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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Kreeves....I've thought of this many times:

    If Alcohol Had a Name

    If we were to assign a name and a face to alcohol addiction, what would it look like? In my case, it'd be a really handsome man. Someone who could melt me with a look or the raise of an eyebrow....a hint at what lies ahead. Once seduced, the handsome man becomes more demanding. He becomes a demon to which I am a slave. He is abusive in every way, physically, mentally and emotionally.... He has but ONE GOAL and that is to overtake me and all that I have. He wants my self respect, he wants my worldly belongings, he wants my most precious relationships. This opponent wants MY LIFE.

    With all of this knowledge, I repeatedly fall for his tricks. Over and over and fact, it isn't until he has almost won, that I take a step back and see what he is doing to me. AND EVEN THEN, I'm willing to give him second, third and fourth chances. I just can't seem to let him go, he keeps calling me back. He keeps making promises and he ALWAYS breaks them. The promises get better and more alluring but then so do the disappointmenst. I reach behind his back for some help with this....I ask others how can I learn to live with this lover? How can I keep him and make him change so that I can still have him in my life? I'm told that you can't do any abusive relationship, you must get out. 'I can't live without him', I plead.....'YES YOU CAN', comes a reply. And with some help and coaching from those people who did the same thing with the same man, I am able to break free. The man never changes his story, so he is easy to spot. He tells the same stories and the same lies and like sheep we all follow. Knowledge is power. Day by day we learn more. Day by day we gain strength and he loses his grip. Eventually, the Beast is starved, but we all know that one sip of his nectar will bring him right back to life in full regalia.
    If we reported this man to the police, he'd be arrested and prisoned. Why would anyone sign up for this kind of abuse? That is the paradox of addiction. We love what is killing us.
    If Alcohol had a name, it would be Hell on Earth. Dispair, Disdain, Destruction. He is the most formidable opponent I've ever encountered.....the most clever, the most cunning. I don't understand it, but I no longer have to live it. For me, AL has a name, and it's the opposite of life. It's the opposite of my happy home and my great job. AL is the opposite of everything I want in life. I hate AL for what it has done to me and my friends here. Stay strong, nesters, this one's out to kill us. DONT GIVE IN NO MATTER WHAT!! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Afternoon all,
      Volunteer event was good but very hot to be outside. Got a little too much sun on my pale skin but did have fun and raised money for the shelter.
      Off to lunch with a former co worker..she was one of the very few folks I could talk to then and not worry about her telling anyone...miss her, so off to Outback for lunch mmmmmm
      Friend from church passed away yesterday...yet another funeral to attend. Is that what getting older is about. Losing your friends..dh is taking this hard as he was one of the men that had prostate cancer too and dh was able to talk to him about guy stuff...sad stuff.
      I am well and feeling renewed.

      Newbie's Nest

      Tool Box
      AF 9.1.2013


        Newbies Nest

        Kreeves and Moss....Day 1 for me again today too.....not liking myself too much today but at least we aren't giving up.....let's do this together.

        Byrdie...I am sorry for the loss of your Husband's Aunt. I love your words of wisdom about what AL would look like. I too have thought of it as a gorgeous man that turns into an ass! You really should think about writing a book or have an amazing way at looking at things and have been an inspiration to me and others, since I joined MWO.

        Off to weed the garden!

        "The moment you are ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens..don't give up"
        [COLOR=Magenta]Joyfully AF Since 1/22/14


          Newbies Nest

          Hi all and thanks so much for your kind welcomes.

          Insomnia is getting the better of me, it's the middle of the night here but I thought I would check in.

          Knowing that AL is not my fun friend any more I feel better to live without him. I've realised how many real friends I have who are a positive in my life, and now that includes you guys,too. Lovely to meet you!

          Still feeling nervous about starting my new job as I haven't worked for a while, but I'm sure I can do it and get my confidence back. Over 300 people applied for the position and they picked me! Still having a hard time beleiving it after not beleiving in myself for so long.

          Baked some muffins to take in and butter everyone up, though!

          Warm milk now and try to get some sleep


            Newbies Nest

            Pekaha - Good luck with your new job....let us know how it goes. Muffins are an excellent idea! You should feel so good that they picked you out of rock!

            "The moment you are ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens..don't give up"
            [COLOR=Magenta]Joyfully AF Since 1/22/14


              Newbies Nest

              Byrdlady;1548011 wrote: Kreeves....I've thought of this many times:

              If Alcohol Had a Name

              If we were to assign a name and a face to alcohol addiction, what would it look like? In my case, it'd be a really handsome man. Someone who could melt me with a look or the raise of an eyebrow....a hint at what lies ahead. Once seduced, the handsome man becomes more demanding. He becomes a demon to which I am a slave. He is abusive in every way, physically, mentally and emotionally.... He has but ONE GOAL and that is to overtake me and all that I have. He wants my self respect, he wants my worldly belongings, he wants my most precious relationships. This opponent wants MY LIFE.

              With all of this knowledge, I repeatedly fall for his tricks. Over and over and fact, it isn't until he has almost won, that I take a step back and see what he is doing to me. AND EVEN THEN, I'm willing to give him second, third and fourth chances. I just can't seem to let him go, he keeps calling me back. He keeps making promises and he ALWAYS breaks them. The promises get better and more alluring but then so do the disappointmenst. I reach behind his back for some help with this....I ask others how can I learn to live with this lover? How can I keep him and make him change so that I can still have him in my life? I'm told that you can't do any abusive relationship, you must get out. 'I can't live without him', I plead.....'YES YOU CAN', comes a reply. And with some help and coaching from those people who did the same thing with the same man, I am able to break free. The man never changes his story, so he is easy to spot. He tells the same stories and the same lies and like sheep we all follow. Knowledge is power. Day by day we learn more. Day by day we gain strength and he loses his grip. Eventually, the Beast is starved, but we all know that one sip of his nectar will bring him right back to life in full regalia.
              If we reported this man to the police, he'd be arrested and prisoned. Why would anyone sign up for this kind of abuse? That is the paradox of addiction. We love what is killing us.
              If Alcohol had a name, it would be Hell on Earth. Dispair, Disdain, Destruction. He is the most formidable opponent I've ever encountered.....the most clever, the most cunning. I don't understand it, but I no longer have to live it. For me, AL has a name, and it's the opposite of life. It's the opposite of my happy home and my great job. AL is the opposite of everything I want in life. I hate AL for what it has done to me and my friends here. Stay strong, nesters, this one's out to kill us. DONT GIVE IN NO MATTER WHAT!! Byrdie
              Dear Byrdie,

              Excellent post ... I am in a situation after 22 days free from AL and returning home life seems different. I used to associate AL with fun. While away fun was replaced with hiking, sight seeing or basically being occupied. Here back home life seems boring.... I don't b
              Want to go back to AL with an attempt to get the false zing back.
              Rewiring my brain ... done ...
              Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
              Rebooting ... done ...
              Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                Newbies Nest

                Home after 1 week in Switzerland it was different experience. Kids were excited to see me. My wife too but was still suspicious ... Am I still drinking. Did I had drinks on my trip, am I still slipping away and giving excuses to go out of house ....

                As I recall every Sunday every weekend for as long as I remember I was high ... Beer on pretext of jogging, buys groceries or electrical items of computer parts or simply going to office for some work. Being drunk was always how I remember myself. Being sober or less drunk always seemed so boring that I always ended up drinking more on weekends....

                Today however things were same but different. Same because I was home on weekend ... Different coz I was sober. Played with kids, tried to teach my kid daughter how to ride bike, played with Xbox with them. All great but in end I missed AL. There is no physical carvings or maybe there is as I didn't stuff myself with food and ice creams today .... ( thinking about it a lot life can be boring ((

                Wish me luck guys..
                Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                Rebooting ... done ...
                Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Rahul,I am also just home from a trip away and was very tempted to drink too.It's very easy to think "Oh,one will be ok,I'm not at home".It was so worth it not to drink though,even if just to see my boyfriends face when I ordered coca cola with dinner It sounds like you had fun with your kids this weekend,keep up the good work! :goodjob:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Rahul,

                    I think you did outstanding on your trip. Are you hurt by your wife questioning you? I can see how that would be hard. Coming back from a trip can also make people out of sorts. My advice is just to ride it out and let yourself settle back onto familiar routines.

                    We are all allowed to have funky days. When I first quit, I could almost hear angels singing when I woke up with no hangover. The first day I was a little blue or "off" was pretty surprising. "Hey wait a second, I quit so everything should be perfect..." That's just our life though. Looking at my life with a clear, sober mind, I have so few off days compared to the bad old days. AL will try to romanticize it, but we know its just a trick.
                    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                    AF 11/12/11


                      Newbies Nest

                      Evening Nesters

                      Rahul, your wife is suspicious, of course she is! It's going to take time for that trust to be rebuilt, you really can't blame her!

                      Interesting what you had to say about having no physical cravings, it's a habitual thing a lot of the time. Kill the old habits and make new ones!

                      I had a lovely day. I loved waking early, no hangover and the sun was shining! I got my housework done, went to the gym, and also managed to semi tame my poor neglected garden.

                      Topped that all off with a great conversation with a great AL free friend. It's been a really good Sunday, and no hangover tomorrow!

                      Goodnight nesters :l
                      Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi, I'm new here... This site is amazing, so much positive energy from all the posters. I don't really know how to go about this. But here I am. Good to meet you all.


                          Newbies Nest

                          hello everyone

                          Rahul, give your wife time after took you awhile to get to the stage you were it didn't happen over night ........your wife needs time to rebuild the trust again would love to go to switzerland

                          did everyone have a good week-end


                            Newbies Nest

                            Feeling shaky, funny how I feel worse than when i had a hangover but know i can do this and work is a safe place. Hi everyone and welcome Tea. Just will hang at MWO all day today I think and hopefully get past the witching hour of 5pm when I am normally deciding which bottleshop to call into.
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Newbies Nest

                              If Alcohol Had a Name

                              If we were to assign a name and a face to alcohol addiction, what would it look like? In my case, it'd be a really handsome man. Someone who could melt me with a look or the raise of an eyebrow....a hint at what lies ahead. Once seduced, the handsome man becomes more demanding. He becomes a demon to which I am a slave. He is abusive in every way, physically, mentally and emotionally.... He has but ONE GOAL and that is to overtake me and all that I have. He wants my self respect, he wants my worldly belongings, he wants my most precious relationships. This opponent wants MY LIFE.

                              With all of this knowledge, I repeatedly fall for his tricks. Over and over and fact, it isn't until he has almost won, that I take a step back and see what he is doing to me. AND EVEN THEN, I'm willing to give him second, third and fourth chances. I just can't seem to let him go, he keeps calling me back. He keeps making promises and he ALWAYS breaks them. The promises get better and more alluring but then so do the disappointmenst. I reach behind his back for some help with this....I ask others how can I learn to live with this lover? How can I keep him and make him change so that I can still have him in my life? I'm told that you can't do any abusive relationship, you must get out. 'I can't live without him', I plead.....'YES YOU CAN', comes a reply. And with some help and coaching from those people who did the same thing with the same man, I am able to break free. The man never changes his story, so he is easy to spot. He tells the same stories and the same lies and like sheep we all follow. Knowledge is power. Day by day we learn more. Day by day we gain strength and he loses his grip. Eventually, the Beast is starved, but we all know that one sip of his nectar will bring him right back to life in full regalia.
                              If we reported this man to the police, he'd be arrested and prisoned. Why would anyone sign up for this kind of abuse? That is the paradox of addiction. We love what is killing us.
                              If Alcohol had a name, it would be Hell on Earth. Dispair, Disdain, Destruction. He is the most formidable opponent I've ever encountered.....the most clever, the most cunning. I don't understand it, but I no longer have to live it. For me, AL has a name, and it's the opposite of life. It's the opposite of my happy home and my great job. AL is the opposite of everything I want in life. I hate AL for what it has done to me and my friends here. Stay strong, nesters, this one's out to kill us. DONT GIVE IN NO MATTER WHAT!! Byrdie

                              Byrdie- I am going to print this out and carry it with me. This is the most accurate description I have ever heard of our dance with the devil. I agree, I think you should write a book - you have always been such an inspiration and I know you have helped countless members here at MWO. Thank you for taking the time to post even while dealing with the loss of your husband's aunt. Amazing lady....

                              Hope all nesters have a wonderful AF night-


                                Newbies Nest

                                Sorry, on the previous post I forgot to hit "quote" - want to make sure everyone knows those words of wisdom came from Byrdie

