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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Congratulations, Elvis, on 7 Alcohol-Free Days!! We in The Nest are"singing your praises" today!! We are delighted to honor you with this highly-coveted award:


    You are a shining example for all of us!! Nice work, Elvis!!!

    The Starf and Little Helpers
    Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

    The man pulling radishes
    pointed the way
    with a radish. ISSA


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesties!

      I watched this video that someone posted a few days ago and I strongly recommend it:[/video]]Drugged - High On Alcohol - YouTube's disturbing.

      BH and Lav - I will gladly remove your spiders for you...I love spiders! I was contemplating getting a tarantula and naming him Ralph.

      Congrats Elvis and everyone else meeting milestones! Stay strong, it DOES get easier!

      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Newbies Nest

        I think I lost my post. I had said (CAN YOU HEAR ME?) that I was just checking in and I'm still reading my old posts and I think I drank because 1) I forgot my plan. You have to have it right there in front of you, like a breast plate, at all times so you don't forget. I don't want to forget. I'm the cool kid, remember?

        Someone said something cool on here but I CRS so I'll have to look for it again.

        Have a great day everyone!

        AF since 12/26/13

        "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs


          Newbies Nest

          Well done Elvis! 7 days already, good job!

          K9, I would DIE if a tarantula came within 300 yards of me. Even house spiders terrify me let alone the giant hairy kind. Why Ralph?

          Have a great day Overit, I like the idea of your plan being like a breast plate, all protective

          Hello Pauly, Tess, Byrdy, NS, LB, G-Man, and everyone else who stops by and anyone I missed.

          OMWF, don't go to the pub! Pubs are rubbish anyway

          Off for a wee workout, my knee has been a wee bit sore today so I am just going to do low impact stuff, no running, just to be on the safe side. I'll check in later, take care all
          Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


            Newbies Nest

            Morning nesters! It's 100 pm just waking up after a night shift. I'm getting too old for these shifts retirement can't come soon enough! The best thing is I'm finding so much to do with my time now I'm ready to retire! I start Spanish lessons tonight.

            Good to read about the fresh starts and the new starts. Elvis day 13 is a good day but its not magical. We all need to be vigilant and keep our plans in place. Keep the I don't drink mantra in our heads. Never let your guard down cause AL is a sneak who will creep in when you least expect it!

            To anyone lurking please know that turning your life around begins with day one. When you read all the happy people here posting about how they love life again it's because they put a whole bunch of day ones together. You won't be alone and you'll never regret it. Come on in, the water's fine!
            Newbies Nest
            My accountability thread


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning all!!

              Half way done with day 6, and I feel great. So happy to wake up with a clear head, WANT to exercise and eat healthy. Deal with things that are happening, instead of avoiding or procrastinating because I'm hungover.

              Not looking forward to a call to t-mobile, but I can do it because my mind is clear. I've started making lists of things I want to get done daily...Most of it gets done these last 6 days of being AF.

              I never want to go back. Since this is my first attempt at quitting, yesterday my mind was wandering with a thought if I could ever have a glass of wine again with friends. I started reading here, and the answer is NO! I want to learn from others, not the hard way. It's hard to imagine NEVER AGAIN, but that old saying goes. One day at a time.

              Story from Sunday:
              I met a guy on Sunday half way done with my bike ride, and it took me by surprise. He just walked up to me and said, "I love girls who cycle." OK, that's fine. Then, "That is a sweet bike." OK, THEN, "I'm here from out of town, can I buy you a drink." Panic, I said, "I'm not drinking for the month of August." I couldn't say, I don't drink, and I'm not sure why. Maybe because he's a stranger, and I don't care to explain. He says, "Why?" Well, that was so rude to me. He laughs, already a bit tipsy, and says, "Well honey, you better get busy living, or get busy dying." I could of said so many things back to him about the irony of that absurd statement. I said, "Well you have a nice life." and rode my bike home.

              I thought about the interaction the whole way home, of peoples reaction to the fact that you aren't drinking. It's a new emotion for me. I knew I wanted to post about it. Anybody have similar interactions, and then responses?

              The good news is I wasn't even tempted, plus he was a slimy creeper dude.

              Anyway, Happy AF Tuesday to all. Elvis congrats on day 7, I'll be there tomorrow.

              Hugs, Cyn
              :h Cynthia Lynne (Cyn) :h
              __________________________________________________ ____
              ?One of the most important keys to Success is having the discipline to do what you know you should do, even when you dont feel like doing it.?

              AF- 8/1/13
              7 Days- Done 8/7/13 :thumbs:
              14 Days- Done 8/14/13 :yay:


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Cyn - Your posts are always so pretty!! They are nice to look at even before reading. :H Drinkers are generally uncomfortable with non-drinkers. Try not to take any awkward or rude responses personally. You will begin to find people who know how to have fun without drinking alcohol. You are doing so well!!
                Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                The man pulling radishes
                pointed the way
                with a radish. ISSA


                  Newbies Nest

                  Tess-2;1540732 wrote: Hi Cyn - Your posts are always so pretty!! They are nice to look at even before reading. :H
                  Ahhhhh, thanks, Tess! You are so sweet. Thanks for the kind words.
                  Makes my afternoon all the better! :heart:
                  :h Cynthia Lynne (Cyn) :h
                  __________________________________________________ ____
                  ?One of the most important keys to Success is having the discipline to do what you know you should do, even when you dont feel like doing it.?

                  AF- 8/1/13
                  7 Days- Done 8/7/13 :thumbs:
                  14 Days- Done 8/14/13 :yay:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi guys its my day 4 ... One thing I am noticing is the quality of sleep I am getting. Feel fresh in morning with no guilts. I am in a job where I travel alone a lot like 15 days in a month. And since last several years my enemy (started off as friend) was alcohol. I used to work hard the whole day and celebrate by getting drunk every evening .. Pint of beers after beers ...

                    I am on the same business trip and since last 4 days I am doing something different ... Watching movies or reading ... It's quite a change and for good.

                    I feel good and as evening comes I feel carvings and then then feed myself till I am fully loaded with food. I am also having more sugar carvings.... Cokes and ice creams and chocolates ... And am eating them ...
                    Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                    Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                    Rebooting ... done ...
                    Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                      Newbies Nest

                      Rahulthesweet;1540756 wrote: Hi guys its my day 4 ... One thing I am noticing is the quality of sleep I am getting. Feel fresh in morning with no guilts. I am in a job where I travel alone a lot like 15 days in a month. And since last several years my enemy (started off as friend) was alcohol. I used to work hard the whole day and celebrate by getting drunk every evening .. Pint of beers after beers ...

                      I am on the same business trip and since last 4 days I am doing something different ... Watching movies or reading ... It's quite a change and for good.

                      I feel good and as evening comes I feel carvings and then then feed myself till I am fully loaded with food. I am also having more sugar carvings.... Cokes and ice creams and chocolates ... And am eating them ...
                      Rahul that's wonderful to hear. Isn't life great without AL? It's making that first step that's so difficult but once you're on your way it's amazing. Eat all you want you can deal with the sugar cravings later one thing at a time. Enjoy your new life!
                      Newbies Nest
                      My accountability thread


                        Newbies Nest

                        Cyn when I was reading your post about the bike ride meeting I was hoping to hear that he said oh sure well let's go get an ice cream instead. That would be the dream guy right? Glad the slime bag is history.
                        Newbies Nest
                        My accountability thread


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hiya folks, I just wanted to check in to say to Cyn, Rahul and Elvis that I am made up that you have been doing so well and that in a short space of time you have come so far. Fantastic guys! You are an inspiration.
                          "I used to be on the guest list, but now I'm on the nest list!"

                          Newbies Nest:



                            Newbies Nest

                            3June2013;1540771 wrote: Cyn when I was reading your post about the bike ride meeting I was hoping to hear that he said oh sure well let's go get an ice cream instead. That would be the dream guy right? Glad the slime bag is history.
                            Hahah, Yeah, if he would of been hot I would of handled it differently. Maybe even said I'll take a Club soda, cranberry with a lime. (That's been my go-to.)But he was not my type. Big ol' gut, hmmm...I wonder where that came from? Guess what he was drinking?

                            I'm sure my non alcohol drinker, prince charming is out there. =) Eventually it won't bother me if someone I meet drinks, as long as he respects my desires.

                            :h Cynthia Lynne (Cyn) :h
                            __________________________________________________ ____
                            ?One of the most important keys to Success is having the discipline to do what you know you should do, even when you dont feel like doing it.?

                            AF- 8/1/13
                            7 Days- Done 8/7/13 :thumbs:
                            14 Days- Done 8/14/13 :yay:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi all, I was here for a while earlier in the year and well, I'd really like to come back if that's OK I can never seem to get past day 3 or 4. I don't get physical cravings, just psychological ones (which are just as potent I think). Even when I actively feel like I *don't* want to drink, some dark compulsion inside leads me straight to the wine aisle. Anyway I'm of for a look around and I'm looking forward to getting to know you all - properly this time!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Red, I remember you and I'm glad you're back!

                                Days 3 and 4 were always the hardest for me too...probably because I physically felt better so I thought I wasn't "that bad". I had to learn to fast forward to the reality of drinking...blacking out, passing out, vomiting, doing dumb/dangerous stuff, overwhelming anxiety, etc., etc. Alcohol will try to seduce you and make you conveniently forget the bad stuff...don't let that happen. And stick close to us so we can get to know you again!

                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

