

      Hi friends,

      June, your story made me smile. It always makes me smile when one of the "good guys" wins. There is a sublime satisfaction that comes with that kind of victory. Kudos to you!

      Welcome to Mike, hope you are feeling a bit better today.
      Also welcome to SoberSoul!
      "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
      AF 11/12/11


        Newbies Nest

        So true about watching everyone get tanked when we are sober. It actually goes from funny to disturbing and eventually to disgusting (if you stick around long enough). I was going to have some drinks with some friends who are visiting this weekend but have decided to stay sober and not wait until Monday to start. I have been with these people both sober and drunk and I just don't care what they say any more. Drinkers need to have everyone drinking but I guess we don't have to play the game, do we?

        I've been having panicky dreams lately and I never dream usually. We have a lot of stress at work and I think it's affecting my subconscious mind more than my conscious one. Not drinking helps.

        I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. We have a sunny, hot one coming up and it's been a miserable spring/summer so far so yahooooo !!!!
        "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning, Nesters!
          My cable/ internet was out yesterday! That included tv! Gads, I had to sit around and talk with my hubs and dog!! Glad to be reconnected today.
          Welcome newest newbies!! This is a great place to get your head right.
          I've been slammed at work, too, that's a good thing! Glad to have the clear head to do 1000 things at once! Plus I can work past 4 o'clock and not be watching the clock for time to start drinking. What a hamster wheel. I'm so glad to be off that cycle.
          Stay the course everyone! You will never regret not drinking, ever!!!
          Hugs to all...Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            SoberSoul;1530920 wrote: I was going to have some drinks with some friends who are visiting this weekend but have decided to stay sober and not wait until Monday to start. I have been with these people both sober and drunk and I just don't care what they say any more. Drinkers need to have everyone drinking but I guess we don't have to play the game, do we?
            Hi, SoberSoul -

            Many people keep delaying their date of beginning this journey due to any number of excuses and here you moved yours UP! That speaks volumes about your determination to get this done!

            Stay close and keep reading and posting. This really can work!

            :h NS


              Newbies Nest

              Hey all. Thanks for welcoming me here. 41 years old. Drank almost a handle of whiskey a day. Never less than a fifth a day. Day 5 AF wow still shaky and cant eat. just sweating and cold and hot. Heart rate just races. this sucks. Must be because this last binge since it was the holidays had more time drank way too much. This site is helping. Reading all the posts and communicating helps just hard to type with shaky hands.


                Newbies Nest

                Day 14 AF

                Thanks to everyone on this site old and new who are helping me through this journey.
                It has been a very challenging two weeks, loss of a beloved Uncle,long weekend ( usually involved copious amounts of booze ), a Scotsman winning Wimbledon ( celebrated with a tall glass of fizzy water and cranberry juice...Go Andy Murray ...usually there would have been at least a couple of bottles of something fizzy in the fridge to celebrate ), mingled with people who expect me to be the " performing drunk " at most events...they saw a new side to me in saying a big resounding NO to AL and with a new clear minded sobriety I decided I don't really like them as people,it was only AL that we had in common.
                I have saved a ton of money,new shoes,mani/pedi ..proper haircut all taken from budget that was usually spent on AL.
                Hubby has never had a AL problem, but he hasn't had a drink for well over a week now and claims not to miss it..he is being very supportive.
                I see everyday as Day 1.. and every hour as a bonus, doing everything to protect my quit.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Caz, what a great post! It is an adjustment going from one extreme to the other, but it can be done as you are finding out. Truly amazing that the people I thought were THE most fun are now not so much! You are right, AL is the common bond. Heavy drinkers love heavy drinkers! To think how much time I wasted being the last one at a party!! I shutter to think about it. Now I go, visit and leave at a reasonable hour...not much exciting happens after 10 o'clock!! I hope you are finding that Day 14 wasn't so bad...Day 13 was the turning point for me. I KNEW I could do it from then on out! So you got this thing!
                  Mike, I'm so proud of your 5 days! Yes, the shakes suck. Bad! I wish you could eat a little more!! Nothing will get you over a craving like a full belly!! Stick with us, you are doing great. The good news? Never again will you have to subject yourself to this! There at the end, I wasn't even having hangovers my body had adjusted so. It was just sad what AL can rob us of.....everything really. You have everything to gain from this decision you've made....hang in there to Day 7 and I will personally 'Moon' you!! You don't want to miss that!! I can still show my arse, but I do it sober!!! Bahahaha.
                  Hope everyone else is hanging in....where's Dot Belle? Check in with us and let us know how you are doing!!!
                  Hugs to all! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    hello everyone

                    Caz 22 glad you have the support of your hubby ......your right drunks are no fun to be around

                    here we are friday again just realised 6 weeks to-day

                    thanks everyone


                      Newbies Nest

                      jdgirl I'm glad to see you hanging in there.
                      Great job June. and Caz you both are being strong.
                      I recently had our of town relatives visit and they are big drinkers. They were all standing around talking about al. where to buy etc. I was feeling left out and a little depressed. Until the next morning. This is summertime in the deep south. Very Hot.
                      One of them woke up in their vehicle and did not make it to the bathroom. Phewwww.:wow:
                      I was so embarrassed for her and SO relieved to not be drinking. The rest of the week was not nearly as hard as I expected it to be after that!!
                      Mike I am glad to see you still with us. Just think that after you get to feeling better you will never have to go through this again due to good old uncle AL.
                      Have a nice af night all.
                      No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters

                        Good grief little beagle - I did some stupid things when drinking but never peed (or worse) in my car :H I am so grateful I don't have to worry about something like that. Glad you are doing well.

                        Caz - CONGRATS on your 2 weeks AF - Yay!!

                        Mike, great on your 5 AF days. Please try to eat a little something healthy & keep drinking lots of water. It really helps to flush the toxins out quicker. Hang in there!

                        Hello to everyone & wishes for a safe night in the nest for all
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Evening nesters! I'm just home from work, back to the grind after 5 days off. Oh well I have to pay for this fabulous lifestyle somehow right? You are all sounding terrific! Getting lots of support from MWO, that's how I got this far and I will be here as long as there are people who need to hear from me! It's the least I can do seeing as I wouldn't be in this place without those who went before me.

                          Mike, I am sorry to hear you're still feeling crappy, but it will get better. You know that, right? It is so worth it. And like everyone is saying, you never have to go through this again. Why would you want to? Can you not hold anything down or you have no appetite? Are you still on holiday or trying to work? Have you looked into the supplements that are recommended on this site? L Glutamine seems to have worked for some. Keep close and keep posting so we know how you are making out ok?

                          sobersoul you are doing really well, I think we're dreaming more because we're sleeping better. I figure if I get it all out in my dreams it saves me the trouble when I am awake!

                          piper hello there! Kradle hope you're feeling better soon! Allankay, byrdie, lavande, NS thanks for your support! JDG you're sounding great again!! Hey there pinecone!

                          Caz it's interesting isn't it when we see our friends from a different perspective? I'm still enjoying their company but once they start to get too wasted I get bored and just bail.

                          Witts end, congrats on your 6 weeks! You rock!! Right behind you and feeling strong!

                          To anyone lurking out there I was thinking the other day about how I lurked a while before I made the decision to join. I used to read the posts from people who raved on and on about how good they felt being AF and I was jealous. But guess what, you can do it too. It is all about taking that first step. Just give it up for a day. Try it, and see. You can join us in the deep end, all you have to do is jump in!
                          Newbies Nest
                          My accountability thread


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks for all the great help. I thought this would have passed by now. Just still shakes. I am slowly starting to eat some solid foods again. The emotional anxiety is the worst thinking about the past and the dumb things ive done. I need to do this. I had to get a medical note for work. Luckily I had vacation days. Feel worthless and just the craving to go get another bottle to make me happy. this sucks. I thank everyone for the help.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Mike you've made it through 5 days, try to stay focused on that. You will feel better by the day, and this will all be worth it. The past is what it is, you can't change it, but you can change your future and you can make sure those days are gone for good. Can you get out for a walk? Physical exercise and fresh air might help?
                              Newbies Nest
                              My accountability thread


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters,

                                Looks like more rain on the way
                                No chance of a drought here this summer, we are water-logged.

                                Mike, we all have to learn to forgive ourselves then move on. No point in dwelling on stuff you cannot change, it's a waste of energy. Look forward & be sure to take steps everyday to be sure you never go back

                                Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

