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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Mike, worried here too. It sounds like your withdrawal requires medical supervision, so hopefully your doctor will get back to you soon. But please go to the ER if you need to. I understand why you don't want to, but concerned for you. Are you alone? Is there someone there to help you through this?
    Everything is going to be amazing


      Newbies Nest

      Thanks All, yes luckily I have someone here with me. Just amazed at how a doctor can stop a benzo cold turkey. What ive been doing is researching it and the withdrawls are similar to alcohol, and they shouldn't be stopped cold turkey.. Yes If it gets any worse, I will go to the ER...
      Its like my doctor changed all of a sudden after he found out I was drinking and went to the rehab center, He is acting way different now. Seen him for around 5 years and now he does


        Newbies Nest

        Mike, why in God's name would your doc suddenly discontinue Klonopin?
        Of course you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms. That's not standard practice, it's unsafe really. Please get in touch with someone else to help you manage. You need to keep yourself safe!

        Elivis - CONGRATS on 30 AF days!

        bear, glad to see you here!
        Don't overwhelm yourself with too much at once, please. Focus on stopping drinking now, first & foremost. You'll be amazed at how everything else seems to fall into place once you remove alcohol from your life

        Hello to everyone & I hope you're all having a great day

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Welcome back Honey! I was thinking of you the other day! Great job on day 4 of AF...sorry you're having such cravings. There's lots of other fun things you'll be able to do out on the deck! Just remember where "one" glass of wine leads. Stick close to us ok?
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Newbies Nest

            My 1 week AF anniversary today Thanks to everybody here,honestly don't think I would have done it without you all! Doesn't sound like that long but I guess I haven't been sober for a full week in about 6 years so I'm proud today.Thanks everybody and have a good evening!! xx


              Newbies Nest

              K9Lover;1549444 wrote: Welcome back Honey! I was thinking of you the other day! Great job on day 4 of AF...sorry you're having such cravings. There's lots of other fun things you'll be able to do out on the deck! Just remember where "one" glass of wine leads. Stick close to us ok?
              Thanks K9 - I actually tried to PM you but I couldn't figure it out. Actually there has been many nights that I have wanted to message you because I was drinking and didn't want to be. You're the one I have remembered since I have first started MWO over a year ago. In fact, I think you were still drinking at that point.

              I wish I had your courage.
              Honeysoup :heart:


                Newbies Nest


                Thanks so much for responding to my post. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. What I do now is what's important!

                Mike - go to the ER if you need. I'm with ever one else's posts as well. Stay close here in the nest. It really does help!! You are not alone!

                Honey soup hang in there. I understand how you feel about the deck. I have a swing under the trees in the back and having that glass of Pinot was a favorite of mine. But then there was one more until like you I couldn't remember anymore! Now it's nothing to drink on the swing but a good book accompanies me. I'm still dealing with thinking about al a lot, cravings not so much. Hang in there. We're here for you.


                  Newbies Nest

                  good morning all, i will have lots to read when i get to work.

                  Ali congrats on a week, I cant wait to get to a week. Keep going

                  This morning i woke and feel as if a bus has run over me, so tired. better than so hungover but so tired. Normally when i drank I was awake early and just could not sleep now i woke thinking i may just get to work late today.

                  Any idea of when the tireds go away?

                  Have a great day all.
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Newbies Nest

                    Honey I found at first I needed really good alternative drinks, and I needed them all the time. It's like we get used to having a glass in our hands. The deck is great place for an after dinner coffee, ice cream, a virgin punch, (check online for recipes) a tall glass of iced tea, a book, a tan, a firepit maybe? Get outside the old box there's a whole other world out here!

                    alikat congratulations! Your first week is behind you! Any tips for those starting out?

                    Mike time for a new doctor me thinks. Sounds like this one isn't very professional at all.
                    Newbies Nest
                    My accountability thread


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thanks available I've been super tired this week too,although back to school after the Summer off so maybe partially just adjusting to that also.Either way,I'm lovin' the mornings with no hangover,taking a long walk before work and not having to be paranoid that my colleagues will smell wine on me..I have rediscovered my love affair with coffee too,which I'm not gonna worry too much about right now


                        Newbies Nest


                        Hope everyone is having a great hump day. All is well here on the home front, busy morning grocery shopping and errands so now it is time to rest.

                        We have a big day at work tomorrow, freight truck is coming in UGH!!!!

                        thankful to be employed.
                        Have a safe and sober hump day.
                        Love and strength to all
                        Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hey nesters

                          Thanks 3june2013. My mood is from a couple of days ago. I am still full of cold but AF! Thanks for your shout out.

                          Mike- you ok? It sounds like you are stressed. Take some deep breathes and hopefully someone will come along who has more informative suggestions. Sorry I can't help.

                          Honey soup- congrats in getting to D4. Keep reminding yourself of how you will feel if you have that glass- if it was me I know I would not be able to stop at the one- perhaps fix yourself something else to drink- cool lemonade/Cola/water/juice. I als find I am weaker when I am hungry so eat and eat an then eat some more! Any distraction for me does help. Stay strong!

                          I'm in bed now- strong thoughts of remaining AF in my head- I hope an pray this is it for me. I have tried several times to get back on track and I do hope this is it. I have a tough weekend coming up with a university friends reunion. I have in past quits met them as stayed AF so hope this one is as strong.

                          Stay safe and tucked in nesters.



                            Newbies Nest

                            Ali I like you am loving the no hangovers and that is what keeps me going through this tiredness. Sitting at my desk now wondering if I can possibly keep my eyes open all day. I do think I will start walking in the morning since it is now nearly daylight at 6am in Aus and the weather is improving. I need to change my sleep patterns as when drinking would go to bed at 11pm or when i passed out but now i think it may be 8pm lol.
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Newbies Nest

                              I'm just NOT going to complain about my job today....but I can't help it. DAM!

                              Alicat, great job on your 7 days! Around here, we award prizes for such doings! You've earned a FULL MOON!

                              This is for conquering every single day of the week, there's nothing that can be thrown at you now and make you've got em all under your belt! Here's to kicking some AL Arse!!!

                              Elvis and Columbia, great job you two, on 30+ days!!!! You've earned your hats!!!!


                              GREAT JOBS! 30 days is a real milestone in our AF lives. You should be very proud!

                              Hope everyone has a easy night in the's the butt Velcro. Don't be proud, strap yourselves in good!!! Hugs to all, Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                It looks like it's been an active day in the nest. I had a busy day at work, so could only lurk. I just got home and wanted to check in.

                                Elvis - great job on 30 days! So happy to hear that you have strong support at home too.

                                Honeysoup - nice to meet you. Glad you decided to come back. Look forward to getting to know you better.

                                MinStar - reunions are tough, but sounds like you've managed to get through one AF in the past, so you know you can do it. And of course, we're here if you need us.

                                Ali - congrats on 1 week!! It is a huge accomplishment.

                                Available - I'm still tired all of the time. I think it's what our bodies need to heal. So I try to sleep as often as possible, since I rarely slept for years. Don't know when it ends.

                                c-dev - I read your post this morning about being apprehensive for the weekend. I have the same worries. I used to love 3-day holiday weekends, but now it just makes me nervous. My friends are all planning barbecues, picnics, and parties and all will involve drinking. I haven't decided yet whether I'm strong enough to attend. But the thought of 3 days, home alone, also scares me to death.

                                Anyway, having a nice evening. My oldest son is here with me, so I better get off the computer so I can spend some time with him.
                                Everything is going to be amazing

