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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning the Nest!

    HOw is everyone this Saturday morning?
    WOW- Pops! So GOOD to here from you! I feel like I have had a visit from my Grandpa and it has made all right with the world!!! How is G? HAPPY 50th to you!

    My precious 2nd chick awoke me at 4:45am his morning,wondering around the house:upset: Then proceeded to wriggle & giggle next to me until 5:30am when I gave up and got up! Not the start I planned for a busy day,pre-party! Needless to say I have already had two coffees and am contemplating a third.

    I think....think (being the operative word) that I may be back on track,but it is far too early to tell for sure and what with the party and all ahead of me,I am just going to coast like this for a wee bit. However,I am pleased to report that today will be Day3 AF!

    Last night the cravings were HUGE! I spent all afternoon from about 3pm until 7pm playing mind wars with myself and drinking numerous cups of milo/tea/lemon water etc!! But I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thank goodness too, cause the early start would have nailed me for this weekend!!!

    I have been left with awful sinus congestion from the feel like I am wearing wet cement all over my face at the being AF is very good for healing right now!For now my plan, is to not have a plan, just to go AF for as long as I can.

    Lav- I love the fact that I can count on you to be here for us! Work has amped up for me in the last few weeks, and although I am enjoying it, it is also requiring more from me.Next week we have a wedding to go to and I don't even know how I shall approach that one in regards to AL/AF etc. Will just get through this b'day party first and then think on the rest. haven't even got an outfit for it yet...*sigh*

    Pheonix- well done! The harder you fight for it, the better you feel about yourself when you win and beat the demon on your back!
    MM- Crazy week is a good description! I don't think I've come up for air yet! But I'm sure I'm not the only one who blinks and misses a week here or there..don't even need AL to help do that these days..time just runs away from me these days! But if you guys could all send lots of zen my way at about 3pm my time on Sunday,that would be GREAT!
    Jolie- I think I've finally come to the same realisation! That it will take a few goes,but as long as I keep trying that is the main thing! Not giving up.
    Tranq-You are sending out lots of wisdom! great job!
    Sooty- good to hear you girl!I will email Beags and try to see how she is going!
    To all the Rest-keep posting and stayiing strong!:h


      Newbies Nest

      Hey everyone.

      WoW Chooks, I'm out of breath just reading your post - busy is good, but don't forget to be good to yourself along the way! I'll try to send some good karma downstream on Sunday!

      Phoenix, you rock! I'm sure you feel good - it's amazing what can happen when you let the good stuff come.

      Way to go on day five Jolie!

      Hi Renewal. Happy b-day! You know every year past 50 is downhill - so we really start to get younger again!

      Lav - I don't know if I get smarter, or my thick skull gets softer. Ha! Maybe the wisdom comes from knocking my head against the wall so many times - or learning to stop fighting it.

      MightyM - how you doin' today?

      Have a great evening everyone! Take care!
      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


        Newbies Nest

        Hi TW, Doing good its friday night and I'm AF...going to go for Saturday too. Thanks for the support.

        Hang in there Chks, You've been in my thoughts..,Those insainly busy times are hard but you sound like you've made it through most of it.Hang in there we are all routing for you. and I have sooo been there. Me large family married into large family and have 3 children. they are almost grown now but I can relate.

        Hugs, MM


          Newbies Nest

          Evening Nesters,

          Chook, good to hear from you
          Sorry about the sinus thing - have been there & done that before. Steam them open in the shower - it helps! Your girls are really geared up for the party......I remember those days! If Tranq can get over here to pick me up I'm pretty sure we can fly down in time to give you a hand
          Enjoy the day & I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you - I know you can do whatever you really want to do. Cluck!

          Phoenix, Jolie & MM - you guys have been doing great, stick with your plans this weekend! You will love the results

          I'm dog sitting the 'Insanity Twins' this weekend. For those of you that don't know - they are my son's 2 retarded golden retrievers.......they are a handful! I just love having 4 dogs in my face all weekend........

          Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters,

            Where is everybody today??????????
            Hope you all have a good day.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Hi nest Mum - hope you're not too exhausted by the dogs!
              Chook great to see you, sinus pain is a bummer - do as Lav says and use steam, it really does help.
              Tranq keep knocking your head against that wall - the penny will drop for us all eventually I'm sure!
              Phoenix, MM and Jolie, well done - you guys rock. Keep it up boom boom
              See you all tomorrow


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Lav! Sooty!

                I'll keep banging it for as long as it takes to soften it up. If pennies start dropping we might all be rich! LoL!

                Sorry I wasn't around earlier Lav -- had to sneak in a little more golf. 55f today. Playing this time of year is really bonus golf - we usually don't get to play this late in the year. Playing tomorrow too.

                Good luck with the party Chickster. Mouse, Phoenix, everyone be good!

                I've gotta get dinner on - a little ravioli with sun dried tomato pesto.

                Take care.
                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Sooty & Tranq,

                  Glad at least some of us are alive & well

                  Sooty, I know you've been having rotten weather...........stay warm & dry!

                  Tranq, enjoy your bonus golf days - they're special!

                  I've been left dog sitting this weekend, boooooring!!! Oh well!

                  Wish you guys a safe night in the nest. I'd better leave the night light on for any latecomers!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Back from concert. Stayed AF! Checking in to say hello and goodnight to all.

                    Will enjoy my Sunday clear headed. Yea!!



                      Newbies Nest

                      Well done MM. In day to day life I'm not having so much of a problem now, but that is something I think I'd still find very difficult, glad you were able to go and enjoy yourself though and come away none the worse.

                      I'm 5 weeks today. Have finished reading the pdf, now need to get organized with things. The last two times I fell, it was at the 8 week/60 day mark, so will probably have to take some more precautions around then. Take care everybody.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Everyone

                        I haven't been around, but I need to share my success story. I got on Topamax and I got hypnosis tapes and supplements from MWO. As of yesterday I was AF for five days!

                        Tonight I decided to buy a bottle of wine. I don't know why; as you all know there's something psychological/emotional about drinking and it's Saturday night and I just felt like having some wine. I had one glass. ONE GLASS!! I can NEVER, EVER stop at just one glass, but I just don't feel like having any more than that.

                        Oh my God, I am falling on my knees in thankfulness to God for this, I honestly am. I so did not want to ever go to AA and it looks like He's answering my prayers!

                        If anyone is new to this and doesn't want to spend the money on the supplements and the hypnosis tapes, please throw caution to the wind and just do it. You will be so happy that you did. They make such a difference! (I'm sure the Topamax helps, but I think the tapes are doing something amazing.)

                        Thank you all for being here for me!



                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters,

                          MM, congrats on your successful evening out! I hope you are feeling proud!

                          Mel, 5 weeks AF - that's awesome, great job! I'm happy to hear that you have recognized the need to revise your plan to help you get past the next few weeks. I think I maintained my focus by not listening to the chatter going on in my head.......I just ignored it! I am 99% sure that I need to remain AF for the rest of my life, so that's my plan

                          Annie, congrats on your 5 AF days! You really do need that time to clear your head. I love the CDs too, still use them for reinforcement! Good to hear that your move into moderate drinking was a success for you. I'm not even going to give it a try myself.......don't think I can handle it!

                          With the holidays approacing I've decided the best thing for me is to remain AF! Thanksgiving day will be 8 AF months for me! I'm just not willing to screw up at this point, I would never be able to forgive myself. So, if anyone coming here wants a drink they'll have to bring their own. Mr Lav maintains his beer supply in the garage fridge......that doesn't tempt me! I haven't stepped foot in a liquor store since last March & I plan to keep it that way I love feeling no pressure, no temptation - it's good!

                          Wishing everyone a great Sunday. I'll be herding dogs around here all day.......can't wait until my son returns this evening to pick up his two.

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Everyone.

                            Another day of bonus golf today. Spring should be right around the corner now (wishful thinking)!

                            Annie - I could not have said it better myself. MWO is a fantastic bastion of hope. I was hopeless of ever being able to find any kind of control around al. Thanks RJ!

                            Mel - your af streak is fantastic. It's great that you're aware of your patterns and triggers. Sounds to me like you know how! ;} Way to go!

                            MightyM you rock too. I've always struggled with social situations and "party" atmospheres. Good job on the concert!

                            Chicks - hope your party went well.

                            Take care everyone!
                            Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                              Newbies Nest

                              Oops! Lav, Hello to you too of course! Hope you're holding up with the twins!

                              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Nesters,

                                One hour hour & the Insanity Twins will be on their way home -Yay!!
                                Do sitting shouldn't be so exhausting...........
                                Glad you got your golf day in Tranq. It may be the last one until the snow melts, ha ha

                                I'm ready to call it a day & I will as soon as my son drops in for his dogs!
                                I'll leave a night light on - hope some of the fledglings stop in...........

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

