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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Evening everyone from soggy Toronto. My son and I were out for a walk, went to the track even though my gimpy knee won't let me run, and got caught in a huge rain. Totally soaked. I couldn't even run home since my knee is not up for it. Oh well, it was still a 6 km walk and we had a chance to hang out.

    Looking for Peace, welcome! I don't think we've met! Sounds like you're ready for a change and you've come to the right place.

    Cyn fabulous plan. I think saying it to others makes it real. You are sounding so positive! I'm happy for you!

    Elvis I was so worried about my sugar cravings in the beginning but they subsided after a while. The worst was one function where I made AF punch that was full of sugar and ended up with a sugar hangover! Still it got me through the beginning and I am so glad someone (you know who you are!) explained what was happening to me!

    Caz I have been telling people a lot lately. I say" I quit", they say "why", I say "I really don't think it was doing me any good". Then they start talking about how they only have one or two on the weekends or whatever, trying to justify their own drinking, I usually tune them out LOL.

    It reminds me of the way people are when I tell them I don't eat meat. They're all like "I don't eat much red meat or I mostly eat chicken blah blah" and I tune them out thinking I really don't care what you eat LOL (no one really knows what a bee-atch I am inside!)

    K9, byrdie, Tess, NS always a pleasure!

    Neddy I watched that movie, wow it's a real eye opener. So sad isn't it? I'm so grateful that I caught myself before I got that bad, and now I want to help anyone I can too.
    Newbies Nest
    My accountability thread


      Newbies Nest

      Friday night. Fridge full of Alcohol. Completely sober. Feels very weird and wonderful.

      Something like having a pet lion
      AF since 1st Sep 2012
      NF since 1st Sep 2012

      If you want to feel better visit


        Newbies Nest

        allankay I bow to you. I look forward to the day I can be that gracious, stocking up my fridge with wine for someone else. I really can't look at bottles yet without having an urge. And that's after two months AF! Are your friends coming soon to drink it?

        Mr V so sorry to hear your news of your co-workers getting laid off. Tough to resist the pull of a drink with friends during tough times. But hey it's done, I hope you can put the drink behind you while you are still dealing with the loss I'm sure.

        witts end enjoy your trip! Oz is on my bucket list, I will get there some day I hope!

        piper congratulations on your day 27 that's awesome. Sorry to hear of your mum's passing. I am glad you made it to see her in time.

        Tess I hope you're feeling better soon!

        Byrdie how are you today? Still sore?
        Newbies Nest
        My accountability thread


          Newbies Nest

          allankay;1539419 wrote: Friday night. Fridge full of Alcohol. Completely sober. Feels very weird and wonderful.

          Something like having a pet lion
          Hi AK,

          You post is a good reminder to me that there is not a "one size fits all" approach to alcoholism. Sometimes (quite often, actually) I assume that what works for me is the only formula that will work for everyone. That's just not factual.

          I've got seven months of sobriety, but I am nearly certain that if I woke up tomorrow morning to a fridge full of alcohol I would open and chug repeatedly until I was crawling about. (My cravings always started with sunrise.) I wish I could honestly say that I would open the fridge and enjoy the yogurt that I purchased at the health store along with some organic fresh fruit. But I can't honestly say that. I don't know if I will ever be able to say that. But that's okay. What I'm learning is that as long as each of us is totally honest with ourselves and willing to do whatever WE need to do to stay sober, we will be fine. Thanks again for your post. Also, your "pet lion" comment is delightful. It feels really good to chuckle a bit!!

          All Nesters - I'm home now. Oh! I love being home!! I meditated for a while and then read from a favorite book. I found this:

          Q. If you were to describe to another the personal attributes which have helped you to be happy, productive and contributive, what would you say these were?

          A. Acceptance. Creativity. Perseverance. Inspiration. Hunger for the Divine.

          Of course, this is not my
          response to the question, but I can aspire to that level of... maturity? wisdom? wholeness? I'm not sure what word I want to use.

          Well, so much for lofty thoughts. What do they say in the Zen tradition? Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. I have not experienced enlightenment or anything remotely close to it, but I have chopped a crispy salad for dinner, which is what I'm off to do now. :H It's the little things that bring such tremendous joy, Dear Nest Friends: An hour or a day free from alcohol, A wag of a beloved pet's tail, Someone to sit in quiet presence with us when we cry.

          Have a fabulous morning, afternoon, night, midnight -- wherever you are. Bye for now. ~
          Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

          The man pulling radishes
          pointed the way
          with a radish. ISSA


            Newbies Nest

            Promising myself not to drink today ....
            Rewiring my brain ... done ...
            Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
            Rebooting ... done ...
            Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


              Newbies Nest

              Rahulthesweet;1539455 wrote: Promising myself not to drink today ....
              Welcome!! Awesome promise!! Tell us a little more about yourself.
              Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

              The man pulling radishes
              pointed the way
              with a radish. ISSA


                Newbies Nest

                Welcome Rahul.. Glad to see you here. Tell us a bit about yourself if you are up to it.

                Tess, lovely post and touching reference to "chop wood, carry water". Have a keeper of a book name just that. I enjoy creating healthful, delicious food when sober especially and every little measure, stir and slice is as important as the whole. Slowing down to savour each moment is my challenge.
                "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Busy day for me but got lots of stuff done

                  Welcome back Peace!
                  Get your plan together & strap yourself in the nest for a while!

                  Hello & welcome Rahul!
                  Take a look in the Tool box for lots of great ideas to help you make your plan. The MWO book is full of useful info, you can download it right from the Health store here on the site.

                  Greetings to everyone & wishes for a safe night in the nest for all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi SoberSoul - I didn't realize that there was a book by that title. Now my curiosity is piqued and I will search for it. Isn't it amazing how much better life is when we are sober, even during really rough patches. Ah yes... slowing down... and savoring each moment... that's an ongoing goal for me as well. Hey, it was fun to hear from you!! Okay, I really am off to make that salad. :chef:
                    Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                    The man pulling radishes
                    pointed the way
                    with a radish. ISSA


                      Newbies Nest

                      allankay;1539419 wrote: Friday night. Fridge full of Alcohol. Completely sober. Feels very weird and wonderful.

                      Something like having a pet lion
                      Hello Allan
                      for some reason I still have a bottle of beer that I did not inhale the last night I drank. Guess it is there for someone who comes over and wants it. I have no desire to drink it, even when the "voice" is calling to me. I, too, find it weird that I keep it there. I just noticed it again today cleaning out the fridge.

                      Liberated 5/11/2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Well I finally hit that point in my sobriety where I feel the need to clean the house from top to bottom. One area at a time.....but it truly amazes me the amount of stuff I don't need. Do I really think I will ever give myself a pedicure? No! I let the professionals do that or my feet look like they have been massacred.

                        NM....I watched the link.....ok I skipped to the end. So sad how far down this can take us. Glad I finally hit the emergency stop button on my elevator.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters.

                          Allan, you 'pet lion' analogy made me smile. What you are doing is clearly working for you, well done mate..

                          welcome Rahul, make yourself at home and let us know how you are getting on.

                          TS, my house has never been so clean, I have been a wee bit obsessive this past week, it's about time though!

                          Sam laughing at you 'inhaling' beer.

                          Tess, I will be 'chopping wood' this weekend. My Saturday and Sunday on, so working both days. I might find enlightenment there, but I doubt it :H

                          Neddy, watched your documentary and cried a lot. I have saved it along with a few other things I use to keep my head screwd on the right way.

                          It's raining and miserable here, I'll probably be better off at work today. ( I keep telling myself that anyway!) :H
                          Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning nesters,

                            Having broadband connection problems this morning so Ill keep this brief. Been on since 730 this morning and this is as far as I have got.

                            Welcome to newbies in the nest and hello to all my friends.

                            Hopefully it will settle down and I'll be able to communicate more effectively later.

                            Have a great day one and all.
                            "I used to be on the guest list, but now I'm on the nest list!"

                            Newbies Nest:



                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning Neddy. Sorry about your crappy internet. I hope the gas man comes nice and early and the weather gets a bit better for your trip later. I'm off to have my porridge, I'll try to check in again before I leave for work.
                              Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thinking out loud. I overheard a conversation recently where a woman blamed society/small minded people for her brother's alcoholism and why he never got help. At first I was inclined to think this woman just wanted to blame someone other than her brother.

                                Then I started to think about what my kids are being taught at school about alcohol and drugs. How awful it is to be an alcoholic or addict. Shame, shame, shame....

                                I got me to thinking....had I somewhere along the line been led to believe that being an alcoholic was so bad and shameful that it somehow fueled some of my denial....slowed my acceptance to what I knew to be true?

                                What if kids were taught that its not a bad thing? But that it is important to recognize the signs and this is what they are? I know for me it was not an overnight development of alcoholism. Rather a gradual process and had I been able to see where I was headed before it got to full blown alcoholism, when its harder to quit...would that type of education led me in another direction sooner?

                                I don't know. I do think its interesting how many women do quit drinking during pregnancy even alcoholics...because they have been educated on the dangers.

