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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    your story sounds so close to mine with the wine, and hubby triggers. Sounds like you are doing great. We have our Medical Center Party tonight so I plan on drinking lightly. My oldest son is leaving for the arm in a month and he challenged me for him to stop smoking on Sat. and I will stop the wine. So I am trying to wean a little each day. I don't smoke so that is good. I just wanted to get a post in for the day. Thanks again to all for the support.


      Newbies Nest

      Good luck at the party, Hangin'. I can do well in public, I just go overboard when I am at home.
      Astonishingly, I am almost losing my taste for wine. The smell of it almost gags me (but find I can force it down anyway).

      I am feeling pretty good about being AF tonite. I went to the store at lunchtime so I won't be tempted. Going to make scallops for supper tonite and enchiladas for tomorrow's dinner, so I will be busy. I am so tired I may not last long. But that's not a bad thing, all in all.

      Hugs ladies

      Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
      That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
      Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
      Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


        Newbies Nest

        Evening Nesters,

        Hangin', enjoy your party, keep your focus. Having a plan ahead oftime really helps

        Phoenix, lunch time shopping sounds good - whatever works, right?

        Temps are dropping & the wind is picking up........brr!

        Greetings Tranq, I know you'll drop in sooner or later. I'm putting in some evening hours in my shop to stay caught up with the Christmas rush

        Wishing everyone a warm & cozy evening!
        The night light is on......

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hi everyone.

          Hartley, Hanging, welcome. Wow Hanging a personal challenge huh. Sounds like you've got some motivation. Roll with it!

          Phoenix - you got on the treadmill and did yoga? Sounds dangerous - and you weren't drinking? Yeah Right! LoL. Just kidding. I know what you meant - Treadmill and yoga sounds like a great evening to me! I'm looking for that balance between active and peaceful - but right now I'm just flipping cold. Just got home and it's 10-degrees outside. brrrrrrr. Good job on resisting the urges. Like Lav says, sometimes it's just a matter of figuring out what you're needing at the moment. I've been fooled by what I thought were urges until I realized I was hungry or dehydrated... We've conditioned ourselves to soothe our needs with al, instead really taking care of them.

          Boy, around here I might have to go for miles to a dry county to find a store that doesn't sell al.

          Take care all.
          Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


            Newbies Nest

            Good Morning Nesters!

            Woke up to a sunny but chilly 19 degrees today! Yes, the woodstove is helping to keep my hands from turning blue......

            I never really gave much thought to the AL being sold in supermarkets thing before! It really IS a big problem, isn't it? I've noticed it while travelling, visiting relatives, etc. but I never really considered the full impact before. What are 'we' thinking by selling poison in the very same place you buy your veggies? What kind of example are we showing our kids? PA is still operating State Stores. You have to make a separate trip which is gives you a chance to think twice before making a purchase. Maybe it's time to start a letter writing campaign to your Representatives........get them thinking about the dangers of selling AL in supermarkets!

            I'll jump off the soap box now because I need to get to work. Keeping my customers happy is a big priority this time of year

            Wishing everyone a terrific Friday!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              AF x 2

              Last night was almost effortless. It is getting easier. I was looking through my spreadsheet and I realized that the longest I've gone w/o AL has been in 2006, when I went 6 days.
              I am hoping to beat that record.

              I have plans with a girlfriend tonite (going to a bookstore) so I think this will be my first AF Friday night in as long as I can remember. Wish me luck.
              Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
              That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
              Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
              Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                Newbies Nest

                Hi to all,
                My name is Stirly-Girly. I have already met some of you from your posts on my thread. I thought it about time I dropped by "The Nest" to say Hi!
                I'll not go on and on like I tend to at times. :blah:
                Just wanted to meet some more of you kind folks and to once again express my appreciation for your support. I'm only on Day 3 AF but I feel like a great burden has been lifted from my shoulders, like the dark cloud over my head is finally moving. on. I know there will be ordeals for me to bear and other black clouds will come sailing in but having joined your "family" I feel that I am really able to stand up to the demons and keep them at bay.
                I am just so lucky to have found MWO. I needed a place like this so much and MWO kind of fell into my lap just when I needed it most.
                Am just so relieved to have found people with experiences like mine who understand what being an alcoholic means.
                Looking forward to meeting more of you.

                :thanks:for listening,
                For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Stirly-girly
                  I so agree with your comments, I cant believe how much better i feel knowing that you are all here and understand what im going through.
                  I could never have these conversations with my friends as Id be too ashamed to tell them how bad it has become. Part of the despair was the lonliness and this site is just a Godsend!
                  Wishing you the greatest of luck....:l
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    Newbies Nest

                    :welcome: Stirly :welcome: Chill,

                    Glad you've found your way to the nest.

                    Make yourself comfortable. Ask any questions you like? If some one doesn't know the answer, some one else will.

                    Take a look into Lavande's avatar and watch for the blink. It's hypnotic

                    J x

                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Newbies Nest

                      :thanks: again JC
                      I see you on a lot of threads answering all us "Newbies". You were one of the first to welcome me on my thread when I asked for help and I was so touched by the private message you sent me. You're like a sweet mother hen clucking for the lost chickens to come back to the nest for a warm hug. But you're not a just a "mother hen", you're also a really a great "chick"!!! (I use that word with the best of meanings!)
                      Thanks on behalf of all of us new "Newbies". Plus that you're AF for over 5 months. You're an inspiration to us all!!
                      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hola birdlings!

                        How goes it? Still going NUTS here and it doesn't look like it's going to let up soon. I may have totally shot myself in the foot with my mail out to clients, announcing the launch of our new website - I had 3 new re-design contracts in 4 days. I think I'll HAVE to work over Christmas.

                        All else is well, AF, daughter good, son at school, Sophie happy, now if Mr. Wonderful could just get over his cold I could be doing other things with him right now! :H

                        Been getting dumped on with that nasty white stuff and need to keep the fire going around the clock. Is it May yet? :H I'm SO not in the x-mas mood yet... have barely started shopping -yikes. STILL waiting on the water test, after that the sale of the house is in the clear.

                        Phew. What else? Dunno... can't think of anything. How is everyone??? Lav, I will make the granny cracks until I'm in your shoes! Tranq, sootie, chook, phoenix, and all of the newbies... keep warm, dry and sober. I may not be around much, but thinking of you!

                        Over and out!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi SG and ChillG, So glad you are here. Lav is an excellent mother bird and there are a lot of others here to chat with also.... What makes this place so great is the privacy!! It helps you explore yourself and your needs and your problems in safe environment. Stay close and explore all MWO has to offer.
                          And your right Jackie is cool, with great advice also.

                          Pheonix, great job on the days! December is a tough one. Every AF day is a success.
                          Hi Sunshine, Love your posts
                          Lav, you are so lucky that you have special stores. I wish the whole country would do that. Just to make you think a bit more before you go to buy. Here it is everywhere... I don't think there is a grocery store or drug store near me with out.

                          Hi TW and all else who check in. Good night and thanks Lav for keeping this nest. MM


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi SG and ChillG, So glad you are here. Lav is an excellent mother bird and there are a lot of others here to chat with also.... What makes this place so great is the privacy!! It helps you explore yourself and your needs and your problems in safe environment. Stay close and explore all MWO has to offer.
                            And your right Jackie is cool, with great advice also.

                            Pheonix, great job on the days! December is a tough one. Every AF day is a success.
                            Hi Sunshine, Love your posts
                            Lav, you are so lucky that you have special stores. I wish the whole country would do that. Just to make you think a bit more before you go to buy. Here it is everywhere... I don't think there is a grocery store or drug store near me with out.

                            Hi TW and all else who check in. Good night and thanks Lav for keeping this nest. MM


                              Newbies Nest

                              "I'll jump off the soap box now because I need to get to work."

                              Lav, if you run for president you'll have my vote. Just give all the trouble makers a good dose of Lavand-itude and our problems will be solved!

                              Phoenix, a Friday night trip to the bookstore is a great idea! Enjoy! I think you can go for six and then some. And it seems to me that the only "effort" required is when you fight the idea. The supps and stuff do make it easier.

                              Hi Stirly and Chill. This is a great place. Fantastic support and kind, understanding and non-judgemental people. Definitely ask questions and take advantage of all that is here. It all helps tremendously if you add a little determination and are willing to learn about yourself.

                              Hi Sunni! Stay warm. Sounds like all that work should keep you hopping.

                              Hi MM. Maybe we start a write-in campaigne for Lav in the next election.

                              Take care all!
                              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                                Newbies Nest

                                Evening Nesters!

                                Late for me - it's been a busy day!!!!

                                Welcome Stirly Girly & Chillgirl, very nice to have you here
                                Please find yourselves comfy twigs & settle in with us. We've had a lot of vacancies lately!! You both have made a great decision to join MWO, I hope we can help you along to your goals. I've been around myself since February & am eternally grateful to everyone for all the love & support I've received.

                                Sunni, good to hear from you! Sounds like you have your hands full! Sometimes it gets scarey when your business suddenly picks up, don't you think? I always start to self-doubt a little then I bring out my Lavan-itude & everything turns out OK I'm glad things are going well for you. We had about an inch of snow last was pretty but it's gone now. I imagine you have tons by now. Keep that woodstove burning, stay warm. Say Hi to Ms Sophie for me. Make some chicken soup for Mr Wonderful!

                                MM & Phoenix, I'm glad you're sticking with us - this is the place to be! The Bookstores around here serve coffee........that's more like it!!!!

                                Tranq, I'll run for President if you agree to be the VP Honestly, I would love to give the lawmakers in this country a good shaking & a giant dose of Lavan-itude!!! Why the hell do we need AL sold in grocery stores? That's just ridiculous......

                                Well, I had a very full day myself & am ready to settle down.
                                Wishing everyone a warm, safe night in the Nest, see you all tomorrow!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

