Good evening nesters,
Nice day in my portion of the nest after such a long spell of extreme heat, humidity & rain

Rahul, you are doing great stay close to the nest ~ we are here to support you on your journey.
Allan, I'm going to ask you to please stop talking about the AL in your fridge. It's not really funny, entertaining or anything. It could be troublesome to the newbies just arriving & trying to put together a few AF days

Perhaps you could start a thread in the General section & have your discussions there. Let's keep the nest chatter safe for the newbies.
Tess, I had a terrific luncheon here yesterday with my nephew, his wife & daughters after not seeing him for 7 years!!! No one asked for a drink, no one & that was nice. Hope you enjoyed your company today.
Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!