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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks Lav. I know the up and down is normal. I keep reading about people having so much energy. I think I had that with the yoga and going to school....then wore myself out. It's nothing that good food and sleep can't fix.

    Brain is still wired to think how nice it would be kick back with a few drinks. But the thoughts of throwing up, feeling like crap the next day, running to the restroom, anxiety of what I may have done, letting everyone I love down, wanting more the next day....really ruins the whole idea


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Nesters, So glad I took a look again tonight here, I've been thinking about AL all night, husbands working, home alone, had a bit of a spat before he left, feel like WTF, but instead of caving in and going to buy a bottle of wine, I watched youtube videos about liver disease and alcoholism all night. Then just popped in here and I am further fortified.

      Don't beat yourself up Neddy, but do listen to Tess, NoSugar and Lav, they know better and it could have very well been me tonight beating you to that post. See you tomorrow at roll call.

      Welcome Scarlett and I feel you, I can cook dinner, play scrabble, clean house and do a load of laundry after a couple bottles of wine too - and then don't always remember the next morning what happened and do the tippy-toe dance the next day. Not a good feeling and I got so tired of feeling ashamed of myself. Glad you posted tonight and hope to see you around here.

      I'm 22 days AF now, and I'm hanging on. There's good days and bad, but wow, the good days feel so incredible - it really is worth it.

      This is a great and supportive place to be, going to be using the butt velcro tonight and stay in the nest. Goodnight all
      "A good garden may have some weeds"
      Thomas Fuller


        Newbies Nest

        Evening all. I just realized how tired I am. I wrote a really long, rambly post and then lost it. I'm just going to say nite.
        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


          Newbies Nest

          Good early morning all.
          Welcome Scarlett! Try getting one day AF first. You'll see if there's any reactions...
          When I stopped drinking, it was because I felt soooo bad. I truly could not tell if there was a reaction for a couple of days because I was just plain hungover. Keep hydrated. Keep checking in here, even if you don't post. Lurking here rubs off and makes you keep thinking about stopping. Be kind to yourself. You are worth it.
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters! Welcome to the nest Scarlett, nice to meet you! Please stick around the wonderful people here in the nest, you'll find some great help and advice here. Neddy, your slip is something else to add to your bag of tools. You are not happy about it and you are already looking at what happened and how you can fight it next time. We are on your side, so glad you came straight back here :l

            Well people, it is my birthday and I am off work today. Looking forward to a sober meal out later, today I am giving it big licks at the gym and doing a wee bit of shopping (shoes! :h) the money I have saved not drinking or smoking is quite phenomenal so I am treating myself. I hope everyone is well, whether it's day 1 or 101 every day without AL is a really good day
            Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


              Newbies Nest

              Hello Nesters,

              It's just about midnight here and I received a call from Dad that Mom is struggling a bit and asking for me. I believe that she is in emotional pain more than physical, but I am heading over to their house and will find out more when I get there. I may be away for a day or two.

              HAPPY BIRTHDAY Broken Halo!! Enjoy those new shoes!!

              Take good care, All. ~
              Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

              The man pulling radishes
              pointed the way
              with a radish. ISSA


                Newbies Nest

                Thank you Tess, hope everything is ok with your Mum :l
                Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning nesters, Here I am the day after the night before. Thanks for all the advice especially from Tess2 last night, Gardener and Lavande.

                  Broken Halo you are absolutely right, it's just another tool to use to examine and learn with. Have a great birthday - you deserve it.

                  Tess I am so sorry to hear about your mum. I really hope everything is okay.

                  Have a good day people. I will check back later to see how you all are. I am off to buy lots of fresh fruit and vegetables to make myself lots of healthy juices and smoothies.

                  I might be back at day one but don't feel as if it's square one. I am gonna beat this thing.

                  "I used to be on the guest list, but now I'm on the nest list!"

                  Newbies Nest:



                    Newbies Nest

                    Scarlett, welcome! I'm a newbie to MWO as well!!

                    It is true, stopping cold turkey could be dangerous. I know for me, I can't move for days afterwards. It's extremely painful, the anxiety is beyond bearable, and my heart feels like it would stop at any minute. A hospital can help you come off the sauce comfortably and safely if your detox is too rough. It sounds pretty 'trigger' happy in your home life. I hope that you find new ways to cope through your journey of sobriety.

                    To everyone...Good morning (depending on what part of the world you're in) I'm a fresh on the wagon newbie determined to pick myself up again and thank you for such a wonderful place. I'm pumped to continue my journey with you all here. I am indeed grateful of you all this morning!
                    ?If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without.? - Eckhart Tolle

                    To contact me, please msg me here:
                    Baclofen for Alcoholism


                      Newbies Nest

                      morning nesters

                      Tess - hope your Mum is okay

                      Scarlett - welcome. there's lots of great advice & support here

                      BH - Happy Birthday - hope you have a nice day!

                      Neddy Merrill;1535964 wrote: I might be back at day one but don't feel as if it's square one. I am gonna beat this thing.
                      good attitude. I'm going to say the same as Tess - you need to be a bit selfish, especially in early sobriety, & not put yourself in risky situations where you might be tempted to drink. you said yourself that you knew that you were putting yourself at risk before you went ...

                      another nice day here today. not such a great night's sleep last night, lots of vivid AL dreams, but I guess that's par for the course at this stage.

                      day3 for me today, always my danger day (borrowed from JackieClaire):

                      Day 1) Feeling proper crap.
                      Day 2) Bit better not much sleep, less crapper
                      Day 3) So much better, what was the problem.............I'll just have a couple

                      so a day to be alert, keep busy & watch for triggers

                      hope everyone has a great AF day



                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning Nesters,

                        Halo have a great birthday you deserve it. :bday7: and the shoes

                        Neddy look a this as a learning curve. I wished my 1st 2nd 3rd etc quit would have stuck. The most important thing is the realization you have of how important this place is to our quit. I am now almost 30 days (tomorrow), but I could not have done it without the love and support of this site. I fell many times and had to come back and admit a relapse. There was always love and support and sometimes a swift kick in the butt, when needed. This is a one step at a time race. Thanks for letting us run with you.

                        Tess-2 you and your family has been so heavy on my heart. Praying for ya'll. I agree to the wise words that you are a mum in training. You are such a strong lady and your mother is very blessed to have you in her life. You are also blessed to be able to be there for her and your dad during this time. Lots of love and prayers for you all.

                        Welcome Scarlett, Mandiekinz:welcome:

                        SDA hang tough friend, don't let that slick, silver speeched demon trick you today. Concentrate on how good you feel and know it only gets better. Go forward not backward.

                        Have a great day
                        Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Wow JDGirl
                          good on your impending 30 days.
                          I forgot to say a welcome to Mandiekinz, so WELCOME!

                          Liberated 5/11/2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            I need to take a bath in gingko... I forgot:
                            Happy birthday there Halo!
                            Liberated 5/11/2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning, Nesters!
                              Samstone, isn't it nice to simply forget things instead of 'not remembering' them. Just losing chuncks of time's so nice to be present for what is happening....sometimes things slip thru the sieve, but not entire days!! Your avatar is a good one for us all ....we are moving mountains around here!

                              Happy Re-Birthday Broken Halo!!!! Congrats on all fronts!!! We are all so happy for you!! Celebrating with cake is so much better than booze!! Hope you have a great day!

                              Welcome Mandiekinz!! So glad to see you in the nest! Settle and post!!

                              Tess, my thoughts and prayers are with's a wonderful thing that you got that call at midnight and were in a position to act on it responsibly. 3 years ago, I'd have been incoherent at that will find the strength you need is there. Hugs dear lady.

                              Neddy....I wish I could sit here and say I got this on my first try but alas, in 2010 I imagine I had 100 Day 1's. I've spotted you to be much smarter than I, so we are all pulling for you....this is a skill like anything else and you get better at it! We're so glad you are with us. AL is a real bastard.

                              Lil Beagle, it is so defeating to lose a big post. SOMETIMES you can get it back by right clicking and hitting 'undo'. That doesn't always work but it does sometimes!

                              TheSunFlower.....there are just some flat 'spells' that happen along the way. Our Lolab used to address those so eloquently....I'm going to hack it up but here's my take on it. If you plotted your progress on a graph over the last 12 months, the period where you've been AF is always going in the right direction generally!! There may be a few flat spots and some days that are even down a bit, but overall, compared to last year, you are probably WAY UP the charts on progress. (insert graph with red and green lines here). You will also find that after a particularly tough flat spot, you will emerge from the other side with a big jump in your mood! I don't know why this is the case...but getting out of the slump is followed by a really great period of well-being! I'm not explaining this very well....I need my hands or something. How about this: It will pass and you'll feel better!! Ugg.

                              JDG, I'm in the hat closet putting the final touches on your hat!!! So proud of you!

                              I go from memory here so if I have missed anyone, please know it's not intentional.

                              Everyone sounds so positive, ready and willing to get this monkey off his/her back! We have a wonderful group of nesters at this time. I'm so sorry we are in this situation, but it is a privilege to be here with you all. Together, we can beat this!!

                              Happy Hump Day!! (says the camel) Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thanks for all the words of kindness and support fellow nesters.

                                Byrdie, I have, like you, been at day one so often. Thanks for helping me realise that persistence is the key to success.

                                Mandiekinz. Great to have you in the nest. It's a great place to be.

                                Thanks again everyone, it is so wonderful to have a place where I can come, be honest and get a perspective on this disease. am NOT going to let it beat me.

                                "I used to be on the guest list, but now I'm on the nest list!"

                                Newbies Nest:


