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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thank you, thank you Glad to be here.

    SDA - I hope you challenge today head on and fall asleep tonight with triumph. I'm sure we can all relate to those pesky waves in the early stages of recovery. Hang tough and keep yourself busy and power through it. Easier said than done though when it comes to an obsession.

    I'm on day 5 myself...finally clear of detox and now my stomach is turning for that sauce now that I have the ability to get out of bed and walk to the liquor store. It's funny how quickly we forget the pains and trials of our drinking. Then many women have more than one child?

    So glad to have so much on this forum to catch up on to keep me in the right mind frame and plenty of weeding to do to keep me busy. Hah...gratuity for weeds...the silly things in life...
    ?If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without.? - Eckhart Tolle

    To contact me, please msg me here:
    Baclofen for Alcoholism


      Newbies Nest

      Morning nesters! I slept better last night, although I had trouble falling asleep. At least now I know any sleep issues I have are not AL related. It's a consolation of sorts.

      I woke feeling good though, did a yoga workout on the deck. I am on my last of three days off and mostly just puttering around. The weather has changed drastically, it is cooler and sunny. Perfect day for a bike ride. I have a 25k route that takes me by the lake, it is through a bike path along a river and up a huge hill on the way home. I always dread the hill but it's at the end and it's the only way home!

      Sort of like ditching AL, it's an uphill ride but it's the only way home!

      Have a great day and if you're feeling any urges, any signs of a falter come here quickly, PM someone, keep talking and keep reading. You can do this!
      Newbies Nest
      My accountability thread


        Newbies Nest

        Good afternoon Nesters! Thank you very much for all the birthday wishes, much appreciated. The new shoes are purchased, well sandals really, so pretty! (It better not rain later!)

        As I thought, some of my birthday gifts were bottles of wine. I have left them in the boot of the car and I plan on leaving them there till I can give them to a family member later tonight. One of them is a really 'good' bottle of prosecco, which used to be a favourite of mine. I used to think there was nothing nicer in the world than a chilled glass of prosecco, especially on a summer's day. Except it was never just one, was it? I did have a fleeting moment of desire to bring it into the house, put it in the freezer to chill and have just one glass. I have been doing a lot of mental reprogramming and actually really thinking about the taste of alcohol. It's really not nice when you think about it. So I quickly reminded myself that prosecco actually tastes like stale piss and I would be far better off with a good old glass of OJ!

        AL was trying to trick me with those silly romantic thoughts that he got away with for years, but not this time! I plan on having an AL free birthday for the first time in years, and I am really looking forward to my meal later. Mandiekins, it's good to see you sticking close to the Nest, hang tough girlie, that trip to the liquor store simply isn't worth it. Take it out on those weeds :H

        Byrdie, Neddy, JDG, Sam, SD, and everyone, I hope you are all having a wonderful day, enjoy the smoothies Neddy, no way are you back to square one buddy, you simply learned something else to help arm you against AL in the future. Thanks again everyone :thanks:
        Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


          Newbies Nest

          broken halo you are brilliant! A shining example! Have a fabulous birthday and you will start this new year refreshed and proud of your accomplishments!! Good on you!
          Newbies Nest
          My accountability thread


            Newbies Nest

            PS, Tess if you are around hope all is okay, thinking about you x
            Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning everyone!
              I just wanted to bring to your attention that today is the 6 month milestone of NoSugar!

              Congratulations my friend! :goodjob:
              This is a very symbolic milestone... a day to reflect back on the past 6 months & also a day to set your sights on the next half year with what you envision for yourself.
              Enjoy your day... and celebrate your wonderful accomplishment! :l
              AF 6 years
              NF 7 years

              A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                Newbies Nest

                Thank you 3J, and I just saw on the roll call thread that you are plus 50 days, well done!:happy::happy:
                Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                  Newbies Nest

                  FallenAngel;1536062 wrote: Good morning everyone!
                  I just wanted to bring to your attention that today is the 6 month milestone of NoSugar!

                  Congratulations my friend! :goodjob:
                  This is a very symbolic milestone... a day to reflect back on the past 6 months & also a day to set your sights on the next half year with what you envision for yourself.
                  Enjoy your day... and celebrate your wonderful accomplishment! :l
                  Wow, well done NS, that is AWESOME! :goodjob:
                  Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good catch fallen angel and hey you are now a senior congratulations!!
                    Newbies Nest
                    My accountability thread


                      Newbies Nest

                      3June2013;1536068 wrote: ...and hey you are now a senior congratulations!!
                      Yeah, it sure took me long enough, didn't it?? :H:H:H
                      AF 6 years
                      NF 7 years

                      A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                        Newbies Nest

                        Fallen angel you remind me of something that has come up over the years in my life. Once, when on weight watchers, again when my son took 6 years to complete his degree. In the end, no one asks you how long it took!

                        That said, I have heard (and agree) that there is a direct correlation between posting and staying quit. I may feel that i am consumed sometimes by posting here, but if that is what gets me through another day then it is a good thing.

                        I look forward to being senior too!!
                        Newbies Nest
                        My accountability thread


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello Again,

                          I have been sent home by my brother, Paul. He reminded me that the journey with Mom is going to be short in terms of time (four to six months, per her oncologist) but long in terms of emotion. Paul says I look terrible: big bags under my eyes. Hmm... I thought I was looking pretty fine. :yeahright: Anyway, I've been instructed to rest, eat, drink lots of water and not show up again until "my" shift with Mom starts on Friday. Paul understands that it's difficult to stay away because I can hop in my car and drive over (compared to my siblings who have to make a long drive or book a flight) and because Mom is so attached to me. Also, I don't have children and I've just graduated but I'm not yet working. I put my job search on hold when Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer.

                          Mandiekinz - I am so happy to have you in The Nest with us. You sound good today!! And you are already offering support to Fellow Fledglings. Nice!! It IS odd how quickly we forget the pains and trials of our drinking. It seems to me that the "forgetting" is one of the key symptoms of alcoholism that keeps us hooked. We might remember intellectually that we have hung over the toilet countless times puking our guts out, for example, but we don't seem to recall the emotional and physical pain. In fact, when we look back, what we usually do is glorify our drinking days: How much FUN it was. Our Nestmate, Spider, recently told of her friend who went on a bender and wound up with broken fingers, a sawed-off wedding ring, a heap of shame, the inability to work, and I don't remember what else. But I will bet you 10 to 1 that Spider's friend looks back one day and will only be able to remember the FUN she had that day.:egad: Alcoholism is a frightening illness that we must struggle to free ourselves from.

                          Scarlett - I am so happy to have you in The Nest as well. Greetings!! I was a beer drinker (seems odd because when I started drinking at about 22 I was a tiny little thing who weighed 110 pounds soaking wet - not the "typical" beer guzzler). But I drank gallons of the stuff from morning 'til night. When I finally quit for good, my physical symptoms were not terribly painful or dangerous. Of course, my emotional symptoms raged and burned. I cannot advise you regarding withdrawal. My general advice would be to stop drinking immediately, get ALL alcohol out of your house, and never look back.:chute: Fight for your life!!

                          Oh! How I wish I had time to write to each of you individually. Neddy - awesome attitude!!, Pinecone - always appreciate your support!!, Siren - great to hear from you!!, Nursie - how goes the house hunting?, NoSugar - your wisdom is priceless!! Big hugs to 3June, some-dumbass, witts end, SunFlower, Gardener, Lil' Beagle, Samstone, JDG, FallenAngel and ALL Nesters!! Lav and Byrdie - A heart full of appreciation for both of you!! :heart::heart:

                          We are journeying to freedom together
                          ~ :groupluv:
                          Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                          The man pulling radishes
                          pointed the way
                          with a radish. ISSA


                            Newbies Nest

                            3June2013;1536076 wrote:
                            ...I have heard (and agree) that there is a direct correlation between posting and staying quit. I may feel that i am consumed sometimes by posting here, but if that is what gets me through another day then it is a good
                            I couldn't agree more! I posted a lot during my first two years of sobriety... it gave me the accountability that I needed. Plus, that was about how long it took me to feel totally comfortable in my own skin, and be able to go out in social situations & feel empowered by my sobriety, not hindered.
                            AF 6 years
                            NF 7 years

                            A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Tess good to see you. Your brother Paul sounds like a great guy (not surprising seeing as you're related!) and I am so glad he has given you the chance to rest and be with your kids, knowing your mum is in good hands. Take it as easy as you can.
                              Newbies Nest
                              My accountability thread


                                Newbies Nest

                                NoSugar, the very NERVE of you trying to sneak this huge milestone passed us! I'll not stand for it! I'll BOW to it tho!!


                                WOW, I can't believe it has been 6 months! I was amazed the first time you came into this place, and have continued to be amazed ever since. You came, you saw, you conquered!!! Plus you are giving back! You attacked this site as if it were a science experiment! You tore into everything you could find on this disease....knowledge IS power! Well done on your 6 months! Here's to a lifetime of sobriety!!! XXOO Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

