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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters!

    Another busy day of nesting ~ nice

    Tess, hope you feel better soon. Strep is a pain in the neck - really!!!!
    Stay put for a few days, you don't want to spread that around.

    Alan, congrats on 11 AF months! You are a brave one to be buying booze for guests, I haven't done that. I find people are drinking less these days than we did 30-40 years ago....that's a good thing.

    Scarlett, work on your plan now so you are prepared the next time you feel pressured on tempted. I found practicing say NO THANKS to be very effective. Remember you are an adult & don't owe anyone an explanation either.

    Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.
    Byrdie, good luck being around your family :H

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Evening all

      big congratulations to Gardner and Joeromoe... 30 days, now +

      Tess, get better soon.

      Alan... 11 months, alright!!

      good night Mrs Calabash, wherever you are.

      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Newbies Nest

        "Happy, Happy, Happy"....Duck Dynasty....Brydie I only started watching the show....I love it! They don't mention it....but the Dad was a boozer. He got off the elevator when he was 28.

        NM....I just realized today how happy I am feeling these days. Real happiness....not the numbed out kind.

        JDG....congrats on the job!

        LB....laughing to such an awesome feeling.

        Elvis....glad your wife is on your side even if she doesn't understand what goes on in your head.

        Tess....feel better!

        Allan....11months! Congrats!

        Scarlett....being honest is brave. When I took kuduz I drank less, but it made me drunk quicker. That was just me.

        Home from Celebrate Recovery. I joined them 42 days ago even though I had quit drinking prior to that....I only started to feel peace when I joined them. So I count my sobriety from then. Initially I did not count days, certain days were triggers for I was better off not knowing what actual day it was in the beginning. All I knew was that I never wanted to do day one again....ever!


          Newbies Nest

          Scarlett, Thanks for stopping by. No worries, no judgements here. Just focus on wht needs to be done. One Day, one hour, or 15 minutes. I believe Byrdie once said, I made it through the past 15 minutes now I need to focus on the next 15. Baby Steps. You're here, obviously you're serious. It takes a little work.
          Gardender, Congrats on 30 Days! You and I arrive at about the same time, you have been more successful than I, Congrats!
          Fell better, Tess.
          Way to go on the new job JDG! With all you've been through, you deserve it!
          11 months, way to go Allan.
          In regards to Allan having a bottle of wine on his counter, I often cook with wine, vermouth or sherry. Is it OK to have these around the house for culinary uses? I have never been tempted to drink these, despite being out of everything else in the house.I know others have. The flavors in the food, as far as I know, have never triggered any cravings. Has anyone else had to deal with this? I' ll start another thread, so to not Hijacked this one.


            Newbies Nest

            Hello nesters not sure if I'm welcome back after so long? I sure miss you guys and lovely Gals! So much has happened in my life so much positives. Slips yes giant strides towards Christianity and my roll as a father and husband. So much struggles but I am in a better place need an even better one but it's where I am. Lost a lot of faith when the Hippie thing happened but it was good timing if that sort of thing happens for a reason. Have the best outlook on life Family and God. I failed you guys in total sobriety but I sure miss y'all and need y'all if you will have me back.


              Newbies Nest

              Good Morning nesters,

              Raining heavily here in Scotland this morning. My early night has done me the world of good - I slept like a log. My body is in full recovery mode now, I think. I am also eating like a horse (that means I am eating a lot, not sitting at the dinner table with a nose-bag on chomping down oats - I look silly enough thank you very much!). I am also eating very healthily - lots of fruit and vegetable juices made with my juicing machine. Starting to feel good within myself too and I realise I could have felt like this all along. Oh well, the past is in the past. I will enjoy this day today. This day is special. In fact I have decided every day is special, something that is unique and that we'll never get back. To that end I am determined to live the rest of my days well - not drowning in a sea of alcohol, tears and oh-what-have-I-done-(s)".

              Lots of activity since I was last on but I'd just like to thank everyone for their kind words (you know who you are), congratulate those reaching milestones, and wish everyone a great AF day.

              Enjoy today. Remember it isn't coming back so drain the goodness out of it.

              I am starting off by going for a swim and a sauna. I'll check by later to see how everyone is getting on. Byeeee
              "I used to be on the guest list, but now I'm on the nest list!"

              Newbies Nest:



                Newbies Nest

                Morning Nesters! Hey Scarlett, you made a step in the right direction and you're not kidding yourself about being able to drink normally, so that's progress!

                SF, I am going to google celebrate recovery, I like the sound of that, right up my street!

                Jimmy, wb to the nest, nice to see you

                Neddy, it's so good to hear you sounding happy and healthy, enjoy your swim and sauna.

                I am always afraid to list everyone in case anyone gets left out so I am just going to wish everyone in the nest a wonderful Thursday. Everyone who posts here has something interesting and unique to say, I love it!
                Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                  Newbies Nest

                  broken halo;1538619 wrote: 3J, I prefer to exercise in the morning too, but I work a rotational shift and this week its evenings or nothing, so it's evenings! I am loving getting back to full fitness again, it's really helped me.

                  Tess, as hubby says, get yer arse to bed. Your twenty minutes is up and you need your rest!:l

                  Byrdie, good luck with the move, we'll miss your posts.!

                  Goodnight Neddy, sleep well. What's all this about a PhD? I must have missed that. I'll have to trawl for it. Sweet dreams my friend.

                  Allan, well done on your almost a year! It sounds as though you are indifferent to AL being in the house. That's awesome.

                  Well Nester's, like Neddy I am also in Scotland it's been a long, busy and enjoyable day so I am also off to bed. Goodnight Nesters, too many wonderful people to name and also to all our newbies, hope you are all settling in!
                  broken halo;1538722 wrote:
                  Morning Nesters! Hey Scarlett, you made a step in the right direction and you're not kidding yourself about being able to drink normally, so that's progress!

                  SF, I am going to google celebrate recovery, I like the sound of that, right up my street!

                  Jimmy, wb to the nest, nice to see you

                  Neddy, it's so good to hear you sounding happy and healthy, enjoy your swim and sauna.

                  I am always afraid to list everyone in case anyone gets left out so I am just going to wish everyone in the nest a wonderful Thursday. Everyone who posts here has something interesting and unique to say, I love it!

                  Yip! with you on that too BH. A couple of times I have typed a huge list and then found out that I have been logged out. Grrrr!
                  "I used to be on the guest list, but now I'm on the nest list!"

                  Newbies Nest:



                    Newbies Nest

                    Hellow nesters, just checking in to say Hi and gearing up for another af weekend. Going to be a difficult one as we have our family staying and there will be a bit of booze around. So looking for some support. WILL CATCH UP TOMORROW. Goodnight nesters hope you are all doing well and have a nice af Friday.:nutso: Just love this ha ha


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Hadit, Always difficult when people are around and especially if they are drinking. You can do it though! I, and I am sure lots of others too, will be thinking of you and sending you positive vibes and well wishes.

                      Hang in there.
                      "I used to be on the guest list, but now I'm on the nest list!"

                      Newbies Nest:



                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters!

                        Total rain event in my portion of the nest - oh well except this means I'll be cooped u inside with a two year old all day :H
                        Watching my grandkids is a pleasure that I would not be enjoying right now if I had continued to drink

                        Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks for all the cheerful posts Neddy. You are so cheerful. It makes me start the day with a smile.
                          Lav I hope you have a nice day stuck inside in the rain.
                          I am starting day 1 of my new diet. Yes I have gained weight while quitting al. But my hubby is going to start taking antabus so maybe the stress will not be so intense. I have been dealing with lots of temptation with food. It works but the weigh has really started to add up.
                          Thanks for all your support everyone.
                          Welcome to new nesters.
                          I will check in later.
                          Hope you are feeling better Tess.
                          Also hope you are having a good day Byrdie.
                          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey 3June!!!
                            It is my great honor to be the substitute bestower of the 2 hats that you have earned in a most remarkable fashion:


                            You have taken this place by storm and used it to free yourself from the clutches of AL.
                            You've encouraged those ahead of you to stay on the path and inspired those behind you to emulate your every move.

                            We are so happy and fortunate to have you on MWO and especially in the Newbies Nest!

                            Congratulations on 60 days!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Huge thanks to All of you for your get-well wishes. I appreciate you!! The doctor said the penicillin injection would "kick in" in about 24 hours. I will be laying low for a few days. Can't keep me down for too long though...

                              Jimmy - Welcome back!! The only way that most of us are able to maintain sobriety is through giving and receiving support. We ALL make mistakes. And we are ALL welcome to come back home. Read and Post. I look forward to getting better acquainted with you.

                              Have a fabulous day Nesters!!!
                              Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                              The man pulling radishes
                              pointed the way
                              with a radish. ISSA


                                Newbies Nest

                                3J Wow. 60 days is awesome!!
                                No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.

