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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    AnyaPrincess;762332 wrote:

    If anyone is new to this and doesn't want to spend the money on the supplements and the hypnosis tapes, please throw caution to the wind and just do it. You will be so happy that you did. They make such a difference! (I'm sure the Topamax helps, but I think the tapes are doing something amazing.)

    Thank you all for being here for me!

    Congrats Annie! Mr Rejuve & I just got back from our trip back to Chicagoland. It was an early Thankgiving celebration with my family, will celebrate with his this weekend here in the front range. We were AF for two weeks as planned. I have also been successful in moving into a modding mode. The topamax,supps & the tapes are a wonderful adjunct to the right attitute and desire for change. Of course the support here on boards provides the right nurture as well.



      Newbies Nest

      News Just In: Chook Survives attack by 22 five year olds!!!

      Hi All!

      Yes it's true, I actually survived and I think in the end we had around 40+ people here, with parents staying on and younger siblings thrown into the mix!
      Best part was at the very end when Loren came in to me and on her own violition said: "Mum I'm so happy,I've had a great birthday!" (HOw cool is that from someone only 'just' turned 5?)

      I am exhausted and did something I don't normally do and had a home day. No kindy,no playgroup, no running here and there like a mad-thing...just home with the kids and a nap on the couch this arvo to make it even sweeter!
      Can I also just pay homage to my own dear Mum..who has been and always will be a Godsend to me (she did so much to help with the preps.etc-she is 74yrs),and thereby, to ALL G'ma's/Nanna's of this world..they are wonderful creatures!!!

      Now for the trip to the 'big smoke' on Friday and Wedding on Saturday!!! Guess I will be shopping for an outfit tomorrow *sigh*.

      That's all for now folks! All my thoughts with everyone,


        Newbies Nest

        Morning Nesters!

        Wow Chook, I'm happy to hear your report
        So glad your BD party was a success & you are having a day of rest! I'm sure your Loren will remember her special day for a long, long time! Grandmas really do rock

        Rejuve, glad you stopped in! Sounds like you are doing well, I'm happy for your success!

        I survived my weekend of dog sitting, now I'm geared up for a day of babysitting my grandson.......haven't had a day off for a while now........hmmm!

        Wishing everyone a good Monday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Morning All Nesters!

          Hi Lav-you are being kept busy! You could open a child/pet minding business!Make sure you have some 'me' time somewhere in there too!

          Hi Rejuve- glad to see the modding is going well for you and that the 'celebrations' did not get you off track!
          MM- you achieved the same! I am proud of you for breaking the cycle and doing something 'fun' without needing to find it in a bottle! Well done!!!!!!

          Tranq- how is the golf going? We are heading into Summer and it is hot.dry & windy,plays merry hell with the allergies as well!

          Anya- it is nice to feel like you have control again isn't it! I think that is one of the worst things about AL, the giving up of yourself to an outside control/demon etc! When you find and build those boundaries again, it feels good!

          Mel- it's good to see the patterns isn't it? I only did the one stint of 30 days and then tried modding and haven't been really AF since..but do atleast have a holding pattern going on at the moment!!! You are doing really well and the best thing is that we learn something every time we trip up!

          To all the other Nesters who follow today! Have a wonderful Tuesday folks!


            Newbies Nest

            Evening Nesters,

            Hi Chook - we're still finishing up Monday here but sounds like you are well. Is that a bit of clucking I hear? Working in my 'me' time - no problem!!!!

            Chilly & raining here - oh well. Have a fire going in the fireplace, it helps!

            I closing up my end of the nest a bit early but I do hope some of the fledglings find their way in yet tonight - the night light will be on
            Be well,

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Everyone.

              Right Lav - not much hope for golf in these parts for quite a while. Worst time of year for me; and it just goes downhill from here. Chooks, so glad to here all went well with the big bash, and that you held up so well. Good job!

              Lav - you deserve some "me time" too with all the sitting you've been doing.

              Rejuve's - it's great to hear you guys are doing well too. Chooks is right in what she said to Annie - once I realized I had a choice not to drink, I felt a freedom that wasn't there for a long, long time. And that freedom feeling is one of the big rewards for me - and one of the blessings of mwo.

              G'nite everyone!
              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                Newbies Nest

                Hey Y'all (channelling my inner Yank there!) *don't anyone take that wrong,cause it wasn't meant in any way other than fun*

                Tranq! I thought the golf was King right now???? what's with that?
                Lav- don't listen to him, babysitting a bub is serious stuff! LOLand the insanity twins too!
                Whoever else drops by! What's the buzz?
                Chook * oh yeah, cluck*


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning Nesters,

                  Greetings Tranq & Chook
                  Don't know where the newbies are..........just us oldies here!

                  Chook, unfortunately for Tranq golf season ends when the snow & rain move in.......aka Winter! Of course I'm sure some indoor avtivity of some sort could be substituted

                  I have about a half day of work to take care of then I need get my house buffed up a bit. The Twins left a load of dog hair behind..........oh joy!! I'm throwing a First Birthday party for my grandson here on Sunday just for the family. He's having a kiddie party at his house on, fun!!

                  Wishing Y'all a great day, hope some newbies fly in too.

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey Lav!
                    Glad to know I'm not the only one with doggie-hair tumble-weeds blowing around the house! *sigh*
                    Oooh,good luck on the 1st b'day celebrations! I was actually made to feel bad that I did not tell ppl it was 'byo' to daughter's 5th party! It was not an adult's party!!! Am I wrong in this????

                    Anhow, Summer is here in Oz..and yes, the nestlings are few and far between! But I still love my twig! Plus I always appreciate the 'night-light' Lav, me and Tranq!

                    Luv Chook


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Nesters, Save me a twig. I,m still here.

                      Very busy week ahead. Don't know if I'll have time to get on line. but you are in my thoughts and I will be giving thanks for you!!

                      Happy Thanksgiving to all my USA friends and Love and Hugs to everyone.



                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Everyone.

                        Yep Chooks, Lav is right. The world turns a little bleaker when winter sets in and the clubs go on the shelf. I'm not a winter guy, so I guess I'm in the wrong climate. Don't know why the great-grand-parents settled here of all places - If it were me, I'd have chosen the carribean. Ha. April is the best bet for golf here, but I'll be working on trying to get out of town a bit at some point this the winter. If I don't I'll be climbing the walls by the time February comes around.

                        We do have some indoor practice facilities around -- and winter has been a time for me to recover, and try to get serious in the gym.

                        MightyMouse - a happy US holiday to you too! Busy week for me too, but four day weekends aren't hard to take, even though it is supposed to snow a little here.

                        Chooks - I really don't think you needed to server al at a kids party.

                        Take care!
                        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                          Newbies Nest

                          Evening Nesters,

                          Chook - there will be no booze served at the birthday party.......not even an option
                          If anyone is unhappy about that then they can just stay the hell home.......oops, sounds like a little Lavan-itude slipping out!!

                          Tranq, you probably don't want to hear this but I usually entertain myself during the winter months by tackling some house projects - painting, papering, etc. I'm not a fan of cold weather either, have only ever been skiing once in my life - scared the crap out of me I've also be known to fly down to the Bahamas for some R&R but that's pretty much off the table now.............don't want to get near the jungle juice (Bahama Mamas)!!! I'll wait until January to get started but I do want to paint bedrooms this winter.

                          MM, enjoy your Thanksgiving - stay focused, OK? You twig will be waiting for you!

                          Gonna throw another log or two on the fire & just relax for a bit.
                          Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest! The night light is on......
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi all, windy here in the nest but the nest is holding firm. Chook why would you want al at a kids party? After all, who's the party for? - I'm with Lav on this one - if you don't like it don't come! if kids can have fun without al so should we!!
                            Tranq - guess we'd better get the pasting table and paintbrushes out of the back of the garage and do what nest mum says? I hate decorating ....but as usual she is right!
                            Have a good day gang, see you soon


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning Nesters!

                              Dark & damp here Sooty, no wind so far!
                              As this winter progresses I'll post a job list for everyone. We need to get this nest spiffed up a bit.
                              JUST KIDDING!!

                              Today, the day before Thanksgiving will be a busy one for most of us. I am grateful to be here, sober & functioning much, much better than I was one year ago! Today also happens to be my son's 29th birthday & I love making a little fuss for him in the midst of holiday preparations

                              Wishing everyone a terrific day & sending strength to all who choose to remain AF today!
                              The nest will stay open for anyone wanting to drop in!

                              Enjoy your day
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Lav, enjoy your sons birthday. Im committing myself to the rest of nov, af...I have alot to enjoy with my kids too.

                                ''Write your problems in the sand and your blessings in stone''

                                Hugs to all, MM

