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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Little beagle the pupps are good...had puppy scheduled for spay today but had to push back after I was in ER this next Friday it is...she is soo darn cute but is driving the other 2 dogs crazy...but that is what puppies do...

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Dottie. Glad to meet you. ER? Hope you are doing ok?
      Everything is going to be amazing


        Newbies Nest

        MossRose, I had a severe allergic reaction to something?? Thought maybe the oils the gal used on me for my first and only massage but I just dont know....

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Newbies Nest

          yellow cayenne;1547425 wrote:
          I am putting an amazing career and amazing relationships at stake for alcohol. I do not know why I take these risks, and I scheduled an appointment with a therapist today. But, in the meantime I just want to hang out here to get some support and be around like minded people. I am just so bummed that my night was what it was last night, I ashamed...embarrassed...worried...I simply cannot remember much, which is never good. Painful. :*(
          Welcome, YC

          Why not decide that this is your 'rock bottom'? Don't wait to actually lose the career and relationships that you clearly value.

          Finding peers here made all the difference for me - I thought the idea of an online support forum was ridiculous but thankfully, I was desperate enough to give it a try. If you commit to this with the same intensity you've been committing to drinking, the tools and people you need to get free are here .

          Maybe you could outline your plan and get some feedback from people who have done it or are now doing it. There is no point in reinventing this particular wheel - save yourself from some grief and learn from others' successes and failures.

          I'm glad you are here!



            Newbies Nest

            Back to the nest. Thanks for the support BH, Sam, MR, 3J, LB, Pine. I had to leave the house.Husband was out of control. Ended up going to my brother's until his storm blew over but thankfully stayed af.
            Thankful for your support - tonight was the first real temptation only because I had to just make it all go away, again.


              Newbies Nest

              Overwhelmed tonight... and coming back to the only thread that seems to have some activity... Tough day today... My "boss" who has been in the past my ... don't even want to go into the list.. but to make the long story short, I have taken over today, his company as he was brought back to prison this morning (out on over a year on bail) to serve a 3 year sentence for his 5th DUI. And what do I want to do? Go buy wine.. How insane is that? I need some help here... any advice would be appreciated.


                Newbies Nest

                Hello Caper - sorry you are having a tough time - and yes for many of us that is when those evil thoughts of alcohol creep into our brains. But one thing I CAN say for sure, if you drink, you will feel 100% worse, it will make you feel like you are out of control of the situation and probably leave you feeling really depressed. Look what AL has done for your boss! 5 DUIs!

                Seriously - what you need right now is to stay strong, stay focused - and most importantly STAY SOBER.

                The feeling of being overwhelmed at the moment will pass. I find that when I'm stressed it helps to sit and write down a list of what is worrying me - and what I can do about each point. By doing this, I'm usually surprised by how little I really have to worry about - seeing it written down gets it into perspective.

                Stay strong my friend. I'm sure many more will offer support here - because of the time difference most people are sleeping right now. :l
                Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning Nesters.

                  Sanchez, glad you made it through, I hope things get better at home :l Hang in there Caper, drinking will only make a bad situation ten times worse. This site is awesome, try the toolbox thread for some great advice.

                  Thank goodness it's the weekend, I have had a hectic week! I am cleaning the house this morning and off shopping this afternoon
                  Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters!

                    I hope everyone held on overnight
                    After a while cravings become just thoughts & thoughts are easy enough to dismiss.
                    Changing your thinking about AL is a must! The MWO Hypno CDs did it for me. If you don't have them, think about getting them or purchase something similar. Removing AL as an option to celebrate, to cope or for any reason is a must it you want to find success

                    Hello caper, stick around for a while, the nest does get busy!

                    Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning all. I can see that some of you had a rough night.

                      Yellow Cayenne - I am so glad you made your way here to the nest. There is so much advice and support here. Hang in there.

                      Dottie - that must have been scary, but I'm glad you are feeling better.

                      Sanchez - I'm very sorry you had to go through that, but glad you stayed strong and had somewhere safe to go. Are things better today? Are you back home? Thinking of you. xoxo

                      Hi Caper - it's nice to meet you. Sounds like a rough day, but as Snap said - think about what AL has done to your boss's life - and pour the rest of the wine down the drain. Hope to see you around the nest often.

                      Getting an early start to my Saturday. Lots of errands to run today, which is good. I need to stay busy on the weekends so I don't have too much "alone time" on my hands.
                      Everything is going to be amazing


                        Newbies Nest

                        Off to spend the day at a fund raising event for or fav animal shelter...we have 2 dogs from there.....
                        Day 2 and working on plans to stay that way...

                        Newbie's Nest

                        Tool Box
                        AF 9.1.2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Checking is day 50. I don't think about drinking as much these days, but when I do I know my mind hasn't completely ruled it out. I am hanging onto the awful end days leading up to my quit to keep me going and I was also just way too tired of the effort it was taking to actually drink. I really don't miss that at all. But I do miss the comforting quiet of isolation. Not sure how to get through that, but drinking isn't an option right now.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning, Nesters! Great to see everyone!
                            Sanchez, between the magic Day 13 and your hat awards ceremony, your emotions are going to be bouncing off the walls. After much pondering on this phenomenon, I have deduced that at this phase, we are in the "Bargaining" stage of grief. Remember the 5 stages? In bargaining, you tell yourself, you really weren't that bad, or that you'll just drink on weekends, or that you aren't as bad as SOME folks on here, or just 'one' to take the edge off....this is the stage that derails many a nester ,myself included. Don't be one of them!! You will find that if you have a BAD day, the next day will be GOOD. This is a merciful thing...if it stayed that hard NOBODY could ever get sober! Once you hit the 30 days, those waters will be calmer and your emotions will settle down. You will never have 2 bad days in a row!!
                            YellowC, welcome aboard. It sounds as if you are to the point where drinking is just not fun anymore. You are in good company. There's a price too high to pay for continuing and it sounds like you are at the checkout. It's a good place to don't have to have AL to be social or to be witty....just look at what it's done so will break free of this and be happier for it. I'm not just blowing smoke either, I BELIEVE THIS or I wouldn't still be here! All you gotta do, is get thru this day!! You can do that.
                            Dot Belle, I'm so happy to see you! I know you are sick of this ride, too. Come sit down by me, and we'll get you to a better place. Clearly, for us, the drinking lifestyle is costing us too much. I know you can do this...I've seen you. Stay close and post!
                            Caper....GREAT to see you!! I know you have been a dedicated MWO'er for a while. If there is ONE piece of advice I can give you, it's to POST. I know you are shy, but look at the rest of us! We lay it ALL out there! That's what makes this place work! I know you read, but posting makes the difference too! You can do anything you set your mind to...and running this company is one of them, and getting AF is another...we can help with one which HELPS with the other! Here's the superglue and butt Velcro!!

                            Tofu head!! :H:H Pinecone, I hope you are having a better day today!!!

                            Getting sober is not a spectator sport you gotta get in the game on this one. Checking in here and letting everyone know how you are doing and what challenges you face let us know we are not fighting this alone. Your challenges are OUR challenges. This isn't new, the same conversations have been taking place in this nest for 7 of us has surely faced it, too....don't bear it alone! A burden shared is halved and a joy shared is doubled! We can do this together!!

                            Stay strong's just another day!! Hugs to all, Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning friends. Moss, NoSugar, Lav, 3J - thank you all. And thanks to everyone here posting. Reading is helping. Congrats in day 50 Dottie.

                              It bothers me that I need to rule out alcohol. I wish I could just do moderation. It's weird because ... sometimes I can! But other times a drink leads to a VERY bad bender. I appreciated what someone said earlier to simply make this my bottom. Why wait for the lost job, ended relationship, car wreck, etc. Drat.


                                Newbies Nest

                                piper123;1547578 wrote: Checking is day 50. I don't think about drinking as much these days, but when I do I know my mind hasn't completely ruled it out. I am hanging onto the awful end days leading up to my quit to keep me going and I was also just way too tired of the effort it was taking to actually drink. I really don't miss that at all. But I do miss the comforting quiet of isolation. Not sure how to get through that, but drinking isn't an option right now.
                                Hey Piper, well done on your 50 days, same as me I think, roughly.:l

                                I have bolded the part about isolation for a reason. I also enjoy my quiet times on my own, in spite of being a really outgoing person! Up until now my quiet time wasn't really my own, there was always another presence. Well, two presences really, AL and cigarettes. I liked nothing better than being my myself with those two.

                                I was driving back from the gym last night and for a moment I entertained the thought of 'just for one night, it won't do any real harm' I thought of stopping at Asda for 10 fags and a bottle of wine. If truth be told, the thought had been in the back of my mind all day. I actually laughed out loud at myself. When was 10 fags and one bottle of wine ever enough for me?

                                I spent my alone time in the garden. I lit some candles, had a cup of tea, and had some Puccini on the IPad., I watched the sky. Just for fifteen minutes, but it was enough. I spent the time thinking about my future. I thought about what it will be like if I stay on the path I am on right now and it made me smile. The alternative didn't bear thinking about.

                                YC, I have read your thread and your posts here in the nest. I am sorry you had such a rough night. Those things would never have happened if you were sober, would they?

                                You don't have to be drinking heavily every day to have a problem hun. Think about that when you are thinking about moderation. If you are really capable of successfully moderating, hats off to you. I have to be honest and say your posts suggest otherwise. Try some AL free time, 30 days. See how good it feels, then think about what you want to do. I wish you all the best whatever you decide and I am glad you found us.

                                I had a nice wee shopping trip today nesters, spending what would have been my AL an nicotine money on things that enhance my life, not detract from it!

                                I hope everyone is well :l
                                Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe

