Fad you're out of ICU. I've had a recent visit there and I know it's no fun. I work in a hospital as well and unfortunately understand that scheduling stuff and its a good thing that you can wait for the test. Sending thoughts and prayers your way. Maybe you'll catch up on some of that sleep napping today.
No announcement yet.
Newbies Nest
Newbies Nest
Fad you're out of ICU. I've had a recent visit there and I know it's no fun. I work in a hospital as well and unfortunately understand that scheduling stuff and its a good thing that you can wait for the test. Sending thoughts and prayers your way. Maybe you'll catch up on some of that sleep napping today.
Newbies Nest
Dottie, I am very relieved that you are feeling better and are now out of ICU. Our collective prayers and well wishes must be working
Happy Labor Day everyone, and I have some somewhat cool news to share as of this morning. Along with my overall improvement in health and outlook since getting off the booze, I weighed myself this morning in the locker room at the gym and I have lost 11 pounds! I had a feeling my board shorts were fitting more loosely, and now I know why
I do not really get it either, because I have not really been eating all that healthy, I just quit drinking alcohol and have been getting more exercise these last 15 days. I was was not fat to begin with by any means, but definitely had some baby fat and bloat that appears to be going away. Too bad fall is approaching instead of summer.In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "
AF since August 18, 2013
Newbies Nest
Happy Labor Day! What is everyone up to today? It's not a great day to be outdoors today so I will just do my usual Monday stuff. . .food shop, laundry, treadmill. Maybe a steak on the grill later. Enjoying a little quiet time this morning as the kids are still asleep. Check in later.
Newbies Nest
Good Morning Everyone,
I am a long-time poster to this site and have been hanging out on another thread. But, since I chose to drink Saturday night, I'm back to baby stepping. Hope it's ok if I fly in here.
No Sugar (our esteemed peep) made a suggestion that I come back here to post about things that might help you guys (and me of course).
I'm in a bit of a hurry this morning because I'm in the process of moving. But, I'll just say that if you're ever thinking that you're missing out on anything by not drinking, dispel those thoughts. I had a period of 7 months of sobriety, and then a couple of stints of a month or more. I was never a super heavy drinker by most standards, but alcohol still caused problems for me. My consumption increased steadily over the years and ultimately I drank soley to get buzzed. Then, when I tried to cut back or stop, I couldn't.
Anyway, I haven't quite been able to get over the idea that I'm missing out - my weakness is social settings. I can't fathom someone inviting me over for dinner, offering me a glass of wine, and my saying no thanks. My last two "falls" I've only had a couple of drinks each time, but still I slept badly and felt terrible the next day. It's almost like I've developed an allergy to the stuff. Most people would love to be able to stop at 2 drinks, but even that undoes me.
So, my challenge is to convince myself that I'm not missing out. I know this on one level, but not another. I'm in the process of learning about a couple of techniques (one called EFT) - derived from Chinese Acupuncture, but it involves tapping. I'm thinking I can employ this at future said dinner parties.
If I run across anything worthwhile, I'll be sure to post links for you guys. I think the EFT can be found on You Tube. I need to post a name, though, of a guy that was recommended in a book, which I will look up.
Gotta run but stay strong everyone. Drinking is a total dead end. Really - even the fun part is an illusion.
Dottie - sending you healing vibes.
Nice to meet everyone new here, by the way........I'll try to come back when I have more time.
UN :lilheart:
Newbies Nest
Now that I've learned to cut and paste I was able to add my name to the roll call thread!
I'm also wishing you well, Dottie-- hoping you are able to be out of the hospital soon.
And wishing you all a relaxing Labor Day!
I just finished a long day at work and didn't have much time to think about this new decision. At one point I remembered and panicked for a minute. As of late my after work routine has been the same every day and it's been full of the devil.
So as you said, CD, the first thing is getting a couple of weeks af under my belt and then it's about rebuilding structure, the way I think about things. That's something I haven't done in the past. Usually as soon as I begin to feel better I forget about why I didn't want to drink in the first place.
Lav, you always talk about having a plan in place-- I don't feel like I know what to plan for. It could be anything and everything and I don't know where to start. Today is ok. That I know.
I need to have a look at the toolbox tonight!
Newbies Nest
Londoner;1551070 wrote: Almost had a beer last night. Felt down and thought 'screw it' just open one and neck it down.
I have realised if I am not productive and working towards achieving something I am more likely to relapse. My brain needs to be working towards a goal - it improves my mood, my energy, my confidence etc. This is what running my own business + working out does for me.
Oh, and I have not heard back from my friend who was begging me to go out over the weekend. He obviously crashed and is now feeling horrendous. I have realised with him, he only contacts me these days when he's had a few beers and wants to party hard. Calling me a loser for not going out - HA!
as you probably know, friends should be there whether you drink or not. They must accept who you are, be it a drinker or not a drinker. You are who you are, a person that knows drinking harms you and you've stopped harming yourself. Keep being your new self, the rewards far outweigh the buzz
SamLiberated 5/11/2013
Newbies Nest
Dottie glad you are out of icu. Love your puppy. She's so cute!
Londoner you are fortunate to recognize when someone isn't really your friend.
I hope everyone has a safe af day.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
Newbies Nest
Hi Nesters.
Dottie, I hope you are feeling better and are not stuck in hospital for long! Get well soon
Happy labour day colonial friends, enjoy your extra day off! I'm off work this week, have lots of things planned to keep me occupied. I spent time today with my niece and her two year old, we had a great time. I've also been at the gym again, I think my addictive personality is now hooked on exercise, but I am not going to worry about that. I enjoy it, it keeps me focussed and motivated to keep my body clean of the horrible poisons I have been abusing it with for years!
Londoner, well done on saying no to your friend. I bet he's suffering today!Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe
Newbies Nest
Afternoon, Nesters!
Dot Belle, sending you healing thoughts...we are all anxious to hear how you are doing!
C-D, you are sounding so strong and positive! Keep up the great work! I ate horribly the first couple months, but over the course of time even I managed to lose 13 pounds!
Unwasted...thank you for coming back into the nest. All I can say is this: Make a commitment to consume NO ALCOHOL and stick with it. No matter what. There was a period I had from about 4 months until 9 months that I felt I was in the A Sober NoMan'sLand. I knew I shouldn't drink, but things weren't magically better and I still had strong thoughts and pulls towards going back. I BLINDLY followed Lav, because she was THE most together person I saw on this site. Whatever SHE was doing, I wanted that. So I had to fake it until I made it. Once I got to around 9 months, I really felt GOOD. BUT, I will tell you, it wasn't until I hit about 2 years, that I felt as if I was really out of the woods. At 2 years, I was at total peace with everything related to where I'd been and where I was going. I no longer feel that pull to drink...AT ALL! Just like the relationships we have with people, this is a hard one to let go. It takes time....but it also takes commitment. At each stage I've experience new feelings, but at each stage I can look back and say as it relates to AL, everything does get better. I honestly think that by 2 years, our chances of success are greatly increased. I was a pretty hardcore drinker....and I know that if I can find peace in MY head, that someone as smart and analytical as you can find it much sooner! If you will give your quit time....it will take care of itself. Just keep that promise to remain AF no matter what. Maintaining your quit is 1000 times easier than starting over. The discomfort of one evening is pittance in comparison to this MINDPEACE of which I speak. I can ride out a craving/thought/peer pressure....but getting this MindPeace back would have too great a price. One night of getting stupid is NOT worth blowing everything I've worked for. One night of drinking to appease someone else or to try to fit in just isn't what I'm about any more. I am looking after me now. Are there times that I wish I could drink with my friends? Sure. But that passes quickly. I've NEVER looked back and said, DAM, I wish I had drank that night! Just the opposite, I am thankful I didn't. Once you get that distance between you and AL you will be able to see what it did to us. Other perfectly normal people don't drink, and they don't apologize for it. Not drinking is not a big deal anymore!! I hope that you will commit to your quit and keep it going! That is the only way I know to eliminate the pull of AL. Starve it. For each and every one of us on this site, one drink is the beginning of a one way ticket to hell. Stay the course, and you will NEVER regret it!!! We are all in the same boat!!
Edit: Welcome Trudi!!!! We are so glad you're here! Great job on Day 2!!!
Hugs to all, Byrdie
Newbies Nest
Byrdie, thank you for your advice and reminders. I think if I can just get through a few uncomfortable situations I'll be ok. I really feel I'm right on the cusp of making it. It's not the fitting in so much as the idea that I'll relax and be better company and enjoy others more. Logically I know alcohol does not need to be a part of the equation. It's just that I have to be exposed, go through it successfully, and then build on that success. I can see it in my mind - the way it could feel natural not to drink in those settings - I think I just need to go through the experience. I have been successful, though, in the following firsts:
I can now go to dinner with my husband and not order alcohol and feel fine (that was huge for me).
I can be at home and not drink and not even be tempted to drink (that is another milestone).
I have had a 7 month, and a few 1 month AF stints.
I made it totally through the death of my dad (at his bedside) where I watched him die.
SO, I know I can do this. I just know it.
Hi to everyone here - and Dottie, hope you are on the mend. Do you know what caused your issues? Please post when you feel up to it.
Sending everyone peace and strength,
UN :lilheart:
Newbies Nest
Unwasted;1551238 wrote: I think if I can just get through a few uncomfortable situations I'll be ok. I really feel I'm right on the cusp of making it. It's not the fitting in so much as the idea that I'll relax and be better company and enjoy others more. Logically I know alcohol does not need to be a part of the equation. It's just that I have to be exposed, go through it successfully, and then build on that success. I can see it in my mind - the way it could feel natural not to drink in those settings - I think I just need to go through the experience. I have been successful, though, in the following firsts:
7 month, and a few 1 month AF stints.
That sounds like the very common and non-life-threatening, run-of-the-mill social anxiety that so many of us have disguised as drinking-worries. I'll bet there are all sorts of tips for dealing with that.
Glad to see you in the Nest.
:h NS