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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi everyone, I've kind of lost track because I have been away for a few days, I hope everyone is doing well. I am happy to report that I am still AL free, day 8. I went back to the doc's this morning and he was really happy with the difference in me. I was at a social event on Tuesday where AL was present. I armed myself well before I went and I wasn't even tempted. I don't want to ramble on about the details but if anyone wants to know feel free to PM me.

    Mike, I felt exactly as you do a few days ago, it does get better! Hang in there, getting a bottle would only add to the negative feelings you are having about yourself right now. We are having a heatwave here in the UK, actually getting a summer, woohoo!

    Enjoy a happy and sober Friday everyone
    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


      Newbies Nest

      Well it's Friday,

      Ok friends today is my court day at 1 pm for the DUI, transporting AL in a dry county, and speeding. All positive thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated, and one of the jobs I applied for is scheduling interviews today, Pray I get a call.

      Lets all make a plan to stay AF this WE. I have mine do you?

      Mike - drinking again will only start the process all over. I know exactly how you feel I begged someone to just let me have enough for the shakes to stop, or wean/taper me. No such luck, and now as I look back I am glad. For me if it would have been easy I probably would not be sober now. Trust me my friend it does get better June3, Lav and broken halo are all right. Cyber hugs to you my friend.

      Will check in after court.
      Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Nesters!

        Been too busy to check in the last few days, so feel a bit out of the loop. However have kept the Nest in mind; I draw great strength from it.

        Congratulations, Little Beagle, getting through the weekend with your friends - Day 75

        Good luck at court, JDG, and hope you hear about a job interview, too.

        Tess, how are things with you?

        Mike: Protein! Nothing like a big breakfast, preferably with eggs, to set you up for the day

        Take care everyone,
        AF free since April 29, 2013


          Newbies Nest

          Good luck to you JDG
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            Newbies Nest

            Hi, Samstone

            How are you doing? Congratulations on hitting 60 days yesterday. Feels GOOD, doesn't it?

            :h NS


              Newbies Nest

              Good Luck JDG.

              Mike, hang in there, and Steady is right, a good breakfast may make you feel better, then a nice walk.

              Happy Friday everyone, here's to an AF weekend for all!
              "A good garden may have some weeds"
              Thomas Fuller


                Newbies Nest

                Big weekend to test me coming up. I have a big BBQ with friends tomorrow and plenty of people that I don't know will be there. That is normally a cue for me to drink myself into oblivion. And Sunday a family BBQ with lots of family friends around.

                Perfect weather. Loads of booze will be around, but I am looking forward to socialising on my own terms. kind of looking forward to feeling nervous and buzzing off my own feelings. Normally to alcohol numbs the nervousness and other emotions......


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi, Londoner

                  Anticipating events as challenges rather than dreading them as ordeals can make all the difference! Going into the situation with a positive attitude will help you meet your goal. Think how much more fun you will have on Sunday, not being hungover from what you did on Saturday. Watching people's reactions to the new you kind be fun in a way and it is very interesting. The people who seem uncomfortable likely have thought that perhaps they too should be doing exactly what you ARE doing!

                  Have a great AF weekend, all nesters! :h


                    Newbies Nest

                    Late check in for me....gosh, I've just been slammed at work! I'm not complaining, as a commissioned salesperson, busy is good! But I hate it when work interferes with my social life!! :H
                    Londoner, I was always the life the party....(once I had booze in me). Turns out, the party was actually just fine without my acting a fool! Be sure to eat BEFORE you go...I know, it sounds odd, but trust me it helps...and take your own drinks. I usually take diet coke, caffeine free when I go to a party. Get your own drink in your hands as soon as you get there or someone will try and get one for you. Arrive a little late so you aren't standing around feeling like you have blue hair. Get your excuse rolling off your tongue! You'll be fine. We expect nothing less! You got this!
                    Mike, so glad you are seeing this thru! Glad to hear that you are able to eat something...progress!!
                    Remember, Friday is just another day on the calendar, not an excuse to drink....we don't DESERVE anything but happiness at the end of this long week, and booze won't get us there! It takes it away! Hang tough and fight back!
                    Samstone! Look at you! 60 days earns you 2 hats from the nest!!! GREAT JOB!
                    RATS, I can't add hats on an edit.....*
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello Fellow Nesters,

                      Just checking in to say "Hey" to all of you. I am proud of every one of you. Stay strong and stay close to The Nest.

                      Mom's cancer involves several organs. She has more-or-less decided to forego any aggressive treatment options (chemo and radiation), and let "nature" run its course. The surgeon and oncologist have told her that she is "The Boss" of her body and her life, and I am doing my level best to respect that.

                      I just feel the need to say, again, to please take your health seriously. Stop drinking, for starters. Have ALL cancer screenings that are recommended by your healthcare provider. Putting them off only increases the chance that you will die an untimely death.

                      To all nurses: you will forever have my undying respect.

                      To all Newbies to The Nest: what helped me in the early days was to replace alcohol with other colorful and fabulous beverages. It was a small thing but it helped me a lot. Also, I knew that if I did not get sober I was going to continue down the path of self-destruction. So I had to fight for sobriety. It wasn't always easy. But it has been totally worth it. I would not go back to my "drinking career" for love nor money (as my grandma says). Nope. Just not worth it.
                      Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                      The man pulling radishes
                      pointed the way
                      with a radish. ISSA


                        Newbies Nest

                        Tess, I am so sorry to hear about your mom's prognosis. I just can't imagine being in her shoes or yours. Such good advice, even as you are working to overcome things yourself. Prevention is a lot easier than damage control....that goes for our problem too.
                        Thank you for checking in...we are all holding you close in our thoughts and hope for the best possible outcome. Strength to you....Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello to Everyone. Day 6 without drinking. Its really become a whole lot better. Its the weekend and the cravings are just calling and calling. Almost gave in. Finally got out and there it was the liquor store. Still have the shakes but glad the appetite came back. I have to find a way to get these cravings out of my head. Just will keep reading and reading and post something positive. What a great help this site has been.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Sorry to monopolize the afternoon here.....but Mike, if you can get out and experience some new things, it's amazing what that does for your head. Just getting out of the house and getting some new memories in there helps, if that makes sense. When you are home you tend to ruminate about things and relive/rehash the same ole things...but making new AF memories lets you reflect on something good at the end of the day. If you can, try to do something nice for someone else who's in a worse place than you are! If you have a can call a local nursing home and take it over to visit the residents there. Now THAT is sobering...those poor souls don't see anyone else but each other for weeks on end. They are so grateful! Or buy some cookies and take them over to a neighbor who has trouble getting out and about. Anything that will take the "poor me's" out of your head will help! Poor me's turn in to Pour me's!!! I am so proud of you!!! You are DOING THIS!! Tomorrow, you'll get your MOON!
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Back on day one again....I got so upset lasst night over something my ex posted on facebook and went to the store and bought a bottle of wine and drank the whole thing. Of course then I was texting my 16 year old because I'm hurt he is moving in with his dad today versus going away to get help for his drug problems and all that goes along with that. I had to be in the dentist chair at 8:00 am and I am sure my breath still smelled like wine. I will continue to try as I know one of these trys will eventually be the one that frees me from this terrible demon. Byrdie I love your post that is so ture about the pour me's!


                                Newbies Nest

                                MikeInMass;1531460 wrote: Hello to Everyone. Day 6 without drinking. Its really become a whole lot better. Its the weekend and the cravings are just calling and calling. Almost gave in. Finally got out and there it was the liquor store. Still have the shakes but glad the appetite came back. I have to find a way to get these cravings out of my head. Just will keep reading and reading and post something positive. What a great help this site has been.
                                Dear MikeInMass,

                                My fellow nester, it's good to get out of the house. When you go out, drive a different route (if at all possible). Try to avoid driving by the liquor store and other places, perhaps bars, that might be a trigger for you. You could take very short walks that are close to your home. It's important to have a "change of scenery" and get some fresh air, yes. But, as I say, avoid your old "stomping grounds" if you can. Congrats on Day 6. Awesome!! Well done!! :balloon: I'm sending you a balloon because I happen to love them!! Stay the course. We can do this together!!
                                Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                                The man pulling radishes
                                pointed the way
                                with a radish. ISSA

