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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Morning Nesters.

    Scarlett, if you have been drinking a lot for a long time then it is no wonder that you are struggling. The addictive voice will be telling you that "it's okay", "one won't do any harm", "everyone else does it" and so on. Keep at it though. You can beat this demon. There are plenty of inspiring examples here at MWO and that's what you have to do: keep looking for your way out. All the best for today.

    Girly wirly, when I was at the docs a couple of weeks back my liver was so tender to the touch. It's feeling better and I am sure it's beginning to cleanse itself even if I did go off on one a couple of nights ago. Drink lots of water, hot water with lemon and ginger, and try to get some milk thistle to help your liver live.

    Payday today for me, so I am off into town and the money I would usually put aside for my drinking I am going to use to get a haircut, buy a couple of suits for going back to work and some other clothes just to make me feel better about myself. I have decided that it is about time to be good to my authentic self and to strangle the life out of that b&?*"^d of an addiction.

    Have a great day folks and I'll check in later on and see how every one is getting on.

    "I used to be on the guest list, but now I'm on the nest list!"

    Newbies Nest:



      Newbies Nest

      Hello Fellow Fledglings and Wise Birds,

      It's about 2:00 in the morning in my little corner of the world. I've had several hours of sleep and am feeling pretty spunky!! It's amazing how a bit of sleep makes everything feel fresh and new. :heartsnflowers:

      halo - I agree that The Nest is the best place to be!!

      Mandiekinz - Very sad to hear about your fiance's sister. Mom's breast cancer was found far too late. It had already spread. Thanks for the lovely cyber-hug! Congrats on your previous 5 alcohol-free months, whenever that may have been. It shows that you have the ability to get off of the sauce. It is a joy to have you here!!

      Scarlett - Good job with remaining sober enough to remember your evening. I always dreaded not knowing what I had done the day before. Like many, I would go through the house looking for clues. It's such an unsettling feeling. And being in a blackout is quite dangerous, of course. I'm proud of your progress!!

      noodle - I'm looking forward to getting acquainted with you. Hey, if we Nesters can help someone to feel a bit of optimism and a warm glow, it makes our day!! Your overall plan is to stay sober one day at a time. You then make specific plans for yourself. I'm going to search the Toolbox as I believe there a couple of good examples there. Welcome back!!

      SunFlower - Way to go with heading to your recovery group rather than getting shitfaced!! It's so true that a steady diet of alcohol is like living the same day over and over. Obsession with alcohol rules the day. It feels amazing when the brain begins to function well again and the world opens up and is full of beautiful color and possibilities. It's worth fighting for!!

      Sam - Thanks for the 6-month congrats. I always enjoy your posts!! You bring a lot to The Nest. I have to agree that operating a vineyard would probably not be the best choice for you or any of us. We wouldn't make a penny of profit because we would drink the "fruits of our labor" rather than sell it!!

      Mr Vervill - Sounds like you had a great vacation!! Welcome back!! Is there a way to incorporate vigorous exercise and a good diet into your home life? It's amazing the amount of alcohol we can drink in one sitting, isn't it!! It's a wonder that we don't just kill-over on the spot. Make a plan for life at home and follow it as if you were on vacation. You can do this!!

      Lil' Beagle - Thanks for checking in every day. Your posts are clear, to the point, and encouraging. You are doing so well with conquering the Beast!! You inspire the rest of us. Great job!!

      girly wirly - Nice to hear from you!! Neddy's tips on how to give your liver a little TLC are great. Of course, what your liver really needs is for you to stop drinking. But you know that!! So sweets, please stop drinking before you cause irreversible damage to your liver. Read and post, and make a plan to stay sober. We are with you!!

      Neddy - Good morning to you. I like your plan to take your usual allocation of money for alcohol and, instead of throwing it away on booze, spending it on your authentic self. Very nice!! Have a fabulous day!!

      I'm going to go back to bed and curl up for a couple more hours.

      I'll be back... :chick:
      Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

      The man pulling radishes
      pointed the way
      with a radish. ISSA


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters

        Well, back to work today. Neddy, enjoy your shopping! I am jealous, working today and tomorrow and payday is tomorrow! I plan a little retail therapy of my own on Saturday though!

        So my birthday went as planned. I did get the usual 'oh, have a glass of wine, it's your birthday!' I told a little white lie that I couldn't as I was on antibiotics. I didn't want to make a big deal of it. It felt great getting up early this morning with no birthday hangover.

        I just wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone before rushing off to work Loving the wise words of tess as always. Have a great day everyone
        Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


          Newbies Nest

          Morning everyone - just checking in to seek a bit of inspiration. I'm on a real downer at the moment, mostly because of pain from my accident and stress and hastle dealing with insurance companies. Not normally a depressive but just feel like curling up and pulling the covers over my head.

          I've been drinking wine every night for the past two weeks - so that probably makes me more depressed:upset: I really miss my three months of sobriety and need to get back on track. I ran out of Antabuse, because I couldn't get to my appointment - but am going tomorrow, so hopefully that will help.

          Sorry for the winge - just needed to be in a friendly place.

          Snap x
          Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


            Newbies Nest

            I am still here. Day 20.


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters,

              Looks like a break in the weather here today - finally! Such a long hot & summer it's been.

              piper, congrats on 20 AF days piper - keep going

              Snap, sorry you are having troubles & feeling unwell. Use today to get yourself & your home prepared to go back on AB. Don't drink today & rid your home of AL, stock up on some nice AF drinks

              Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hi, Piper

                Great news that you are staying AF. Is it starting to seem normal?

                Oh, man, Snap. I'm sorry everything is tough right now :l.
                Even when you were on Antabuse, you were the one who was choosing not to drink each time you chose to take the pill. The strength is within you. You can do it again - stick close!

                I'll be glad when one of the first posts I read each morning is one by you, waffling on (did I use that word correctly?:H)


                  Newbies Nest

                  afternoon nesters

                  Snap - hang in there. I definitely find that AL depresses me, even after just a couple of days AF my mood lifts & I'm far more capable of dealing with things productively

                  Girly - your body is trying to tell you something. have a watch of this & it may scare you sober:

        [/video]]Rain In My Heart (1 of 10) - YouTube

                  BH - glad you had a good birthday. well done with the little white lie

                  NM - glad to hear you're back on track

                  day 4 for me today. no major dramas so far. got to run, will check back in this evening

                  have a great AF day everyone


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning all

                    Thanks Tess for your kind words! Hope you get some good shut-eye.

                    seems quite active here this morning... maybe because of the cooler clime here on the east coast. (we all know the world revolves around the east coast of somewhere)

                    enjoying my morning coffee and looking forward to the day. Coming to the end of building the Taj Mahal for these dang chickens. I haven't done a building project in awhile, my joints don't bend like they used to. Last night, there was a fleeting to desire to "reward" myself with a beer. Truly I am grateful for MWO and thank all that created it and keep it running. I never did good at AA but, here, it seems to be my safe haven, so accessible to have, read, and tell myself, I don't need that crap any more, I'm so much better off without.

                    Upward and onward!

                    Liberated 5/11/2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Snap, I'm so sorry you are feeling low. No fun. This is definitely the place to be if you want inspiration! I hope you feel better soon.

                      My dear NS... congratulations! You inspire me. Post before taking a drink... post before taking a drink...

                      Much love and strength to you all today.:h
                      Would you like you, if you met you?


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi all,it's been a while,but all is great l have been doing wonderful and no cravings or desire to drink even after going to a family reunion,l am so happy, lam also going to leave my job of 16 years and move on to new adventures.l have wanted to do that for a while now,funny thing is after l quit drinking l don't want to abuse myself no more,my job is very physical,l am lucky enough to be able to since my hubby has a great career,now who knows maybe l will have my nich as well,l feel free to be me!!! Life works out when we make it happen,not saying l'm not scared of the change,but if we don't do something about our life no one will,so l'm taking the bull by the horns and retiring early from that job ,to new adventures .l'm still young enough to do something that fulfills me,wish me luck,l'm not changing till January,new year new adventure.Hope all of you nesters are having a great day,we can make our dreams come true once we open our eyes and get off the sauce!! So happy l decided to quit drinking alcohol,all the best to everyone keep off of the alcohol,you will thank yourself,lt's only a thought and a thought can be changed!!!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning ya'll,

                          There are so many inspiring posts here today.

                          Gongrats on 6 mos NS:yougo::bday3:

                          Sanp sorry you are still hurting, sending healing your way

                          Tess-2 glad you got some rest. You sound great!

                          MS, SS, SDA, Lav, and anyothers I missed (memory is going) Hope you all have a great day.

                          Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Snap get rid of the wine , remember AL never makes anything better! Giving you some positive vibes, remember you have the strength to be AF! You already have shown it!

                            Tess, my thoughts are with you, sending you lots of :l. Your strength and fortitude is inspiring. :h
                            On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                              Newbies Nest

                              wow bcp,that post inspired me! i never realized how much i hated my job until i started working on becoming af,i definitely need to take your lead and do something that makes me happy,or at least isnt driving me nuts! cutting hair is easy,but i get so tired of trying to please people,its mentally draining me,i figure i still have about 30 years of working,i better get a move on! hello to everybody in the nest,take care
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Newbies Nest

                                hats off to you! I remember reading your posts of despair and so glad you turned it into posts of hope and CELEBRATIONS!
                                best to you
                                Liberated 5/11/2013

