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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Mom- I go through sleepless nights but then that caves in to horrendous tiredness. How long are you AF free for?


      Newbies Nest

      My longest was 17 days. But currently I can't go a day.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Mom & MinStar. It's nice to meet you both. I am still too new to give any really good advice. But Mom...the sheer fact that you are posting here tells me that you are definitely not "too far gone." I can't respond to your question even though I drank heavily and daily for most of my adult life. But I don't feel I have recovered yet - still struggling. So I am deferring to those who have beat the demon into submission. And believe me, there are many here who have succeeded. That's what gives me inspiration.

        Glad you are here. Hope to get to know both of you better.
        Everything is going to be amazing


          Newbies Nest

          And in those 17 days did you still get sweats and sleeplessness? How long ago what's that 17 day break?

          I know I have to give myself at least 5-7 days to get back on some normal level of sleeping. I am sure someone will come along to help and advise more on the amount you are drinking and some advice. I think any level of drinking can be stopped with the right advice, nutrition, diets, exercise and willpower with a good grounding support group. Don't give up trying.


            Newbies Nest

            Sanchez I feel for you being in a bad mental spot. I do understand the verbal abuse. Not much fun. Hang on to that quit though. Make him look like the big bag of hot air he is.
            Mom just don't give up. Others have been on here with the same issues. If lack of sleep is the only issue, well I know it's not pleasant, but not life threatening. And trust me, you will sleep great again after remaining af awhile. How long? Depends on your system. I have always had sleep issues. Not drinking at all has really improved that.
            You will never regret not drinking.
            Pinecone glad to hear from you.
            Dottie I hope you are hanging in there with us today. Sorry about your allergic reaction.
            Thanks for being here today no sugar.
            No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


              Newbies Nest

              Hey Minstar and Mom!!
              Mom, my drinking had progressed from just binging on the weekends in my 20's to every single day for years. There at the end, I was starting earlier during the workday! I work from home, so I was starting around 2:30 some days, but I tried to hold out until at least 4 most weekdays. On weekends, I tried to wait until 10:30 a.m. but sometimes I took a swig to 'take the edge off' much earlier. I was drinking about a liter of wine a day (bottle and a half) weekdays, and about 2 bottles on weekends. I quit cold turkey because I could not taper down to save my life. Tapering was like moderating...couldn't do it. I felt flu like the first 2 weeks, but after day 13, I felt good! We have had many people come thru that drank like you are doing and they have been able to quit and stay quit. I'm sure they will chime in ....(it's quiet on weekends here). So I will say that YES! There is HOPE! LOT'S of hope for you!!!

              Minstar, I'm so happy that you are here! I would only have one bit of advice for you and is to forget what happened in the past. This is a new day. Get back to basics, read in the Tool box and post every day. I would clear out those dates you have down in your signature line and just put today's date as your AF date. Don't look back! Get all the AL out of the house and don't forget to eat!! I think that having had some success in the past makes us forget the basics....but they all still apply. You can do this! Adopt a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY and stick to it no matter what and no matter who. Stuff yourself with food (sorry, NoSugar, it worked for me!) until you can't think about drinking! Glue yourself to this site and POST! Kuya did an unscientific study some months ago and discovered that those people who posted at least once a day, seemed to enjoy more success that those who simply lurked or posted much less. There seems to be a direct correlation to posting and success! I think there's something to that. Don't forget about the NN Roll Call, that's really helpful to remain accountable. We celebrate everyone's success over there when they hit milestones, it's pretty cool! We have folks on days 1 and 2 right now! So if you get back to basics, you can get this monkey off your back once and for all! We are right by your side!
              Hugs to all, stay strong, you will never regret it....all you gotta do is get thru THIS day!! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters,

                I'm enjoying a decent weather day for a change - yay!

                Welcome back Minstar & Mom!
                You both can do this ~ I did
                We're all different, that's why we have to formulate good working plans, cover all our bases.
                Just as Byrdie said, check in frequently, stay accountable. Focus on yourselves, make sobriety your #1 focus!

                Sanchez, I am sorry you are dealing with a spouse whose head is up his ass. I know a little about that myself. Remaining AF & growing stronger every day is your best defense

                Great to see everyone today, congrats on making progress & moving forward in your AF lives!
                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Posting daily can feel daunting or embarrassing or you might feel like you have nothing to add to the conversation.

                  Forget all that AND JUST MAKE YOURSELF DO IT!

                  Ask questions and get advice. Run your AF plan by people who have "been there" and can spot the flaws. Tell your story - I dee-double dare you to try to shock this group that has already either done that, seen it happen, or read about it here - the welcome truth is that you are not the only one.

                  Post your agreement with someone else's words or explain to the group how and why your point of view differs (see Byrdie dissing me above :H!). None of us have 'the answer' - we just have ideas about what can work for some people. Of course it will be different for everyone but you can learn a lot from others' successes and failures. Offer your
                  ideas - you might say it in just the right way for a person who needs that message to hear.

                  Even when there is no solution or idea to offer, let a poster who is hurting know that you heard his or her words and that s/he is not alone and that you care.

                  Welcome first time posters. Tell them what MWO has done for you. Offer them hope and invite them to the nest.

                  Sometimes joke around. This is deadly serious business but a few laughs can lighten the burden.

                  MWO is an online forum. For it to really work for you, you have to use what it offers and that means POSTING - engage in the process and with the people here. Make a commitment that is bigger than the one most of us failed to accomplish on our own. The tools and support you need are here but it is up to each of us to actively USE them.

                  I used to be embarrassed about how much I posted but since I could tell MWO was working for me, I was afraid to stop. I listened to Byrdie and Kuya who encouraged posting and I truly believe it has made all the difference.

                  Let us know you! We want to hear what you have to say.

                  :h NS


                    Newbies Nest

                    NS that right there is toolbox material if I've ever seen it. What a great post. I have always struggled with "how to post here," so this really helps me. Like you and Byrdie just mentioned POSTING really helps. I have always read this site everyday, but just reading is pretty non committal. Posting really does work for some reason that I haven't figured out. Thank you, thank you!
                    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                    AF 11/12/11


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi nesters! Thank you NS for that post! You all are all so well spoken it is easy to use that as an excuse to not post ....and yes birdie to not stay accountable! It is so much easier to lurk around and not take that step forward!

                      I am completing day 3 today.....does not sound that impressive but a big first step for me. I am AMAZED at how well the supplements are working for me this time. I have had al thoughts but really no cravings......careful! I went out to a nice dinner with my husband tonight. We sat at a bar while waiting for a table. I had water with cucumber. I even faked a taste of his beer when he encouraged me. I have not told him I stopped for now. I have always (or so I think) hid my least the worst of it. I really enjoyed the worries that the waitress did not bring my wine quickly enough or the glass was not full enough! And now I am watching a movie . . . Guess what I am going to remember it all!

                      This afternoon I realized that I have been feeling bad for a very long time! It feels good to not feel bad again!

                      Thank you .....your kindness and words of wisdom help many!

                      Bug girl

                      Btw. A little bit about me. For my last milestone birthday my husband surprised me with a vw bug convertible- hence the name......happy weekend


                        Newbies Nest

                        Pinecone. I think I just dittoed you! Well said and so much more succinct


                          Newbies Nest

                          NoSugar;1547741 wrote: Posting daily can feel daunting or embarrassing or you might feel like you have nothing to add to the conversation.

                          Forget all that AND JUST MAKE YOURSELF DO IT!

                          Ask questions and get advice. Run your AF plan by people who have "been there" and can spot the flaws. Tell your story - I dee-double dare you to try to shock this group that has already either done that, seen it happen, or read about it here - the welcome truth is that you are not the only one.

                          Post your agreement with someone else's words or explain to the group how and why your point of view differs (see Byrdie dissing me above :H!). None of us have 'the answer' - we just have ideas about what can work for some people. Of course it will be different for everyone but you can learn a lot from others' successes and failures. Offer your
                          ideas - you might say it in just the right way for a person who needs that message to hear.

                          Even when there is no solution or idea to offer, let a poster who is hurting know that you heard his or her words and that s/he is not alone and that you care.

                          Welcome first time posters. Tell them what MWO has done for you. Offer them hope and invite them to the nest.

                          Sometimes joke around. This is deadly serious business but a few laughs can lighten the burden.

                          MWO is an online forum. For it to really work for you, you have to use what it offers and that means POSTING - engage in the process and with the people here. Make a commitment that is bigger than the one most of us failed to accomplish on our own. The tools and support you need are here but it is up to each of us to actively USE them.

                          I used to be embarrassed about how much I posted but since I could tell MWO was working for me, I was afraid to stop. I listened to Byrdie and Kuya who encouraged posting and I truly believe it has made all the difference.

                          Let us know you! We want to hear what you have to say.

                          :h NS
                          Ding, Ding, Ding! We have a winner. :thanks: Thanks NS!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Night night nesters! I'm out of town posting on my phone just popping in because I miss you all! Stay strong it's worth it!
                            Newbies Nest
                            My accountability thread


                              Newbies Nest

                              Pinecone;1547766 wrote: NS that right there is toolbox material if I've ever seen it. What a great post. I have always struggled with "how to post here," so this really helps me. Like you and Byrdie just mentioned POSTING really helps. I have always read this site everyday, but just reading is pretty non committal. Posting really does work for some reason that I haven't figured out. Thank you, thank you!
                              Ditto Pinecone- a super post from NS. Thank you NS! At first I felt self conscious but the more you post the better you feel and you get to know folks and see how truly caring everyone is. MWO plays a Big part in my life right now! I think about all of you and things you've said when I'm away. Very thankful for this site.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi all,

                                Just discovered MWO today which has given me some solace knowing there's all these people out there going through the same thing.

                                On day 1 today, after a terrible weekend binge, before that I had 8 days up. Have just started Naltrexone, so hoping that will help.

                                Will pop back when I inevitably can't sleep tonight. Hopefully not for too long, as I start my new job tomorrow and want to be clear-headed.

                                So thanks all for giving me a little more hope. I've made a conscious decision to turn my life around, nice to know I'm not alone.

