I feel inspired to resurrect my yoga wear. I started back to Bikram yoga (hot yoga) when I got sober in January. It's a sweaty business -- not pretty!! But the results are quite nice: I've lost about 80 of the 100 or so pounds that I gained while chugging beer.
A couple of the gals in the group that meets in my home have asked why I stuck with beer once I realized that I was packing on so much weight. Well, I tried wine, which I hated. Then I tried "spirits" (hard liquor), which I hated too. And for some odd reason neither wine nor "the strong stuff" gave me a buzz like beer. I have no idea why. Actually, I detest the taste of beer too. Honestly!! Just the thought of any alcoholic beverage makes me want to gag. But once we're hooked, we're hooked.
Okay, tomorrow it is!! You running up the steps of Kelvingrove Art Gallery and me sweating it out for 90 minutes in the "hot room." :toohot: Broken Halo, will you have a chance to run tomorrow? Or hit the gym??
