Neddy and 3June - Thanks for being such grand Nestmates!! It IS fun to laugh. Crying gets old after a while. Hugs all around!! :hug:
No announcement yet.
Newbies Nest
Newbies Nest
Neddy and 3June - Thanks for being such grand Nestmates!! It IS fun to laugh. Crying gets old after a while. Hugs all around!! :hug:Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013
The man pulling radishes
pointed the way
with a radish. ISSA
Newbies Nest
I'm hiding tomorrow if yall are going to make everyone exercise!!
I'm not a doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night...:H Good luck with all yer sore muscles tomorrow! It's better than a sore head!!
Good to be home and see all this fun in the nest!!
Little Beagle!! 3 MONTHS!! That's HUGE!!! 3 Hats go off to you!!!
Have a great day everyone! Byrdie
Newbies Nest
Welcome back to The Nest, Byrdie!! Tonight we will be handing out Mentholatum Rub along with the butt Velcro. We've thought this through, and it seems prudent to issue a caution to wash hands thoroughly after applying Mentholatum to sore muscles and before attaching butt Velcro. Don't want any unnecessary burning-type injuries...uchy: (Different body location but you get the idea.) We abide by all state, federal, and international laws in The Nest. ~
Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013
The man pulling radishes
pointed the way
with a radish. ISSA
Newbies Nest
Good evening fellow nesters,
Just thought I'd check in and say good night to you all. Going to bed soon.
Broken Halo, Tess, 3J - thanks for the laughs earlier. You guys are an absolute hoot.
To all other nesters, you are all fantastic too. Have a great night or day depending on where you are and hopefully we'll all catch up tomorrow.
Best wishes
Neddy"I used to be on the guest list, but now I'm on the nest list!"
Newbies Nest:
Newbies Nest
witts end;1537621 wrote: morning everyone
alls good in this area still hanging in
Tess I might give your velcro rub a missTess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013
The man pulling radishes
pointed the way
with a radish. ISSA
Newbies Nest
Some-Dumbass and Lil' Beagle, Good to hear from both of you today. Yes, things have been lively in The Nest for a Sunday. SD - Thanks for the vote of "Like." We must laugh and have fun once in a while, otherwise we become discouraged and possibly want to give up. Lil' Beagle - How are you? I think of you every day and am so happy when you check in. Take good care my Nest Friends. ~Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013
The man pulling radishes
pointed the way
with a radish. ISSA
Newbies Nest
Now waita minute, Tess...we're on Sunday, aren't we? I used to lose days but not anymore!!!:H You are so funny, girl!!!! Did I see you've lost 70 pounds????? Dang! That's an Olsen twin!! Amazing job!
There's a joke in there somewhere about mixing up your Ben-gay with your Butt Velcro!
Everyone sounding good and's great to see the sense of humor return to so many. You wouldn't believe it but K9 used to be a straight-laced! Hell, she didn't even cuss! Look how funny she is now!
Neddy, so good to see you, Little Beagle, and witts end!!! You all are so supportive...great going!!
Settling in for the night...there's no place like home! XXOO, Byrdie
Newbies Nest
Greetings Nesters!
Great to see a bunch of happy campers here today
See? Life does get better when you kick AL to the curb!
I had a nice day myself, tomorrow back to the routine!
Wishing a safe night in the nest for all.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Newbies Nest
Hahaha, Byrdie!! Please note that I corrected my Saturday/Sunday mistake three minutes prior to your post. La La La!! (Yes, I'm a spoiled brat!!)
Actually, I've lost about 80 pounds. An Olsen twin for sure!! (Well, poor little Mary Kate, anyway. Probably not Ashley.) Like I've said before, gonna say it again, in case anyone does not know: Beer is very fattening!! Stop drinking, start exercising and -- what do you know?? -- an incredible shrinking gal... :coolbubble:
Well Sweets, it's not Ben-Gay -- it's Mentholatum. And yes, we have issued a caution to All Nesters to wash hands with care after using Mentholatum and prior to attaching butt Velcro. We are all about safety in The Nest.
K9 used to be straight-laced. No!! Not one cuss word? Hard to believe!! Well, happiness and freedom do strange things to a person. I didn't used to cuss. Honestly!! Ask anyone!! But now I get kind of stirred-up sometimes. Not proud of it. But when a gal feels strongly about living, about beating a deadly illness, cussin' just slips out sometimes. We're on the same team, K9!!!
No truer words have ever been spoken, Sweet Byrdie: There is no place like home!!
Passing butt Velcro to the right. (Hands thoroughly washed!!)
Have a most pleasant sleep, Everyone!! See you in the a.m. ~Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013
The man pulling radishes
pointed the way
with a radish. ISSA
Newbies Nest
I was sent here on strict orders to join in and contribute so here I am and I enjoyed your camaraderie and light-heartedness. I hope to be feeling better soon. My day ones are usually filled with optimism and a smidgen of cockiness and usually end with despair accompanied by a drink so maybe this day one despair is a GOOD thing. It may end up with ongoing success. That's a glass half full statement if I ever heard one...
Trying to get all you guys straight and hope to stick around and make an effort to join in. Day one completed."If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."