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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Well I'm 41 and a stay at home Mum. Before I quit work to have my eldest daughter, I had a similar job to you by the sound of it Free... Lots of travelling, hotels, entertaining...
    AF since Halloween 2016

    Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


      Newbies Nest

      Free - your job sounds fascinating and exciting. Maybe it's time to dust off my resume and try something new. Now that I'm kicking AL out of my life for good, I hope to travel more. Spent way too many years being too drunk, too broke and too lazy to make that happen. Now, my bucket list is stuffed with places I need to visit I can't wait.

      Wine-no, I worked part time and stayed home with my sons for many years. Never regretted a minute of it!! Just need an adventure or two now that my boys are grown.
      Everything is going to be amazing


        Newbies Nest

        I love that everyone is sharing. I try to keep up on other threads but sometimes it's tough. Good getting to know you all!
        Newbies Nest
        My accountability thread


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning Nesters, I am about to head off to work.Its 8.00am in OZ and a cold winters day. Will post again later. Hope everyone is doing well.........this is my 2nd day af after a huge fall. XXX


            Newbies Nest

            Well, I'm already 55 and the next 50 are going to be the best I can make them !

            Over the last ~10 years, a dependence on alcohol somehow morphed into an addiction. As far as I can deduce what happened, I trapped myself in a cycle of real and perceived potential losses that led to self-imposed "protective" isolation that resulted in more losses and so on and so on. I managed to protect myself from some pain and sadness at the cost of hope and joy. The video in Free's signature, and some others by this woman, tell much of my story.

            She emphasizes the need for connection - I found that here. Thank you. :h NS


              Newbies Nest

              A Challenge

              I hereby challenge all of you 54-year-old pups to be completely AF on your next birthday and join me for a super sober 56th year of really living!

              Byrdie, you were smart to come to your senses at a younger age. Thank goodness that that put you here - right where we needed you to be :l.

              Wine-no, you and others who figure this out before the challenges of your late 40s and early 50s arrive are so fortunate. Physical changes, altered relationships - everything that falls under that tired phrase, mid-life crisis, are worsened - and some may be caused- by AL.

              To anyone older - Grab back your life! Everyone who gets free of AL seems to look and feel younger! Plus, think how much longer each day will be when you have back the wasted hours. Each year will seem to be about 15 months long :H !

              Everyone here can be AF on their next birthday and make it the happiest one they ever had!


                Newbies Nest

                No sugar is dead on. I'm 53 and wish I had this advice when I was in my 30's. Exercise weight loss et al are all so much harder now. On top off it all diseases such as type Ii diabetes heart disease high blood pressure are all looming realities made worse by addiction to alcohol. I for one intend on a sober AF 54th.
                Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                William Butler Yeats


                  Newbies Nest

                  I accept the challenge, NS. Let's do it!! Looking forward to feeling younger at 55 than I did at 35.
                  Everything is going to be amazing


                    Newbies Nest

                    Oh my I'm 53. I guess we all have much in common. I myself did not start drinking a lot until I was in my 40s. I'd like to think that 54 is the new 40 as well. Like 3 June2013 I too drank to numb. I suffer from anxiety you see. My drinking was definitely self destructive, I ended up in the hospital with pancreatitis. Scared me pretty straight. I was good for three months then had a little slip up. Happy to say I'm back on track and for the most part enjoying each day. I look forward now to coming here and reading all the posts. I previously felt so alone. Truly a warm and safe place to be!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening all from the oldest Nester on the planet :H
                      You guys are all babies to me

                      I had a good day, got lots done & have one busy week ahead. Just grateful to be happy & healthy to do it all

                      Tess, please keep checking in when you can. We are all thinking of you.

                      Congrats everyone for another AF day - you will never regret it, I promise
                      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Ok, 57, in late September. High stress job as a news photographer. Travel the country and some international work. Lately, nothing is fast enough or good enough, by editor's standards. Al started to get in the way, it's the universal de-stressor in our profession.
                        Health concerns also took precedence. Pre-diabetic, high cholesterol, High BP, borderline obesity. All brought on by AL. The job is actually very physical, just let things get out of hand.
                        It is amazing how so many of us came to this point in our lives about the same time. Must be the wisdom of age, LOL. Just trying to keep up with the youngsters and stay employed.
                        Al free, I'm so much better at keeping focused throughout the day. The reward is worth it.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Lizann - Nice to meet you and glad you are here. Pancreatitis is awful. I watched my brother struggle with a few bouts of it over the years. Very painful and scary. Sorry you had to go through that. But delighted that you have joined us on the journey to an AF life. I too suffer from extreme anxiety. My standard line is that I have been self-medicating for it my whole life. Not funny, but oh so true. I think you'll find that many of us have issues with anxiety. Hang in there. Hope to hear more from you soon. Have a good evening.
                          Everything is going to be amazing


                            Newbies Nest

                            Tess, Thinking of you and your family. My deepest condolences to you and yours. I hope you can find peace with this soon.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Well, it is now time for me to get some sleep. I just can't say thank you enough to everyone here in the nest tonight for letting me jabber on and on and on. I was lonely tonight and afraid I might cave in and do the unthinkable. But you all kept me strong. I made it through another night. Blessings and love to you all.
                              Everything is going to be amazing


                                Newbies Nest

                                Moss I'm glad you resisted that temptation.
                                Nite all.
                                No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.

