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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello everyone. Have actually got my 8 weeks today. This weekend is a lot easier than the last.

    I can remember things such as going to the grocery shops at certain times of the day being difficult. It is easier now. My local supermarket doesn't sell alcohol. But the pub is halfway between it and my home. I got very used to stopping by if it was a hot day, I'd tell myself it'd be just one or two drinks and a flutter on the gaming machines, but usually buy more on the way out. I still avoid the shopping trips at certain times or if I'm feeling vulnerable.

    I started my search for sobriety at the start of the year and have had a few hiccups. This time around though I've sought more help with it, and it seems to be working. I've noticed that these days I seem to take more care of myself, I go to the necessary appointments, instead of trying to hide from them all.

    It can help to replan what you do in your spare time, I have done a fair bit of that.

    As for now, just going to keep going one day at a time. Take care everyone, staying sober is really worth it.


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesters,

      Happy Saturday - the nest is open for business
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest


        We cross posted!
        Congratulations on your 8 weeks AF! Great job
        You've learned quite a bit about yourself & have adjusted your plan accordingly.......that's exactly what it takes for success in beating AL!
        Wishing you a great day, I'm very happy for you!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hi to all sub equator people,
          Things are getting hot here, Xmas coming and all. It's hard to stay cool and focused when it's 36 C outside. Just think of those who are suffering in the North and all will B well
          Long Road
          Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
          Eleanor Roosevelt


            Newbies Nest

            LR I'm an Aussie too, in the south of the continent. It's not bad here at the moment, but going to get hot next week.

            We had a burst of hot weather last month, I noticed though that I seemed to cope with it better than last Summer, when I kept getting dizzy spells, probably a combination of hot weather and dehydration from drinking.


              Newbies Nest

              Hey Mel - Way to go on your eight weeks. That is truly fantastic and I bet it feels great. It sounds like you've realized that we have to just look at things, especially al, life in general, differently. You said you sought more help this time around - is there anything that's been particularly helpful to you?

              Lav, I can only accept the nomination if there are golf privileges. I'm not sure if legislators really want to cut the sales of al considering all the tax revenues generated. Just sayin'.

              Hey if I'm VP, can I live half the year in Oz? Sounds like we could learn a lot from the folks down there - maybe recruit some cabinet members from down-under. I like the idea of having warm weather in winter-time too!

              Have fun all.
              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                Newbies Nest

                Hi everyone - my first time here. Last night I decided at 2am that my drinking has to stop. It is ruining my life and has been for way too long. So the time has come - so close to Christmas and New Years - but there is always going to be something on.

                So I am here and I will need every bit of support to stay off the wine. I am sick of feeling hungover - living in a constant daze of being drunk or being hungover. The odd day I am AF I feel awesome - I want to feel like this everyday. It is a scary thought to give up wine but it is scarier thinking that down the track I may die from liver disease.

                I have 3 bottles of wine left over from the "Buy 6 get 30% off" deal from Friday - I threw the half open bottle down the sink at about 5am. I am going to do the same with the last 3 bottles. It seems like a waste - but I know it is far less waste than if I actually drink it. I am looking forward to counting my AF days - I am looking forward to a new way of life.

                Alcohol has become a burden - I hate it and wish it didn't exist...


                  Newbies Nest

                  HI Kirstin
                  Welcome to MWO
                  Im new too, found it last week after a horrendous 2 day binge!
                  Im not yet AF but have had a few AF days.... it a start
                  I am determined I will give up though, completely fed up of hangovers and depressive moods

                  I totally agree with you, alcohol is now a horrible burden that is ruining my life!!!

                  I wish you all the very best and think you are lucky to have found this site, i think it will end up saving my life.

                  I am up to two bottles of wine a day now and I know enough is enough.
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi me again.....
                    I just wanted to say something that came into my mind,
                    we all know what good liars we make, to ourselves and to others.
                    My friends and family have absolutely no idea the extend of my drinking, they know that sometime i over do it but most do...
                    My parents came to stay with me a couple of months ago and for the 1st time in my life I hid the empty bottles at the back of a cupboard so my father wouldnt see how many got recycled in the morning!!

                    I spoke to my mother this week and told her I was fed up with alcohol and that I was quitting in Jan, she said "Oh but one or two doesnt hurt! You dont have to have any more than that, so why give up completely?" She has No idea!!

                    When I think about it, i have nevr just had one or two in my entire adult life....
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      Newbies Nest

                      Chillgirl - you are sooo right!! My parents never drank at all. My grandfather was an alcoholic so my dad never touched it - no doubt this is where I get my tendancies from. When I was younger I would come home drunk and then highly embarrassed. Now I am older I just drink in private. My best friend often comments on this person and that person and how they are hopeless with drinking - I just agree knowing that I am one of those people and she has no idea. I don't drink in front of my parents at all.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Hi Kristin, welcome to the nest, glad you decided to drop in Just pull up a comfy twig & settle in with us! So many of us were wine drinkers/abusers.......we have a lot in common. I got fed up with myself last Christmas. It took until near the end of March before I decided to give it up completely but I'm so glad I did! Life gets much, much better, you'll see!

                        Chillgirl, hiding the empty bottles really leaves you feeling pretty crappy about yourself, doesn't it? I did it over & over again.........sad!

                        Tranq, we'll have to sit down & work out plans for our campaign.........I don't see any reason why you couldn't work part time from another continent. As long as you keep your cell phone charged, ha ha!!
                        I'll bet if the geniuses in charge of things now would tax booze (the way they're taxing cigs right now) a LOT of people would quit drinking too............

                        Well, I'm wishing everyone a safe night in the nest - I'll leave the night light on, just in case.........
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          TranqWilly wrote: Hey Mel - Way to go on your eight weeks. That is truly fantastic and I bet it feels great. It sounds like you've realized that we have to just look at things, especially al, life in general, differently. You said you sought more help this time around - is there anything that's been particularly helpful to you?
                          Thank you TW. This time, I went back to see the addictions counsellor I was recommended to last year. It's good to talk to someone with the knowledge and be able to ask questions about what I am going through. I also went back to the psychiatrist I stopped seeing in August 2007, I have to travel to a nearby city to get there. I've suffered from depression/anxiety since I was 12 or 13 years old, when I was drinking I just seemed to stop caring about managing it properly or taking medication. If I did take medication, the alcohol probably interfered with how it worked. I do also have another CBT counsellor in my local area. I can call her or the addictions counsellor if I'm struggling.

                          I went on Campral a few weeks ago and that has helped clear my thoughts a lot. That's the way I found this site, I was googling the medication for more information.

                          I'd always told myself that my problem wasn't advanced enough for me to need Campral, that I'd get past the immediate withdrawal effects and be fine, but it hasn't been that simple for me. I can look back now and see the seriousness of my problem, that it was quite bad.

                          I've realised that recovery means more than just putting down the drink, and I know it's more than just taking medication. I don't really have AA in my local area, have been looking around for other programs I can easily do at home, and was happy to find this one, which makes sense to me. I don't feel anymore like I am 'white knuckling' all the time.

                          Luckily, I don't really feel tempted to self-medicate my anxiety and depression anymore, as I've realised that alcohol doesn't really work in that way for me anymore, it just seems to make it worse. I have the most awful crashes after drinking, and it fuels my low mood and anxiety. I black out quickly most of the time these days and don't really enjoy it that much anymore. I was drinking towards the end more to feel 'normal' in between binges, and to avoid withdrawal.

                          So that's me and the way I think of it these days. It took me about a year to get to this point. I'm looking forward to next year having a better outlook. When I started recovery, thinking that I supposed I really should quit, I had no real idea where to begin learning to live life without alcohol in it, am happy now to have found the right program for myself.

                          Take care all, welcome to all the new nesters.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi All
                            I often look at this site - gives me great solace, but have yet to do anything major other than read the book. Now feel its long over due to make a move. I like the idea of the cds - but dont know whether to order the classic 4 or the mums? (Im a mum who is seriously letting down her beautiful kids) & as they're not cheap - need some advice on which. Same goes for supps - where do I start? Next question (it's 7.30am, no hangover but can remember last one too well) what is yr valued opinion on meds? I live on a tiny med island & so would have to order from somewhere????
                            Being a great procrastinator (except for when it comes to opening the next bottle of wine - what is it with women and wine??) I need some help to kick start a new life. Anyone???


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi fairycake,
                              I have the original CDs - I was here a couple of years ago and then conveniently forgot to visit or thought I was fine. I don't know about the mums one. Someone else will no doubt have more info for you on all this.

                              I do understand about letting down the kids though - if I'm not drunk or on the way to it I am grumpy because I am hungover. Our kids deserve a mother who is there for them. Wine is such a trap for me - I have a bottle and a half and then wish that I could go back and have not drunk it - because the funs over and the next stage is waking up in the middle of the night feeling like crap. The problem is if I had a magic spell that would instantly make me sober I would just go about drinking another bottle and a half until I was a slug again - why do I feel the need to get so out of it each time I drink?

                              Anyway, the only thing that helped me last time was coming here regularly and remembering exactly why I must stay off the booze. Good luck in your journey - we can help each other!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Just turned down invite to go out to lunch....

                                it would have meant drinking and I think today will be AF
                                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                                NF - May 1996

