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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Sam and G-man. You are both wonderful. I am so happy for both of you. 100 days is huge!! :b&d: you really are whipping this thing!
    Jdgirl glad you are feeling better.
    Rahul you are in a beautiful place and you will never regret being able to remember every second of it.
    Byrdie you really say what so many of us Ned to hear. Thank you for helping so many.
    Pinecone I'm glad you are doing so well. You rock!
    Bhalo I wish I had some of that energy at the end pf my day!
    Sanchez you can do this. Just take baby steps before you know it you will be amazed at how far you have traveled. That's how it was with me.
    Londoner I worry about you. You have worked so hard to get where you are. Hold onto that quit like it is a lifeline. It is!
    Neddy So glad to hear your cheerful voice everyday.
    Lizann keep up the good work. You make a difference to us here.
    This place needs everyone. Without support none of us would be able to beat old als butt! It takes a village...fledglings need many hands to get them off the ground and flying to freedom.
    Have a great one all!
    No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


      Newbies Nest

      I think a nest sounds like just the place where I want to be! I'm not really a newbie - more like a returnee. I need a place to connect...And I feel new since I've been away so long.

      I'm so tired of this struggle, and the back and forth of drinking and quitting and trying to drink moderately, and bargaining with myself and celebrating not drinking and then letting myself fall back into it again!

      I'd like to join all of you in the nest for a bit, if there's room.

      "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


        Newbies Nest

        Always room,
        see you joined in 2008, welcome back!
        I secretly knew I could never moderate. Even when I tried, that gerbil wheel got going round and round in no time. Took me 4 or 5 years to stop this last time. Thank goodness I did.

        Take the bull by the horns and stop and stop by here any time. We're here for you and rooting for you.
        best to you

        ps: thanks LB, I've always appreciated you support!
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          Newbies Nest

          Wow, Been away for two days and overwhelmed, so much activity.

          Sara, welcome back, and, listen to Sam, he knows.

          Lizann, concerning who we tell, My career could be destroyed if too many people found out about my situation. There is still a huge stigma attached to being an alkie. I've told only my wife. Like Byrdie says, It's none of their business. You don't need an excuse to turn down a drink. If you feel you do, there are millions of them, I'm allergic, I'm on antibodies, I'm not feeling well, I've got to get up early, it's not in my diet right now, etc, etc,.
          I'd like to think what happens on MYO, stays on MYO, LOL.
          I am not naive, I know that this is a public forum that anyone can access, and with very little sleuthing, someone can figure out who I am, as well as many others. But, that is a risk I believe is worth taking, especially in terms of being accountable.
          I do, and want to continue to feel safe here in the nest. I have not ventured too far from here. I feel I can trust those here, even though I really don't know any of you. But, I trust you. Everyone here seems honest, even with every failure. Thank you all for the honesty, it's really what will keep all of us moving forward.

          Mein, JDG, Gardner, Welcome back. You're here,That's enough for now. Keep up the good work.

          JDG, Really hoping things are OK with you. I hope the family hasn't been too hard on you with the miss-step. I know they haven't always been in your corner. Hope you didn't miss any work with the relapse. I know you need the job. I'm rooting for you, stay strong.

          For the continued support, Thank you Lav, Byrdie, Neddy, No Sugar, Pinecone, LB, BH, Witt's End, Sam, K-9.

          100 Days, Sam and G-man, Way to go! Fantastic.

          Wine-o, wishing you the best.

          GMS, Hoping the Ireland trip goes AF.

          Roomi, back to speed skating, You go girl!

          Snap, welcome back, hoping the spirits are better. I always get concerned when folks get so down, they can't see a way out of the hole. Praying for you.

          What a ramble, had to take copious notes to compose this, and I'm sure I still forgot some, please forgive me! Good night all.


            Newbies Nest

            Sam and G - congratulations on 100 days :yougo:

            2 weeks for me.. Had a good talk to hubby last night. It's not quite as bad as it seemed and some checking on my part confirms his claims. We can work through this. Thanks for your support everyone x
            AF since Halloween 2016

            Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


              Newbies Nest

              Wine-no, I'm so happy to hear that you are feeling better. I'm sure the initial shock of finding the chats had sent you reeling, but I'm glad that you and your hubs had a good conversation and are willing to work through it. I'm still so happy for you that you didn't reach for the AL after the initial shock! It took a lot of strength to do that!

              Good morning from Germany. It was COLD here this morning (45F). Or at least cold in my definition. I'm not ready for the autumn temps yet. Summer just began here a little over one month ago! :upset:

              Woke up sober but with a big headache. I think I'll pour a Diet Coke with lemon and see if that helps with the headache.

              Much love and strength to you all.
              Would you like you, if you met you?


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks MS. I didn't actually find any chats (thankfully), just some chat apps. Hubby admitted he was curious about them but felt disgusted with himself so deleted them. It is all on my apple ID (we share an account as a family) so I can see it was a long time ago. Sigh... It will take time but we will get over it.

                I hope the sun has come out for you x
                AF since Halloween 2016

                Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Morning Everyone, and thanks for the welcomes! It feels good to wake up this morning and know I didn't have anything to drink last night.

                  Have a great AF day, everyone!
                  "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning Sara so this is day two? Might be a good idea to work on a plan. How will you keep busy? What foods and AF drinks do you have on hand? Have you pitched all the AL in the house? Do you need to talk with those you are closest to? Keep us in the loop, we are here to help!
                    Newbies Nest
                    My accountability thread


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi everyone! I missed out on something. Sam, well done on your 100 days, such an awesome achievement. Thank you for your continued support and your contributions to the nest, you are such an inspiration!


                      Hi sara welcome and congrats on day 2. 3J is right (as usual!) let us know what your plan is for staying AL free moving forward, maybe we can help

                      Wine-no, so glad things are working out with you and your husband, that's great news.

                      wb MR V, we missed you, and what a great post.

                      But, that is a risk I believe is worth taking, especially in terms of being accountable.
                      I do, and want to continue to feel safe here in the nest. I have not ventured too far from here. I feel I can trust those here, even though I really don't know any of you. But, I trust you. Everyone here seems honest, even with every failure. Thank you all for the honesty, it's really what will keep all of us moving forward
                      This used to be a major worry for me in the past, but like you, I believe it is worth the risk.

                      Neddy, LB, Byrdie, Mr V, Sam, NS, wine-no, sanchez, Lav, and all other nesters. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday, I am off to work and I intend to!
                      Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                        Newbies Nest

                        Welcome Sara. I am relatively new here too. Still trying to navigate this site! There's always room for more!
                        Mr Vervil I didn't mean to imply telling our employers. I think what I want to know is does extended family and friends need to know? I feel better with all the responses as I do not want to share with anyone other than my immediate family. My own twin sister doesn't even know! Thanks for all the feed back. For now the secret remains right here!
                        Off to work, I'll check back in later. Have a good AF day all!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters!

                          Happy Wednesday aka Humpday

                          Welcome back Sara! Grab a twig & settle in for a while
                          The angst created by repeated & failed attempts at moderation is exhausting. It's just easier to remain AF in the long run, honestly!

                          Greetings to everyone & wishes for a terrific AF Wednesday for all!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Sara and welcome back. I'm still rather new here, and MWO has saved my life. So glad you are here. Samstone, we haven't really met, but congratulations on 100 days. I am so looking forward to hitting that milestone. Way to go!!

                            Lizann, I understand your concern about people knowing. I have just started opening up a little bit to very close friends and family. Their support has been amazing, but I am extremely careful who I tell. I live in a small town where folks just love to gossip. As far as work goes - never!! I have seen, first-hand, what happens to people who are struggling with an addiction. People are supportive in public, but oh my...not so much behind closed doors. Makes me sad. I know that if I just had the courage to stand up and be honest, I would probably help many of my co-workers struggling with addiction to come out of the shadows (I know they exist), but I just can't take the chance. So, usually I come here instead. It just feels safer to me.

                            Better get off to work. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
                            Everything is going to be amazing


                              Newbies Nest

                              I've always known but didn't always accept that quitting drinking would mean losing some friends. Throughout my gazillions of quits, I've always maintained a friendship with a woman named Cathy. However, I think that relationship is fizzling out....

                              Cathy and I are drinking buddies - plain and simple. We meet regularly at the bar, slug back mimosas and wine, and laugh and joke until one of us calls it a night.

                              Cathy knows about my attempts to quit drinking. She always sounds very supportive, and even jealous, but that doesn't stop her from testing the waters to see if I want to meet her at the local drinking hole.

                              Recently, I decided to put things to the test. I wanted to find out if we are truly 100% drinking buddies, or if we can find things to do that don't involve drinking. Is alcohol really the only thing we have in common? Without alcohol, is our friendship doomed?

                              She texted last night. The usual text - "you off work yet? Wanna meet at the bar?" My response was "no, I'm not drinking right now." Then it hit me. She KNOWS I'm not drinking right now, yet she asked me anyway. She responded with a simple "OK."

                              You know what pisses me off? If she's really a friend, and she really wanted to see ME, and not just have someone to sit beside her at the bar, then she would have suggested a coffee shop or Whole Foods cafe, or somewhere else.

                              I hate to write off our friendship, but it's pretty obvious that it really has no support without alcohol. It's like a building without a foundation. It's gonna fall.

                              It's sad, but like I said, ditching alcohol also means ditching a lot of other things in life. I'm sad to lose my friendship with Cathy, but I really have to ask myself if this is truly a friendship.....


                                Newbies Nest

                                My last post focused on the things I am LOSING by not drinking, but folks, let me stress the fact that I am GAINING so much more. But that is another post!

