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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good evening friends,

    Welcome Teabo and Pekaha! I'm glad you found us.

    Teabo, you're right about the positive energy here. It comes from recovery and embracing AF life. We aren't sitting around suffering, we are trying to be our true potential, and steps in that direction feel really good.

    Pekaha, nice work on scoring that job. Also it's nice that you can start that chapter of your life along with this one. You won't have a lot of baggage from drinking with co workers.

    Hi available, can you really fill up your stomach and then distract yourself? It worked for me. Just stick with us and you'll be fine.

    Good job Alicat and Buggirl dealing with temptations recently.

    Have a great AF night everyone.
    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
    AF 11/12/11


      Newbies Nest

      Byrdie-your "If alcohol had a name" post is brilliant! You should be writing novels, if you're not already.


        Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        Hello to all & welcome Teabo! Glad you found us, please settle in
        Go to the Health store here on the site & download the MWO book. It's full of good information to help you get started. The Tool box is loaded with good ideas to help you make your plan.

        Byrdie, sorry for your family's loss. We should all be very grateful to be alive & healthy to celebrate each & every day

        Rahul, work on your really, really helps

        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hi nesters!

          Birdie brilliantly put!
          Rahul, boredom is truly a trigger for me and I agree with others ....give your wife a chance to realize you mean this!
          Welcome Teabo!
          Lavande can I just say I love your chickens!

          I just spent the evening crave surfing my a** off! I knew the last few days had been too easy! I had not had any desire to drink at all. Tonight was different...I had a bottle of red wine calling my name.....yes birdie in that seductive voice! I was SOOO close to caving! Why wasn't the l glut working as it had! All I could think was that I did not want to start over ONE more time!!!!!! I also did not want to come to this board and admit I was starting over's that accountability! So long story short. I hung ten and was thrown on the beach! My board is still intact!

          Have a great night!



            Newbies Nest

            Ps. Vanilla ice cream with peaches. .....such a better choice!


              Newbies Nest

              pakeha;1548055 wrote: Knowing that AL is not my fun friend any more I feel better to live without him. I've realised how many real friends I have who are a positive in my life, and now that includes you guys,too. Lovely to meet you!
              Welcome Pakeha, What a great attitude you have coming into this battle.


                Newbies Nest

                Pinecone;1548209 wrote: Teabo, you're right about the positive energy here. It comes from recovery and embracing AF life. We aren't sitting around suffering, we are trying to be our true potential, and steps in that direction feel really good.
                Welcome Teabo, you're in the right place.
                You got it Pinecone! Keep up the positive vibes.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Byrdie, Great post on your vision of AL. Sorry to hear about your loss.

                  Rahul, Congrats on your AF free trip to Switzerland. I know you were worried about how to occupy your time not drinking while visiting. Apply the same concepts and energy into making a plan now that you're home to occupy your time. Things only seem boring because they are familiar. No matter where you live, there are hundreds, thousand of of things to do. No you're not in the Alps, but home can every bit as compelling.
                  If Nothing else, spend time with your family and kids. As you saw when you came home, they crave your attention, kids want nothing more than to spend time with their parents (OK,,, will until they turn into unruly teens, LOL).
                  The love they give back will with be worth every effort you give them, times 10.
                  And yes, it will take some time before your wife comes around. She can't see what's going on inside your head, and how committed you are. Give her time, and the compassion she has given you the past few years.
                  Sorry, don't want to sound too stern here. You're making fantastic progress.


                    Newbies Nest

                    evening all
                    hello to you T.B. and welcome.
                    good job not caving there Buggy, for now you might to get that red wine out of the house/apt. No sense in making it hard on yourself.
                    Byrdie, great post!

                    Liberated 5/11/2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Catching up

                      Wow the nest is sure busy these days! I don't even know where to start I am so out of the loop.

                      First let me say hi to the newest nesters I hope I have you all...forgive me if I miss someone!

                      pakeha -day one is a huge day, and getting through it is a real accomplishment. You can do this, we are with you all the way. Have you started working on a plan? oh wait you're on day two now right? And you've done your first day at work? I always forget you Ozzies are a day ahead! PS about the sleeping, it gets better, I promise!

                      available - day 2 right? I'm betting your dogs are happy to have you around these days!

                      kreeves have you given some thought to the reason you decided to drink? Working out our triggers is a great way to avoid future pitfalls I think.

                      teabobaggins love your name, share a little about yourself if you like. Read a lot, post some more, get inspired. We're in this together!

                      buggirl rid your house of wine as soon as you can. Really, you don't need it. More ice cream, more peaches, yes!

                      Moss how are you doing? I'm glad you came back so fast and that you're on the right track again!

                      pinecone great to see you posting often! The more we post the safer we are!

                      BH glad to hear you're enjoying some sun!

                      Neddy how's it going I love hearing from you!

                      Mr V hey, always a pleasure!

                      Samstone how are you?

                      sanchez how are you? I agree our byrdie is a really great writer, we're lucky to have her here inspiring us all along!

                      wittsend hey you are close to 90 days you know, do I have to tell you when LOL?

                      Byrdie I'm with you, Christmas is a huge hassle for me. I always have to work and it is so stressful. This will be my first AF Christmas too. I think the way I've handled the stress in the past is by drinking. Thanks for the reminder that I too need a plan. I mustn't get all confident because we all know how AL can sneak in if you let your guard down! My condolences to your husband and his family. PS love your story of AL the asshole abuser. We are never letting him into our lives again.

                      Dottie you sound great, sorry to hear of your friend's passing. Yes we are getting to that age, thank goodness we're treating our bodies better than we used to!

                      Miley good to see you're back on track. Do you know what triggered you? Enjoy your gardening!

                      Rahul it will take time for your wife to trust you. Be patient. I think you need to get out more maybe? If you enjoyed hiking and sight seeing when you were away maybe you can explore where you live and hike near your house too?

                      alicat welcome home! Glad you were able to avoid the temptation. The cravings will eventually become just an irritation.

                      Lav enjoy the heat while it's here next thing you know we'll be raking leaves!

                      LB I love how you answered the store keeper I bet you really surprised him (her?)!

                      Well I'm home after a couple of days visiting my husband's mum (in a retirement home with a broken pelvis) and my mum (just celebrating her 85th birthday). It was nice seeing our families but I always get stressed. I know family gatherings are a huge trigger for me. I used alcohol to get through them for years. Today another stressful conversation came up and I thought why do I do this to myself? Out of obligation, yes, but really, life is too short to be putting myself into situations that make me want to drink! Still I won't stop going, I will simply keep them short. Each visit this weekend was 3 hours. I think that's my limit LOL. Anyway I survived AF of course, and at the end of this week I'll be 90 days AF.

                      If I can do it, so can you!!
                      Newbies Nest
                      My accountability thread


                        Newbies Nest

                        dang J3, how'd you do that.... I can barely get what's happening w/ 2 or 3 folks.... 90 soon eh...?
                        Liberated 5/11/2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Sam the secret is split screen! LOL
                          Newbies Nest
                          My accountability thread


                            Newbies Nest

                            Too funny 3J - I was wondering the same thing as Sam. Glad you are doing well, even through your recent struggles.
                            Everything is going to be amazing


                              Newbies Nest

                              Moss my family makes me insane. I never realized it as much as since I quit drinking. I totally blurred them out before. It's tough, and I can't just detach from them, but I can limit them.

                              Byrdie talking about Christmas has sent me into a spin. LOL. Thanks Byrdie! LOL Seriously though, we might as well get a few more months under our belts so that by then we will have better coping tools developed.
                              Newbies Nest
                              My accountability thread


                                Newbies Nest

                                I have been wondering how it is done also 3 J:H

