Hey there nesters! Hot hazy humid over here in Toronto. Byrdie I agree, the more we post the less chance of a relapse. I guess I tried to moderate for years but not with a lot of determination. I was always negotiating with myself. Only drink on weekends, don't bring it to the house. Don't buy wine, don't buy beer. Only drink beer. Don't buy spirits. Only drink 2. Drink every other day. At one point I was coming home from a 9 pm to 5 am shift and drinking until 8 am. I justified it saying my world was backwards. But really, who needs to be drinking at 7 am? I had 11 days under my belt when I found this site. I didn't know then that I would quit forever, I read and I found out that if I drink one I will be back at it. I found out that if I try to quit again it will be harder. I also found out that I like being a non drinker. Who knew? I was terrified in the beginning. So afraid I couldn't do it. So afraid I would hate my life, not have fun, be constantly anxious. Apparently even that wore off! I learned about it all here before it happened. If I didn't have you and your support I can safely say I'd be drinking now. Thank you for all you do.
No announcement yet.
Newbies Nest
Newbies Nest
Hey there nesters! Hot hazy humid over here in Toronto. Byrdie I agree, the more we post the less chance of a relapse. I guess I tried to moderate for years but not with a lot of determination. I was always negotiating with myself. Only drink on weekends, don't bring it to the house. Don't buy wine, don't buy beer. Only drink beer. Don't buy spirits. Only drink 2. Drink every other day. At one point I was coming home from a 9 pm to 5 am shift and drinking until 8 am. I justified it saying my world was backwards. But really, who needs to be drinking at 7 am? I had 11 days under my belt when I found this site. I didn't know then that I would quit forever, I read and I found out that if I drink one I will be back at it. I found out that if I try to quit again it will be harder. I also found out that I like being a non drinker. Who knew? I was terrified in the beginning. So afraid I couldn't do it. So afraid I would hate my life, not have fun, be constantly anxious. Apparently even that wore off! I learned about it all here before it happened. If I didn't have you and your support I can safely say I'd be drinking now. Thank you for all you do.Newbies Nest
My accountability thread
Newbies Nest
I want to see the glamorous pics of Brydie.
I too was on here along time ago. The board has changed so much since then. It was the early days when the board was just first started....it actually was even in a different format and that board I find sometimes when I google. It's not active but you can read some on it.
Everyone was trying to moderate. Very few were abstained. Lots of people where on Topamax....and having bad side effects. It was a mess and I saw a lot of people get into big trouble trying to moderate.
I am glad to see how much the board has changed. It really evolved as people realized they could not moderate. Still took me along time to get my rear on the wagon. This time my ass is super glued to it
Brydie I have horror stories from the AD. It was literally amazing how much I could drink and still be alive. I agree they are handed out too often. People don't understand it is normal to feel down for periods of time. But, I don't discount that they do help people when properly prescribed and monitored .
I recently read that a study was done that heavy users of FaceBook are more likely to be depressed about their lives. People have to remember that people only put the good stuff on FB....it's not real life. I scroll through my account and see happy drinking pictures of me. I keep them because only I know how that night ended. Usually me with my head in the toilet....waking up so bloated it looked as if my face gained ten pounds overnight.
Newbies Nest
Good afternoon, All (it's 5.15pm in Aust.)
Just back from my doctor. He's very pleased i remain AF
Yes, as has been said, we didn't become alcoholic overnight. What an insidious beast it is; it crept up on me after many, many years where i was pushing my luck.
I give thanks for MWO and fellow-Nesters. May you all continue to travel well on the AF path.
strapped into the Nest,
:hAF free since April 29, 2013
Newbies Nest
Good Tuesday morning Nesters
No sunshine yet, maybe later along with a lot of heat & humidity I'm afraid.
June, you sound quite happy & contented & that's great
Steady, glad you are seeing positive results!
SF, I've seen quite a few people come & go from MWO over the past 4 years. I started out thinking I wanted to moderate at some point but once I quit I just stayed quit. Someone here told me to ask myself honestly if I was ready for one or two drinks. That was right before I reached my 30 AF days. I am still not ready & truly have no desire to test the waters
Have a great AF Tuesday everyone!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Newbies Nest
Hello Nesters! I am just off to work, wanted to pop in and say hi and wish you all a good Tuesday. I've been to the gym, the library and am now ready to start my working today. Stark contrast with that sad looking drunk who was sitting here a couple of weeks ago. Thank you all for your help and support over the last few weeks, it's been a massive help to meWhatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe
Newbies Nest
Morning, Nesters!
About to hit the road!!
SF and Lav, the boards have changed a lot in my 3 and a half years here!! No one apologizes for being AF anyone.....no one tip toes around encouraging people to get and remain AF. None of us back away from saying that for anyone on this site...ONE drink is too many. I believe fear holds so many of us back, like 3J's was saying, we are just afraid of what 'might be'. But in reality, it wasn't/isn't as hard as I'd imagined....and over time it is a DAM sight easier than drinking (the way I was doing it). Life is easier. Not to say there aren't hard times, but they aren't compounded by addiction. So on that note, I will see you all tonight! Have a wonderful AF Tuesday!! Byrdie
Newbies Nest
Good morning!
Byrd, I love reading your posts, both old and new!
Hope Mike checks in soon. Thinking about ya buddy.
Steadfast, your name says it all, you are holding strong and fighting!
Off to work with a smile on my face, visions of my new home dancing in my head.
I could never have pulled of finding, negotiating, moving, etc if I were still drinking. I would never be able to even afford it, let alone do all the work it takes to organize and execute a move.
Hold strong everyone, the longer we are away from alcohol, the more ourselves we become.Day 1 again 11/5/19
Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
11/27/19: messed up but back on track
12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track
One day at a time.
Newbies Nest
some interesting comments of the history of this site. When I first came upon it, got the book and so forth, it seemed that it was geared towards moderation. I had sent the link to my sister, who has been sober for some years (she's a long time AAer), thought the same. Because of the book, I actually kinda sorta thought about the meds because I want to be able the have a few. My fear of the meds out weighed that idea. Because I had been AF for a couple years before my last 5-10 year bout, I knew the scoop down deep. So I lurked here, kept reading and saw that moderation was only a part of the picture here. Not saying it can't work for some, won't work for me.
SSLiberated 5/11/2013
Newbies Nest
LostSoul33 Has 30 days!
Congratulations, Lost (and Found!) Soul, on a full month of AF success!!!
You have come so far so quickly and with such enthusiasm and encouragement for others!
If you have some time, please share your wisdom with The Nest!
Love, NS (substitute hat-awarder while the beloved Ms. Byrdie drives and of course does not text at the same time!!)
Newbies Nest
Lasha;1532991 wrote: Hi All,
Been through a tough time and moderation went out of the window. My 3 ciders a day went to 5 litres a day for a while.
Day 3 AF now so any tips would be helpful?
Hi, Lasha
I see you've been on MWO awhile so probably have read the toolbox. It is a good re-read if its been awhile. Plus, posts that you read at one stage of this journey that maybe don't mean much sometimes really hit home when you read them later. It is as if we have to be in a certain place before we can really 'hear' what the poster is saying.
Moderation is what some people who don't join on online forum such as MWO can do. Most people who even think of coming here probably can't moderate. Once that goal is put aside, this is a winnable battle!
Stay close to the nest, Lasha, and read and post and read and post. Spend what time you used to spend drinking hanging out on MWO. If you're like most of us, that is quite a bit of time! Make this your # 1 priority for now and after you get the hat that LS earned today, you can tell us how you did it!
:h NS
EDITED to add: Congratulations on already being 3 days AF - the worst of the physical part should be almost over!!!
Newbies Nest
HI all. Day 4 for me. I'm feeling pretty good. However, I'm not going to be all "Oh, I'm cured" I've went a week before, a month, 2 months. I'm just glad to be sober today.
Hoping my check is here today and going to run some errands with my daughter and do some hard core studying tonight for finals.
I'm so ready for summer classes to be over and to have a 5 week break before starting my last 2 semesters of school.
Hope everyone is having a great day.
Newbies Nest
Thank you so very much NS, feller nesters and MWO!!
Today is quite emotional for me (I am actually crying happy tears!) as I think back to where I was not too long ago and how far I have come since freeing myself this debilitating disease.
The last month has been the most exhilarating time of my life. I can honestly say, I am the happiest I have ever been. And as I build upon furthering myself from AL, I know it will only get better. I have nothing but gratitude for getting this second chance to live the best life possible
The beauty of this journey is sharing it with each and every one of you-- knowing we are in this together to support, help, listen and share is what has gotten me to a place I never dreamed possible.
And NS, how befitting that you are the one to recognize this accomplishmentIt was your words in the very beginning really pushed me to make the change and stick to the decision. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being there every step of the way.
And to everyone on MWO, THANK YOU! I look forward to celebrating all of your milestones, big or small, everyday we choose to stay AF is a tremendous accomplishment and all the more reason to stay on the path to living a truly joyful life.
I am so very proud of us.
Lots of love :heart::heart: