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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Byrdlady;1546085 wrote: Lizann, it really is a process, but if you will take a leap of faith with us, and keep will NOT regret it. I was telling NoSugar the other day that it was just blind luck that kept me following in Lav's footsteps....but thank heaven I did...I am so grateful that I just blindly followed her!!! I TRUST her. I'm glad I latched onto the right coattails!!! It would have been just as easy to follow someone else off the cliff!
    Love you, Lav!!
    Rooni, you are kicking butt!
    Everyone doing so well~!! Swell, even! Keep it going!!

    Yeah, and then I hopped on to your back (with about 100 other people :H) ! You are a very strong woman, Byrdie :l . Thanks for the lift .

    I would advise anyone who is struggling to find a "voice" (or 2 or 3) on MWO that resonates with you and just follow that person around and do what they do. Teach yourself to think like they think. I felt like I was a weird stalker of Byrdie and Kuya and a few other people here but on the other hand, I truly felt like I had nothing left to lose and no more pride to protect. I really felt like this MWO thing had
    to work and get me free.

    Once you give up a false sense of pride, quit hiding your problem -at least here-, confront and reveal your true self, have faith in other people, believe in a process, and just GO FOR IT --- you can succeed. I had to learn to be a totally different person here -- no longer large and in charge with no apparent problems or insecurities. What I'm really happy about is that much of what I've learned here has truly changed me and I'm becoming a much more open person in my offline life. What a relief.

    :h NS


      Newbies Nest

      NoSugar;1546129 wrote: Yeah, and then I hopped on to your back (with about 100 other people :H) ! You are a very strong woman, Byrdie :l . Thanks for the lift .

      I would advise anyone who is struggling to find a "voice" (or 2 or 3) on MWO that resonates with you and just follow that person around and do what they do. Teach yourself to think like they think. I felt like I was a weird stalker of Byrdie and Kuya and a few other people here but on the other hand, I truly felt like I had nothing left to lose and no more pride to protect. I really felt like this MWO thing had to work and get me free.

      Once you give up a false sense of pride, quit hiding your problem -at least here-, confront and reveal your true self, have faith in other people, believe in a process, and just GO FOR IT --- you can succeed. I had to learn to be a totally different person here -- no longer large and in charge with no apparent problems or insecurities. What I'm really happy about is that much of what I've learned here has truly changed me and I'm becoming a much more open person in my offline life. What a relief.

      :h NS
      NS this a great post. Full of wisdom and optimism and just what I need to hear: that true change can be meaningful and positive. Thank you
      "I used to be on the guest list, but now I'm on the nest list!"

      Newbies Nest:



        Newbies Nest

        Neddy Merrill;1546099 wrote: Hi Nesters, it's great to hear so many success stories even in the face of some very traumatic personal situations. It might be tempting but please remember, a drink will NEVER make a bad situation better. My best wishes to all. NM
        Isn't it quite a shake up when you finally see all that 'drinking for relaxation' bullshit for what it really is Neddy? Any problem is only made a whole lot worse by adding alcohol to the equation.

        NS, Byrdie, thank you for the truly inspiring posts tonight and for all the support you give us each and every day. Inspirational doesn't quite cover it.

        Rahul, you are finally exercising! I just know that this is going to help you with the boredom and the cravings. Well done!

        Lizann, of course you can continue, stay strong!
        Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


          Newbies Nest

          I'm calling it a day! That's a wrap! Now off the relax! The old fashioned way....with a hot bath, a good meal and mindless tv!

          Broken, your post (drinking to relax) reminds me of a member who had been struggling quite a bit...we all could tell she was about to blow. So after a while she started posting again that night, she had drank a couple just to relax....but in her posts you could see the paranoia and anxiety returning instantly. The self loathing and all of that was much worse than when she was sober. It was just incredible to see that transformation happen right before our eyes. AL is the big LIE. Don't fall for it. We know better now!!

          Hope everyone has a safe night in the nest! Here's the Butt Velcro AND the Super Glue. Dammit, it's stuck to my hand...... somebody!!!!!!!
          XXOO, Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Waita minute....I think both Samstone and Mr Guitarista have 100 days today!!! I know SS this true, G??

            If so, you've got a bird coming!

            Here's to giving AL the flip-off for 100 big days!!! It really was at this milestone that I finally felt I had arrived. I hope it's the same for you, two, too. We are so proud of you both! Thank you for all of the support you offer is a shame that we find ourselves in this mess, but it's a privilege to be on this journey with you.

            The Prize Patrol
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              Byrdlady;1546257 wrote: I'm calling it a day! That's a wrap! Now off the relax! The old fashioned way....with a hot bath, a good meal and mindless tv!

              Broken, your post (drinking to relax) reminds me of a member who had been struggling quite a bit...we all could tell she was about to blow. So after a while she started posting again that night, she had drank a couple just to relax....but in her posts you could see the paranoia and anxiety returning instantly. The self loathing and all of that was much worse than when she was sober. It was just incredible to see that transformation happen right before our eyes. AL is the big LIE. Don't fall for it. We know better now!!

              Hope everyone has a safe night in the nest! Here's the Butt Velcro AND the Super Glue. Dammit, it's stuck to my hand...... somebody!!!!!!!
              XXOO, Byrdie
              you could see the paranoia and anxiety returning instantly. The self loathing and all of that was much worse than when she was sober
              sounds all to familiar Byrdie. I am off to bed too, it's been a long day but a good one. Going to watch some TV on my ipad and take a nice cup of camomile tea. I am also going to fall asleep naturally, wake in the morning refreshed and hangover free, no mystery bruises, no 'shit, who did I call? What did I say' panic moments.

              That in itself is a joy. Goodnight everyone xx
              Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                Newbies Nest

                broken halo;1546262 wrote: I am also going to fall asleep naturally, wake in the morning refreshed and hangover free, no mystery bruises, no 'shit, who did I call? What did I say' panic moments.

                That in itself is a joy. Goodnight everyone xx
                BH - I hear ya! The anxiety/panic was what made me finally quit. I could handle the physical hangover, but the mental one was more than I could live with anymore. I hated who I was drunk, and I was sooo ashamed of it the next day. Byrdie talked about the "transformation"...yep, that was how I was. I could see myself sliding downhill based on the text 7pm they weren't too bad, by 10pm I would be saying things that made me cringe the next day. "Drunk me" started deleting my texts so that "hungover me" couldn't read them the next morning. That caused even MORE anxiety cuz I'd never know what I said. Oh's much easier to be sober!
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Newbies Nest

                  broken halo;1546262 wrote: Going to watch some TV on my ipad and take a nice cup of camomile tea. I am also going to fall asleep naturally, wake in the morning refreshed and hangover free, no mystery bruises, no 'shit, who did I call? What did I say' panic moments.

                  That in itself is a joy. Goodnight everyone xx
                  BH - you reminded me of two more things I forgot I experienced or did when under the influence:

                  First the mystery bruises - My poor dogs always got credit for those. Told people they jump in bed right on top of me and low and behold a new bruise appeared! (didn't mention I had grass stains on my jeans too...)
                  Second, the who did I text panic - OMG some of the worst texts that made no sense whatsoever and to people I don't even know very well and very late at night too. Yikes!

                  Hopefully that's in the past.

                  Sleep well!


                    Newbies Nest

                    sanchez;1546268 wrote:
                    Hopefully that's in the past. !
                    It is in the past, Sanchez, if you truly want it to be - and it sure sounds like you do.

                    Love the avatar .


                      Newbies Nest

                      morning all
                      how is everyone going


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning witts - it's evening here

                        If it's true then CONGRATS to Sam & G on 100 AF days :yay:
                        I'm very happy for you guys!

                        Byrdie, I think Stella helped me corner you & get you going down our path :H She's a good bird :H

                        Great to see all the young ones making progress here, keep it up, you'll never be sorry

                        Wising everyone a safe night in the nest!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          BH - I can relate. The absolute horror I would feel in the morning when I would check my FB account and just cringe at some of my posts. And K9 - did the exact same thing. Would delete texts, and FB posts in the hopes that I could get over the shame if I didn't have to read them. Nope - only made it worse. And then there was the time I had a 26 minute long phone call with an old friend I hadn't talked to in years. I didn't remember a minute of it! Needless to say, I haven't heard from him since. That was right before I joined MWO, and a huge reason I decided enough was enough. I'm still embarrassed about that one.

                          It's been a rough couple of days - physically and mentally - but this reminds me of exactly why I'm done with AL. Perfect timing. Thanks.
                          Everything is going to be amazing


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey Lav and Byrdie
                            thanks for my bird. I will flash it when in need to keep the beast at bay. You are right Byrdie, it is too bad we find ourselves in this mess. Thank goodness things like MWO exists to help. Several quits back, it was a hard go alone.
                            Liberated 5/11/2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good evening friends,

                              Samstone, congratulations on your 100 days! It is great having you in the nest and I'm very happy for you! Like Byrdie said, it's a shame we had to meet this way, but there is some good company around here.

                              Hi Witts End, good morning to you too!

                              Thanks to all for helping me remember many cringe worthy events, MossRose, Sanchez,
                              K9, those things that are not fun to remember, but maybe helpful.

                              Rooni, I think that you getting back into speed skating is just the coolest thing. That must be quite a rush! AF life is really freedom to be who we are and engage our passions head on. People have such diverse interests here, but I'm always tickled when I read about people getting back into their hobbies/passions.

                              Hi Snapdragon, good to see you here!

                              JDG, I hope today went well for you today. I know that you know that the relief for feeling the way you do is to get alcohol out of your life and never look back.

                              Rahul, you are doing great! Keep it up!
                              I hope everyone has a great AF night.
                              "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                              AF 11/12/11


                                Newbies Nest

                                Yup, I've got a few of those cringe worthy events too! I can actually remember the phone calls I make now. I had a good chuckle tonight in the store. I was looking at the clearance section in a craft store and accidentally knocked about five glass vases off the shelf, one of which broke. That was a clumsy but sober me! I stopped to think at that moment how glad I was to be sober! It wasn't cringe worth drunk being clumsy. Twelve days and counting!

                                Good night all!

