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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning, Nesters! Great to see everyone!
    26 years with hubs, Witts! It seems like 26 weeks, the time really's like a roll of toilet paper, the closer you get to the end the faster it goes!!! :H

    Welcome Buggs!! Tell us a bit about yourself! You are in mighty good company. When I flew in, I was one scared was I going to face life without AL??? But alas, here I am, new and improved!! Byrdie Version 2.0!!!! We'll get all the bugs out of you, too! Stick close, read back and be sure to visit the Tool Box! We're glad you're here!

    I am missing Tess....
    Londoner, getting ready for your weekend? Thinking of you!
    Get your plans in place! Surround yourself with things you love to do and eat....Friday is JUST another day, not a free pass to Boozeville! Stay strong and keep that quit going!!! Happy Friday! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      TGIF Nesters!

      Hey there calling all nesters new and old!

      Like the little Byrdie says, it's Friday and we need to have our plans in place. What new and fun things will take up your time instead of drinking? What will your answer be when you're offered a drink? What will your choice be instead? How will you be feeling tomorrow morning when you wake up? Will you be bright and sunny and looking forward to a productive day? Will everyone around you be thrilled to have some quality time with you?

      It is all up to you.
      Newbies Nest
      My accountability thread


        Newbies Nest

        Just checking in on a Friday here in LDN.

        A small victory today - one which is bigger for me.

        I was out in the sun today with friends. We went grocery shopping for the day out and my friends bought 4 beers or so. Only 3 of us so not a massive amount at all.

        We went out for the day - they cracked open a beer each a few hours in. That was all they consumed for the day. I was ready to have one. It's only the one I told myself. BUT, I resisted as I know I need to get the signal out of my head that it is okay to have a beer here and there. It will lead to more over time. And I am at a lake, in the sunshine - why do I need a beer to enjoy that?

        That one beer would have given me a small buzz and then made me slightly anxious. Why do that myself?

        So as a binge drinker, turning down one weekday beer may not sound like much - but to me it is a big step forwards.

        Meant to be out tomorrow night - one of two options. Both of which are in nightclub venues. One will be more likely to induce drinking than the other - but that is the one with my brothers for their bday. Not sure what to do - think I will explain to them that I cannot make it from a money perspective and 'it us not my scene' perspective.


          Newbies Nest

          Good for you Londoner! Sounds like a lovely day.

          Feeling extremely anxious myself right now. Not sure why - tensions at an all time high. Is it 16 days in that's causing this? (Hubby also behaving badly, mom scratched her cornea so unexpected trip to doc but all is okay, one dog totally out of control and had trash strewn throughout the garage that I got to clean up when I got home) I know this probably doesn't sound drink-worthy, but like I said, tensions have been high yesterday and today. 16 days ago all this would have more than qualified for a glass of wine, which of course would have gone on to be a bottle or two. Can't say I'm not tempted because I am. Waiting for someone that's supposed to drop something off at 5:00, then not sure what I'll do. Need a hike or something active to keep this in check and not blow 16 days of feeling remarkably better every day. Is there something about the two week mark that sets you reeling again?


            Newbies Nest

            Hey Sanchez
            Don't be tempted, it is a beast screaming for attention... remember what the last hangover felt like, keep yourself occupied, looking at different posts here, read the book you posted about in another thread (can't remember the name) and next thing you know the feeling's gone.

            Liberated 5/11/2013


              Newbies Nest

              sanchez;1547342 wrote: Good for you Londoner! Sounds like a lovely day.

              Feeling extremely anxious myself right now. Not sure why - tensions at an all time high. Is it 16 days in that's causing this? (Hubby also behaving badly, mom scratched her cornea so unexpected trip to doc but all is okay, one dog totally out of control and had trash strewn throughout the garage that I got to clean up when I got home) I know this probably doesn't sound drink-worthy, but like I said, tensions have been high yesterday and today. 16 days ago all this would have more than qualified for a glass of wine, which of course would have gone on to be a bottle or two. Can't say I'm not tempted because I am. Waiting for someone that's supposed to drop something off at 5:00, then not sure what I'll do. Need a hike or something active to keep this in check and not blow 16 days of feeling remarkably better every day. Is there something about the two week mark that sets you reeling again?
              Sanchez:l I am sorry about your rough day, we all have them. Let's take it logically. Is your husband going to behave any better if you drink?

              Is your Mum's cornea going to be miraculously healed because you have a glass of wine? Are dogs going to be anything other than dogs, whether you drink or not? Is alcohol going to change any of these things, or is it only going to change your ability to deal with them?

              I don't mean to be flippant at all, but imagine having to deal with all of this at day 1 Sanchez. Even day 2. You be proud of your 16, I am sure it hasn't been easy. Stick with us, that's what we are here for. :l
              Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                Newbies Nest

                Londoner sounds like the voices in your head are leading you the right way! Good on you!

                Sanchez yes at two weeks I was extremely agitated. I think a hike is a terrific way to get some of your stress out. I also agree with BH drinking solves nothing, as you know, and in the long run only makes matters worse. Stick close ok?
                Newbies Nest
                My accountability thread


                  Newbies Nest

                  Londoner good job on just enjoying the sunny day. Make the choice that is safest and best for you.
                  Sanchez you just need to hang on. Don't give in. As time passes we forget how badly al makes us feel. Like Sam said remember all the pain. As vividly as you can. That's what I do and it's a great deterrent.
                  3J says it best. A solid plan is a very valuable tool.
                  I hope everyone has a terrific af weekend. Make some wonderful memories instead of ugly regrets.
                  No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening friends,

                    Sanchez, that's just a plain old rotten day! Wow that would make me crazy too. You'll find there are a million ways to treat yourself after handling all that that don't involve drinking. Bad days just come and go, you'll be fine! I think you are spot on about some excercise follow your AF intuition.

                    Londoner good job for you enjoying the day and the sun. It sounds lovely.

                    I'm exhausted from working a 16 hr shift with 3 hours of sleep going in. My head feels like a block of tofu! So off to bed for me.

                    Have a great AF night everyone.
                    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                    AF 11/12/11


                      Newbies Nest

                      little beagle;1547408 wrote:
                      I hope everyone has a terrific af weekend. Make some wonderful memories instead of ugly regrets.
                      LB - I love this. Great advice.

                      Sanchez - sorry you are having a bad day. Hang in there. As the others have already said so well - drinking won't make it better, only worse.

                      Everything is peaceful here. Quiet and little bit lonely, but okay. Making dinner, and waiting for my oldest son to get home from work. He has a new girlfriend and is giddy. He hasn't been this enthused about someone in a long time. So it's been fun to watch. Hope everyone has a good night.
                      Everything is going to be amazing


                        Newbies Nest

                        Crazy...Risk Taking...Binge Drinking..%#+! :*(

                        Hey all, well I found this website today and have been reading through some of the message board postings. I am glad I found this place. All the problems in my life are associated with my alcohol consumption. I am not an everyday drinker, but I have come to realize that every time I have one drink I am "rolling the dice"...and 9 times out of 10, one drink leads to ten or more drinks and bar hopping. Money spending, drunk driving occasionally, eating unhealthy food, massive hangovers, guilt, apologies, and shame. I just become a completely different person when I have been drinking - saying and doing things I absolutely would never if not drunk. I got blackout drunk last night and made some serious mistakes. With technology what it is these days, god forbid someone took video or pictures of me last night without my knowledge. I was running my mouth, broke glassware, acting high and mighty, I even smacked someone! ... & Today I had to lie, lie, lie to friends and family to "cover up" what I'd gotten myself into and make sense of why I did not make it home until the next morning. I just had a major "blowout" earlier this week that led to much regret, a massive hangover and lots of apologies needing to be made.

                        I am putting an amazing career and amazing relationships at stake for alcohol. I do not know why I take these risks, and I scheduled an appointment with a therapist today. But, in the meantime I just want to hang out here to get some support and be around like minded people. I am just so bummed that my night was what it was last night, I ashamed...embarrassed...worried...I simply cannot remember much, which is never good. Painful. :*(


                          Newbies Nest

                          Yellow cayenne hey you're safe here. No one will ridicule or shame you here, we have our own ghosts and plenty of stories to share, good to hear you've decided to make an appointment with a therapist, stopping drinking is great, but working on the inner stuff, the root cause of the addiction is key.

                          Best advise I can give you is take it one day at a time. Make today number one. Get the booze out of your house and start thinking of better ways to spend your time. Read and post and read and post. Stay near, we want to help.
                          Newbies Nest
                          My accountability thread


                            Newbies Nest

                            Evening all,
                            Been a rough summer...All the stress and selling my folks belongings ets sent me on a summer binge of great proportions....Went the ER twice for an allergic reaction to something.....tough I got stung but the more I read I am thinking it is the copious amounts of wine I have consumed all poor body is trying to tell me something...I MUST get back to the gym and if dh does not want to join me so be it.....I need ME time and I have to let the stuff with my dad and the house go......
                            Glad to be back and need to catch up.

                            Newbie's Nest

                            Tool Box
                            AF 9.1.2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Dottie, I had wondered what happened to you. Sorry it's been so rough for you this summer but glad to see you back. Settle in for the long haul now

                              Hello & welcome yellow cayenne!
                              Sounds like you need a good plan to take back control of your life. The first drink is generally the worst for the majority of us. Unleashing the beast is unwise, believe me, I know. Have a look in the Tool box for some good ideas to help you out your plan together.

                              Buggirl, glad you made it here as well

                              Greetings to everyone & wishes for a safe night in the nest for all.
                              Take a look at Rahul's thread - he's posted pictures of beautiful Switzerland & has 20 AF days now

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Dottie I am so glad to see you back. I have really missed you. I know you have had a rough time. Settle in and let us help you get to feeling better. How are the pups?:l
                                No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.

