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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks Lav!
    Se you on the moro,and all others who check in!
    *clucks earnestly*


      Newbies Nest

      Hi to all, Back to day 4 today. sun is shining and feeling good.

      NorC, great on day 2, the first time I had to get through day 3 and 4 were the worst for me. but it got soo much easier. wishing you a happy and strong day 3

      Mel09, great job on 30 days!! TW, way to go avoiding that beer. Those white knuckle drives are horrible

      chook, Those simple moments are even more beautiful when AF. Sound like a busy, stresssful week. Those are real triggers for me too. hang in there. everyday is a victory.
      and someetimes every hour.

      Lav, thank you for taking such good care of the nest..calling us home to rest , feels good.
      I hope your tests are ok and nothing serious?

      Luv to all, MM


        Newbies Nest

        Thought I'd check in & let everyone know all is well 12 days AF..when the sun sets tomorrow & I go to bed it will be two weeks. We head off to Chicago for an early Thanksgiving celebration with my folks this weekend...will spend Thanksgiving here in town.

        The sun is back, the snow is melting, but it's still COLD!...The Indian summer was SO NICE!



          Newbies Nest

          Hi everyone

          I am attempting Day 1. I've been drinking for 35 years and have never, to my recollection, gone a whole week without. (Disgusting to read that)

          I am on baclofen and am praying this will give me the strength to do it this time, along with the support of you wonderful folks here. Please pray for me.


          Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
          That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
          Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
          Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


            Newbies Nest

            Welcome Phoenix

            PhoenixRising;759209 wrote: I am attempting Day 1. I've been drinking for 35 years and have never, to my recollection, gone a whole week without. (Disgusting to read that)

            I am on baclofen and am praying this will give me the strength to do it this time, along with the support of you wonderful folks here. Please pray for me.


            You're in good company...lot's of support here. :welcome:

            I hadn't gone a day without drinking in memory probably since....1985 when I was in a country in the middle east where I was working & it was forbidden...there may have been times after that...but I don't remember them....until the last two week.
            We're doing Topamax, the hypno tapes & the supplements...& of course the wonderful support here!



              Newbies Nest

              RejuvenateBodyMindandSpirit;759244 wrote: You're in good company...lot's of support here. :welcome:

              I hadn't gone a day without drinking in memory probably since....1985 when I was in a country in the middle east where I was working & it was forbidden...there may have been times after that...but I don't remember them....until the last two week.
              We're doing Topamax, the hypno tapes & the supplements...& of course the wonderful support here!

              Wow, two weeks, huh? I am in awe...

              Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
              That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
              Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
              Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                Newbies Nest

                12 days yesterday...will be two week tomorrow

                Rejuve :-)


                  Newbies Nest

                  Keep it up - you can do it.

                  RejuvenateBodyMindandSpirit - wow your name is long.

                  Good job on the 2 weeks - that is great.
                  Keep the next view: i.e. 2 months, or whatever that is the next milestone, but focus on it. What kept you going on the 2 weeks will give you strength. Courage
                  Goal: Stay on the wagon


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters!

                    Feeling a little tired tonight after a long but good day

                    MM, I was in for routine, annual type testing today, no problem. Glad you are having a good week!

                    Chook, I'm keeping my fingers crossed as always for you - I think I hear a little clucking coming from your part of the nest. That's always music to my ears

                    Rejuve, sending you congrats (a few hours early) on your 2 AF weeks! It really is a great feeling, isn't it? Enjoy your early Thanksgiving this weekend. Maybe you'll run into Tranq in Chicago - you never know!!

                    Hello & welcome to Phoenix & De-Sauced!! Great names!
                    Please make yourselves comfortable in the nest, settle in for as long as you like! I've been here since Feb., AF since March & have no intention of leaving anytime soon - it's a nice place
                    Tell us more about yourselves & please let us know if we can help in anyway. You can always PM me if you like.

                    I'm settling down a little earlier than usual but the night light will be on for any late comers.
                    Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi All.

                      Get some rest Lav - you deserve it for keeping this nest all tidy and having the soup ready. Hey, wonder if we can fly down in time to crash Chook's bday party. I'm really a kid at heart. Ha!

                      Hang in there Chickster. Lotsa love behind you here! I like the rainbow story - a simple pot of gold eh?

                      Flight of the Phoenix. I love it. Welcome! Way to go on taking a big step. Get a few af days under your belt, then watching each day unfold with a clear head gets easier and easier.

                      Rejuve's two weeks is fantastic. You guys have to be feeling great! Welcome [in advance] to Chicago. I'm not shy if you want to hookup -- just shoot me a pm. If not, that's okay too - a bit of a crazy weekend for all I think. However, if the weather is decent - it'll have to be on the course!

                      Mighty, congrats on day 4. You're right, it gets easier as you let each day go by. Yep, driving is no fun in bad weather - its interesting that I was able to recognize the crave while I was driving, so I had the pause I needed to talk myself down before I made it home. I've been noticing that when an unexpected urge shows up, there's almost always something else in play - tension, hunger, fatigue, thirst... seems like half the battle is just taking good care of our own needs, and not getting hung-up in self-pity and all that.

                      Take care all.
                      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi nesters,,

                        tw, I agree with you . I'm finding also that there is usually, like you said, something else in play. I pause and ask myself, what is it you truely want. For example tonight I was working in the basement after dinner. Cleaning and reorganizing when I started feeling it... and like you Ipaused and pondered what is this about? It was, I was tired, I wanted to quit and I was thirsty. So I quit, got some water, curled up on the couch and went on my lap top to visit everyone before I go to bed.

                        Lav, glad nothing serious. I'm behind on my mamogram myself.

                        Rejuve, great job on 12 days!!!

                        Welcome Phoenox, Glad your here. I just started here nov 8 and the support and genuine caring I got here made all the difference for me. I was able to make 6 days AF for the first time in years and it opened up a world of posibilities for me..Keep visiting, reading, posting...Your on your way. one day at a time!

                        Hi de saused

                        good night to all, MM


                          Newbies Nest

                          De-Sauced;759427 wrote: RejuvenateBodyMindandSpirit - wow your name is long.

                          Good job on the 2 weeks - that is great.
                          Keep the next view: i.e. 2 months, or whatever that is the next milestone, but focus on it. What kept you going on the 2 weeks will give you strength. Courage
                          You can call me Rejuve for short... :H....Thanks ...the milestone was 2 weeks AF & then moderation's the plan.

                          Lav, TW, Annie other nesters ...I am transitioning to the moderation forums ...& you may see me from time to time in some of the general discussions....& I may still pop in from time to time here in the nest, your support has been wonderfully appreciated.

                          :thanks: :l



                            Newbies Nest

                            Welcome Pheonix and Desaused!

                            Our Lav is a great Nest-Mum and makes us all feel cosey here and there is no judgement! I keep coming back to the Nest for the simple fact that of all the sites times it feels the safest,the most comfortable!

                            I am still on struggle-road myself,so to all the Newbies,don't be discouraged, because everyday you come here and talk is another inner-change, another step toward AF-dom!
                            Tranq-thanks for the encouragment for the wee chick's b'day, I am going to need it! (But am looking forward to it!)
                            Rejuve-make sure you call back in some time.
                            Where in heck is Beag's these days??
                            How is Sooty going?
                            annie-how goes it?
                            Chook *clucks gently* and snuggles onto her cosey twig!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters!

                              Another sunny morning - love it!

                              Chook, I can hear your gentle clucking - can you see me smiling :H
                              I think Tranq has a good idea - we could fly down this weekend & help you with your party! Well at least we're sending you strength & :l

                              Rejuve, wishing you good luck in your future endeavors! Stop in & say hello, OK?

                              Greetings to MM, Phoenix & De-Sauced! Hope Wednesday is good for you. Check in soon

                              Well, this 'Nest-Mum' has a busy day ahead & better go get started!
                              :h to all of you!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                hello to all and happy weds.... it's sunnny were I am too. Day 5 and feeling good

                                Have a great day Lav. Rejuve, best of luck on your mod journey. We all want you to find what is best for you...keep in touch

                                Chook, that is a nice idea, fly out and swarm around you as you go through your crazy week. we would help you with your party and tell stories and crack jokes. we would all be smiling and laughing so much we wouldn't even think of AL. Have a good day and I am thinking of you.

                                Pheonix, How did it go? We are here for you, no judging.

                                Love, MM

                                ("I get knocked down, but I get up again, aint nothing going to keep me down")

