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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Tess, your post really touched me. So sad, yet at the same time so compassionate, beautiful and loving. Your mom sounds like a remarkable woman, as do you. You are in my thoughts.
    Everything is going to be amazing


      Newbies Nest

      Evening nesters! I miss you all like crazy but this night shift really takes its toll on me. Good to see some new faces and some returning, and of course the "seniors"! I look forward to being a senior MWO only 300 or so posts to go!

      Tess my heart goes out to you. Can't really find the words to express how much I admire you, and obviously your mum's wisdom has rubbed off. Thanks for sharing that intimate moment it will help me when the inevitable happens to remember those words.

      I'm not going to try to say hey individually as I need to get a nap before work but I'm trying to lurk and keep up. Give this quit all you've got it's worth every moment of discomfort to get to the other side. I can honestly say I don't even consider AL these days. This is me 74 days AF after 40 years of drinking.

      We can do it. Just keep your eye on the prize.
      Newbies Nest
      My accountability thread


        Newbies Nest

        3June - I just have to say this. I remember your first post - so full of determination and promise - and you haven't wavered in your resolve. You have reached out to me and others. I just wanted to say thanks.
        Everything is going to be amazing


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening nesters,

          Tess, thinking of you!

          Hello & welcome Jazzi's Mum, glad you decided to join us. Sounds like you have a good plan so stay tucked in the nest & we'll all lend a hand

          Greetings to everyone & congrats again to today's moon recipients
          I've had a rather full day myself & am ready for some down time.
          Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest1

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Welcome jazi's mom. Glad you are here.
            Everyone sounds strong in their resolve today. :l all around.
            Tess you are wonderful. I am so glad to know you.
            Be careful Byrdie.
            I took my daughter out for dinner just the two of us for her bday. Such a wonderful time being sober and enjoying her company.
            Have a great night (or day) everyone.
            No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


              Newbies Nest

              Evening all
              thinking of you Tess.
              your friend,
              Liberated 5/11/2013


                Newbies Nest

                Tess thinking about you and your mom. God bless your both ...
                Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                Rebooting ... done ...
                Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello friends ... Today is my day 11 : this is the longest I have been without Al in last many years. I wish to break my old record and stay sober all ways. I always had a bad habit of sneezing out from everyone during late evenings on pretext of either excersise or a job etc ... But in reality have been doing to local bar to to drink ...this has been since many many years ...

                  I did the same yesterday except to stuff myself with junk food ...

                  I have to stop lying to my family ...
                  Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                  Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                  Rebooting ... done ...
                  Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                    Newbies Nest

                    My heart breaks for you. This is so difficult to witness. I've been through this with my dad and a brother-in-law. Both fought to the end, but then, they knew. As it appears your Mom does now. She seems at peace with the situation.
                    I know this does not help you with what you're going through now. It is painful. I'm glad you're there for her, that's really all that's necessary. Just hold her tight like that baby.


                      Newbies Nest

                      3J, been workin' that night shift all week too, messes with my body clock.

                      Wonder what messing with Allank's clock? Hope you get some sleep, friend.

                      Byrdie, 9 hrs? Really? I'm jealous.

                      BH, Killing the treadmill! I always hated those torture devices. I would rather do anything outside, even in the the rain, than subject myself to that. Good for you!

                      Lizann, congrats on 7 days! The moon will come.

                      And finally welcome to Alby and Ms. J!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning, all . Just wanted to say hello before starting my work day. Still feeling very strong and determined that this is my last quit! For the first time in years, I am actually looking forward to the weekend...for all the right reasons
                        Everything is going to be amazing


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning all.
                          I was thinking about the talk I had with my daughter last night about moderation. I originally thought that after not drinking awhile I would be able to moderate. After all I was stopping because hubby is the one with the problem not me! Well the amount of information and other peoples experiences have just really made me realize how much of a problem I do have and there is no way I will ever be able to moderate. And really why would I want to? I try and eat healthy, get tremendous amounts of exercise, you know do everything I can to be healthy, and then turn around and pour poison down my throat? No thank you.
                          Honestly everyone here is helping me through this difficult time in my life and it is a bright spot in my day to see everyone's progress.
                          Trying to give a word of encouragement to someone else is a positive and drinking again would take that away. What if I couldn't stop again? I don't want to lose this progress I've made for something so stupid as a drink. Ice tea is much more refreshing these days anyway!
                          Have a great one all.
                          guess where we are off to this weekend!
                          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Afternoon everyone.

                            Beagle - moderation does not work IMO. It gives you the signal that eventually you can have a blow out. And then you know how you fell. Dreadful. Definitely found that no matter what I did - exercise, nutrition, sleep etc. I could never live a good life unless AF. Ice tea

                            Today - I have that problem of kind of missing out feeling. Not sure it is jealousy, just memories of being with friends at these events. Today my friends have gone to a big beer festival - the one I rejected the invite to - and just feel like I am missing out. Of course, I will wake up happy tomorrow. Just feeling like this because I let myself down at the weekend - turned out I blew over ?200 that night (oh Lord!). I would not feel like I was missing out if I had now been 6 weeks AF.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters,

                              LB, isn't it amazing how some AF time allows us to really think through the AL situation? Why bother with it now when life has become so much better?

                              Tess, we are all thinking of you, hope you are OK.

                              Wishing everyone a great AF Friday. I have a busy day ahead so off I go
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi everyone

                                First up, a huge well done to Kairos, day 7 today! Well done! :goodjob::goodjob:

                                Rahul, you are on day 11 without AL, congratulate yourself! You are well on the way to making amends to your family. Enjoy and appreciate what you have achieved my friend.

                                Mr V, I also used to hate the treadmill and had to force myself to go on there, now I love it!

                                LB, I am also very health conscious. Today I have been reading up on the effects of AL on cholesterol and blood pressure. I know mine were both high when I was drinking and smoking, putting me at risk of all sorts! I don't ever want to put my health at risk, moderation doesn't work for me. What I want is health and happiness, so AL and nicotine are out of the question in that equation!

                                3J, hope you have a restful weekend on the cards after those shifts!

                                Londoner, you are not missing out on anything. I remember your earlier posts about the money spent, the horrible hangovers, and your general unhappiness at your behaviour at these events. That's all you are missing out on, really. :l

                                Hello Lav, a great AF Friday to you too

                                In fact a great sober Friday to all who drop by. I have a cheeky wee day off today so will pop in later.

                                Thinking of you Tess xxx
                                Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe

