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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    A huge congrats on day 30 Elvis! You are doing awesome! You're insights are right on too...keep up your great work!

    C-D...way to go on day 10! Nice job getting to the gym too...and I'm sure the eye-candy didn't hurt either! LOL I was doing great at the gym until I broke my foot (simply walking, nothing exciting like pole dancing). Need to get back there. Unfortunately my gym does not feature a lot of good lookin' hunks to stare at. There is, however, an abundance of sweaty hairy men in the sauna. :eeks:
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Newbies Nest

      Awesome job on 30 Elvis some good points too :-) thanks for your post.


        Newbies Nest

        Woke up feeling a little melancholy and anxious today, hubby's not feeling well. He's been there for me through this al and AF stuff, so supportive. I have so much guilt that I put him through all this. Normally I would drink through such a situation to numb the aniiexty. He can't be worrying about me, that's for sure. Just praying for some strength right now. I'm at work and that's keeping my mind occupied.


          Newbies Nest

          Afternoon all,
          Doing well this week all things considered....2 funerals to attend..not so good...
          Must get back to the gym so I have an outlet for stress...I have proven that drinking is NOT the answer..

          Newbie's Nest

          Tool Box
          AF 9.1.2013


            Newbies Nest

            hey everyone - i'm new here, been on and off the MWO forum for years - this is day 3 for me today. Feeling bit twitchy - I am a social binge drinker, quitting cos it's making me unhealthy,smoke when I drink, worsens depression,low self esteem and anxiety and takes my energy away. I find it hard to stop when I start and always want to keep drinking until I am drunk, sometimes I can stop - but it's a real effort if I do stop. Inevitably at some point in a moderation attempt I will get really drunk,and it slowly creeps up over time.I drink to give myself confidence/unwind.

            I started online CBT based alcohol counselling - one sesh so far, he recommended I stop for at least a few months to deal with social anxiety.GP also said if I identified anxiety is better with no alcohol then I knew what I needed to do.

            So I'm back for umpteenth time and hoping to make it stick,not sure how to apart from taking just today in my stride for now.Looking forward to getting to know you all - am glued to sofa with chocolate today and trashy food(it's hormone week) plan to watch tv, do half hour of exercise and have a bath then go to bed early.OH still drinks but is supportive of me doing whatever I need to do.Look forward to sharing day 4 with you all.
            one day at a time


              Newbies Nest

              hi Liz ann

              I too have put my honey through lots of chaos. He is not so well just now and I am needing to be there for him. It is my turn to do the nurturing as he has handled me for so many years!. I want to give back and I WILL give back! so glad to hear I am not the only pathetic wife on this planet!

              i am 34 days AF because I have a Plan

              I WILL AND I CAN DO THIS!

              have a wonderful day chickadees
              You've been CRITICISING yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try APPROVING of yourself and see what happens......


                Newbies Nest

                Congrats Elvis!!!
                Liberated 5/11/2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Happy Wednesday!

                  Good Afternoon nesters. Or as they say on another thread MAE (Morning Afternoon Evening as the case may be!!) it's very cool that we have nesters from all over the world here, sure gives us perspective doesn't it? For instance I forget that medical isn't free everywhere and that your business isn't really your business if your employer is paying for it.

                  We have a programme here where an employee is entitled to therapy if they admit they have a problem, and if we decide they have a problem they may have to go as a condition of employment. Being the "functional alcoholic" that I was this wasn't the case for me. I know that now I will be 100 times more supportive of anyone I come across in need and also 1000 times as protective of their privacy as I can be.

                  I'm going to do my best to say hey to you all but if I miss you PLEASE don't feel slighted, the nest is so busy these days and everyone is trying to keep up. Don't be too sensitive, just give me heck!

                  Samstone hey there looking good!

                  Colombia 34 days wow that time has flown by! I bet you're feeling amazing eh? Sorry to hear about your partner, and you're not pathetic you're stepping up now that you can!

                  bear73 so glad to see you back in the nest. I'm glad you're finding the counselling helpful. I think giving up AL for a period of time helps us to really see things as they are. That might be painful but it's what it is, better than always avoiding and numbing.

                  Dottie sorry about the funerals. I am 54 and it seems that I'm at an age where we go to more and more funerals. Luckily the kids of my friends and my nieces and nephews are still having kids to balance it all.

                  Lizann sorry about your husband, try not to dwell on the guilt, you had your reasons for drinking and you're dealing with it now. Keep us close.

                  Minstar hey there I don't think we've met. Your mood says hung over? Are you still? How about that cold, is it getting better?

                  K9 nice image of the men at your gym lol how is your foot these days? Have you tried swimming?

                  C Developer start working on your weekend plan. Hang out with those chicks at the gym? Something new? A movie? Start a language class? Volunteer somewhere in the neighbourhood? Change it up completely.

                  sanchez it makes it so difficult when the others in our lives continue to drink. Hopefully you will set an example though in time.

                  Elvis I am so proud of you! Your reflections belong on a wall plaque as a reminder to those starting out and struggling. I hope you'll re-post in the toolbox.

                  pakeha you sound wonderful, so glad your days are brighter and even the weather is getting nicer. Keep up the good work!

                  Lav, my husband didn't notice I'd quit or at least didn't acknowledge for a week or two. Maybe he didn't really think it would last.

                  available I wouldn't go look at bottles of wine any more if I were you. Why torture yourself? Good to hear you avoided the temptation!

                  Mr Vervil so glad you're still with us and posting! Try the tea yourself, it's delicious!

                  Little beagle you're sounding strong! Always a pleasure!

                  Mossrose you're hanging in there? How are you feeling these days? I'm with you, hate winter, love the heat. I dread the cold!

                  JDG you're sounding good these days, hang in there!

                  had it, I'm jealous, our summer flew by and the trees are starting to change colour already!

                  wittsend check your stats I am pretty sure your big 90 days is tomorrow!!

                  byrdie bubble baths, long walks, meditation, yoga, we're learning a whole new life and it's working!!

                  broken halo can you get the rosehip hibiscus tea leaves in your area? I get them at the bulk store. I make a pitcher every day now, even got hubby drinking it!

                  OK I have to run nesters I know I've missed some of you and I hope you lurkers are going good. (come out come out where ever you are!)

                  Talk soon, stay strong!
                  Newbies Nest
                  My accountability thread


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello Nest and Thanks To Everyone for their support

                    I had to take a day off from the computer, my doctor has taken me off of my kolonopin, something that I have been taking for over 2 years. Now It feels like I am going through alcohol withdrawls again. The shakes, sweating , all that is back. I am trying to let him know that this is happening, seems they don't give a F... , At the rehab , they basically took me off all the meds and just gave me Ativan. Felt a bit better coming off the alcohol, but now feeling even worse, when all my meds were taken away. I don't know what too do, Ive left several messages to him on his voice mail to tell him whats going on and Nothing!
                    I hope everyone is doing well here. Thanks to Everyone for their support and letting me vent.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi mike are you feeling like you're in danger? Or uncomfortable? Could you call the rehab centre for advice? Worried..
                      Newbies Nest
                      My accountability thread


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi June

                        Thanks, I had the worst experience at that rehab center, so I would defiantly not call them. If it gets any worse, there is always the ER, which I don't like to go. Though getting so angry now I am going through benzo withdrawls, just when I thought the worst was over.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi June

                          Thanks, I had the worst experience at that rehab center, so I would defiantly not call them. If it gets any worse, there is always the ER, which I don't like to go. Though getting so angry now I am going through benzo withdrawls, just when I thought the worst was over.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Guys - I am on day 4 of being AF and on my second day of Antabuse. I have a horrible headache and I am so sleepy. I am also starting to crave really husband is making a deck on our back porch and all I can think about is sitting on it drinking a nice cold Chardonney.

                            But...I CANT and its frustrating!!! I know it causes nothing but problems and nothing good ever comes out of it. I love waking up without a hangover but as the days go on I want to drink. I know I can't with the Antabuse but it does not help me to deal with my cravings or having the urge to want to drink.

                            I can't ever just have one glass, more like one bottle and I don't want to quit after the first bottle so on to the second and then after that its all over....because I can't remember anything!!! I hate that I have had conversations with people on the phone or in fights with my husband and I absolutely can't remember what they were about.

                            So, I am back and I am trying so hard but right now I feel like I am on pins and needles or about to jump off a cliff!

                            thanks for listening
                            Honeysoup :heart:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Guys - I am on day 4 of being AF and on my second day of Antabuse. I have a horrible headache and I am so sleepy. I am also starting to crave really husband is making a deck on our back porch and all I can think about is sitting on it drinking a nice cold Chardonney.

                              But...I CANT and its frustrating!!! I know it causes nothing but problems and nothing good ever comes out of it. I love waking up without a hangover but as the days go on I want to drink. I know I can't with the Antabuse but it does not help me to deal with my cravings or having the urge to want to drink.

                              I can't ever just have one glass, more like one bottle and I don't want to quit after the first bottle so on to the second and then after that its all over....because I can't remember anything!!! I hate that I have had conversations with people on the phone or in fights with my husband and I absolutely can't remember what they were about.

                              So, I am back and I am trying so hard but right now I feel like I am on pins and needles or about to jump off a cliff!

                              thanks for listening
                              Honeysoup :heart:


                                Newbies Nest

                                MikeInMass;1549420 wrote: Hi June

                                Thanks, I had the worst experience at that rehab center, so I would defiantly not call them. If it gets any worse, there is always the ER, which I don't like to go. Though getting so angry now I am going through benzo withdrawls, just when I thought the worst was over.
                                mike, I hope it doesn't come to going to ER and I totally understand your reluctance to do so. Please put your health first. I hope if it comes to it you get an understanding doctor who will listen to you. You are not alone, you have us. Keep posting when you can :l
                                Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe

