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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Mike hang in there buddy it's so worth it to get clean.
    Newbies Nest
    My accountability thread


      Newbies Nest

      Evening All,

      Day 12, and Just sitting here at my apartment with my cell phone off playing video games and checking out the forums when I need a break. I wish I did not live downtown, as it would be nice to go for a stroll, but I am not sure I am equipped to go walk past the cornucopia of bars and clubs that litter this area, especially on a Friday night of a holiday weekend.

      I actually called my parents tonight, which is relatively rare for me (about every couple of weeks or so). Needless to say, Mom was pretty shocked to be hearing from me on a Friday night. We chatted briefly about my job, the dogs, how much my Dad snores, and other random topics.

      As much as I normally love vegging out and playing lots of Call of Duty and Halo, it is starting to get old. I am not normally in such an anxious state, and my mind keeps drifting to the point it is hard for me to even concentrate.

      I am really going to have to find another social outlet besides the gym to occupy myself with, because just sitting here by my lonesome is pretty excruciating for me.
      In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

      AF since August 18, 2013


        Newbies Nest

        CD try "meet up"? HALT are triggers, and lonely is a tough one. I did most of my drinking alone. I find being here helps a lot. I bet your mum loved hearing from you!
        Newbies Nest
        My accountability thread


          Newbies Nest

          3J i could not have made Day 7 without MWO and I am grateful that I found this site a year or so ago. I used to get home, feed the dogs, grab my bottle and go to my room and watch tv, sit on laptop and drink till i passed out. Now i stalk here lol and love it.
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Newbies Nest

            Available that was me sans dogs!
            Newbies Nest
            My accountability thread


              Newbies Nest

              Sad really 3D, today i have cleaned my fridge, defrosed the freezer and done 5 loads of washing not to mention all the little things. I am looking at my house going OMG it really needs a good spring clean. Funny how you notice this through clear eyes. I may even take my lovely girls for a walk this afternoon as the weather is glorious still
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Everyone. Its Sat 7.00pm and I would normally have downed my first bottle of wine by now, however, decided to come on MWO and am completely sober. I to have found when I am not drinking the amount of energy I have is amazing. Last week I painted 3 rooms and a passage. Booze takes away your desire to pretty well do anything; you just lounge around trying to get over a hangover and think about the next drinking session. What a terrible waste. AL has robbed me of so much and yet we continue to go back to the bottle in the belief its somehow relaxing. Hope you are all dealing with SAT night successfully. Catch up later.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning. Hope the nest is safe! Haven't had time to go back on all posts but thinking of everyone. Well done hadit for not giving in. I like te spring cleaning idea. I will have to start that when I am back home

                  On my iPhone and meeting Uni friends this weekend. We went out to dinner at a nonalcoholic place last night. I did have a few but managed to keep it to three the whole evening. I asked hubby to finish mine off too! I noticed one of our friends was really disappointed when he saw the sign for no booze. I also knew from before but was glad we didn't have any wine with our meal. We had some champers and a glass when we got back! Wish I hadn't had any this morning but glad it was just The 3. Today I have even more steel determination. We have a cheese and wine party planned :-( I have already placed my sinuses and headache excuse in place :-). I will be posting as much as I can as well

                  Happy Saturday nesters x


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Abbers,

                    Looks like our 3 day weekend here & everyone's BBQ's will be hit with thunder storms - oh well.
                    Not surprising really as we have already had 30 inches of rain during June, July & August!

                    Mike, hope you are feeling better today!

                    C-D, are you interested in target shooting? Is there an indoor range somewhere nearby. I know my son-in-law goes when he can

                    Minstar, not sure what your plan is but be safe this weekend.

                    OK, I have to get going & tackle my list of things to do today. Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Epic fail but only a bottle but not good. tomorrow is another day
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Newbies Nest

                        I may be way off base here CD, but are there any museums in your area? I so enjoy art museums and it sounds like your in a city. Lac suggested target shooting, my hhubby takes the kids and they all love it. That might be a fun thing to do. Would you enjoy ra rock walll? is there anything like that around. i know when i do something like that i feel quite accomplished! Dare I suggest perhaps a church service tomorrow if indeed you are a believer? I like to head over to Starbucks drink my coffee and read the paper, may not be exciting but it gets me out and keeps my occupied! Stay strong, idle hands are the devils workshop!


                          Newbies Nest

                          I'm having a nice relaxing Sat. Morning. Getting ready to go shopping for bbq later.
                          At first not drinking during weekends and holidays is difficult but as Byrdie tells us it really does get easier. Starving that monster is the only way to get it out of your life. Giving in and drinking only prolongs the difficulty. Stay strong Minstar and Available, it really is worth it. When faced with those really tough cravings I think about the struggles other people are going through. I then realize how easy my life is and all I have to do is not take that first drink.
                          Glad you stood strong Hadit.
                          Have a good one everyone.
                          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Little Beagle, you took the words right out of my beak....
                            C-Dev, I found that I had so much dang time on my hands that I didn't quite know what to do with it. A mix of boredom and loneliness. I found that putting myself into the service of others really helped. I'm as cynical as the next person, and this sounds REALLY sappy, but when you do something nice, and unexpected for someone is a real game changer. I was here on a Saturday early in my quit. I used to start drinking at 10:30 am. So I had ALL day to fill. My neighbor's grandson was visiting (he was 4). So I decided to bake him a train cake (a cake in the shape of a train). So I set out to do it. Well, I didn't have all the I went to the store and got them (remember, driving on weekends was unheard of for me). I came home and baked the cake and decorated it with all kinds of colorful candies for wheels and jelly beans for cargo and such. It took me hours to do, but I had the time. When I took it over to him, his eyes got as big as saucers. He looked at his mom in disbelief and said, 'Mom! Is it my BIRTHDAY???' I sat it on the table and his little fingers delicately touched each of the candies and then he looked at me!! ' THANK YOU!!', he said. What that little boy didn't realize is that he had helped me thru an awful day. I put myself on a task and I completed it. I am told that all cakes since then are compared to Miss Byrdie's train cake. Do something nice for someone else, and the rewards will be YOURS.

                            Dottie Belle, I'm in love with Penny! What a widdle face!!! I'm sure you are loving having a new member of the family!!

                            Stay strong, Nesters, remember that for US, ONE DRINK IS TOO MANY. Zero Tolerance! It's not worth your quit!! It is 1000 times easier to maintain a quit than to start one, so stay the course!

                            I think I passed George Clooney this morning downtown. Our eyes met. I wanted to pee my pants. I wonder if he is in town doing a movie? I wish I had turned around and chased after him. Dammit, hindsight is 20/20. SWOOOON!

                            Hope everyone has an easy day today! We are all doing it together! XO, Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello nesters -

                              Just popped in to say hola and hope everyone is doing well. Holiday weekend here, so by now, I'd be well into the long weekend celebration. Instead, played tennis early this morning and now going to take my mom shopping. Haven't seen a lot of the posts from yesteday, was busy getting ready for relatives coming in. Just looked at the last page or so, and have a few minutes to post a couple, then I'm off.

                              Emmy - Welcome! You've landed in the right place for support and insight to help you.
                              Dottie - Adorable puppy! Good distraction for you as well as something to cuddle and love. Dogs and especially puppies require a lot of our time and attention and don't get it when we're hungover and can't play! They keep us active.
                              Rahul - Identify with the sweet tooth - mine was at its peak around 14 days and thought - oh my all the weight that came off from lack of al is going right back on because of sugary treats. oh well...It is subsiding a little now though.
                              Halo - good for you on going to the gym on a Friday night. What better way to blow off the stress of the work week versus the bottle.
                              Lav - will need to go check out your photos!
                              Byrdie - George Clooney you say? sigh

                              Okay all - gotta run.
                              Have a wonderful af day. Check in with you later tonight.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Afternoon all,
                                Enchilada sauce was YUMMY!!! Wish I could have shared it with all of you.
                                Puppy is doing well. they give instructions to keep her quiet...yea sure keep a puppy quiet....I am doing the best I can with that...made her some rice and chicken so it was easy on her tummy...the other doggies benefited from that as well...
                                Off to help with a lunch at church..back later.

                                Newbie's Nest

                                Tool Box
                                AF 9.1.2013

