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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning Lifechange, though it is almost 11:30 at night where I am.

    Isn't it a wonderful feeling waking up in the morning and not feeling like ass? I woke up this morning, grabbed a Starbucks and drove down to the lake to spread out a blanket on the grass and read a book. I got a little bit sunburned, but it was, by far, the most enjoyable morning I can remember having in a VERY long time.

    This is the first I have heard the "fake it til you make it" maxim, though I must say that I like it, and it sure makes a hell of a lot of sense also

    I had better get to bed now. I have to fly tomorrow and air travel has a way of sucking the energy right out of me. Glad you are doing so well

    In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

    AF since August 18, 2013


      Newbies Nest

      Thanks for your thoughts, Lavande, Lifechange and 3 June 2013. I appreciate you steering me to the moderation's probably really annoying seeing me post here about planned drinking. I do feel proud of myself though. I was AF again last night and will be tonight...I was telling a friend during a walk this afternoon 'OMG it never occurred to me before how much money I will be saving!!! And maybe I'll lose weight?' I looked up that it's about 2100 kilojoules in a bottle of wine, which is over 1/4 of my daily kj allowance...scarey!


        Newbies Nest

        Good to see you are doing well Em, I never worried about the kj intake as i always forgot to eat. The wine could have done that one I am thinking. Now i am eating and cooking as I am not drinking and my boys are loving it. I have been putting the money into another account and its scary to see how much I was spending but I always thought I work, i deserve it. Crock of crap really and just AL brain trying to rationalise.
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning Nesters,

          Lav, thank you for your encouragement. I'm doing it this time. No excuses.

          Lifechange, you have described the dilemma perfectly -- the way we can be so sure of ourselves, yet falter. I think I just get complacent and convince myself I'm not that bad (which is called denial since it doesn't matter how MANY) drinks -- it's what they do to you and if drinking is problematic for you. If so, and you still keep doing it, you have a problem. Really, when you get right down to it, there is nothing natural about drinking poison. We've just been so conditioned that we've accepted it as being so.

          C-Developer. I've been watching your progress and posts. You sound like you're really getting this! Traveling wears me out too! Be careful not to let your defenses down and be smart about avoiding triggers. I'm not an AAer, but the HALT acronym is a good one to remember (that hungry, angry, lonely, tired) are the main triggers.

          Welcome to Abbie, Emmy and Trinity. If you want to keep up with a thread you've posted on, you can use the drop down arrow where it says "Thread" and select subscribe to this thread. Then follow the steps and select to be notified. You'll have to go to User CP when you log in and all your threads will be there. Then just click on each one and it will direct you to each one automatically. If that's not clear let me know and I will try to go into more detail.

          Have a good day everyone.


            Newbies Nest

            Hello Nesters. Welcome Trinity, Abbie, glad you found the Nest.

            I never worried about the kj intake as i always forgot to eat. The wine could have done that one I am thinking. Available, I did that too. I always made my work schedule my excuse for not eating properly or cooking but I really wasn't that interested as long as I was drinking. Planning on making some cauliflower and leek soup today as well as some cod fillets and veg later. Yum

            Hiya lifechange, I hope you are enjoying your day 3, it sounds as though you are. :goodjob:

            CDev, Isn't it a wonderful feeling waking up in the morning and not feeling like ass?
            :H:H It sure is! Bon Voyage, I hope your trip is a good one!

            Un, in all the time I have been here I didn't know that thing with the threads, DOH!

            I'm off to get my hair cut and get my groceries for my culinary exploits. Cheerio till later!
            Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters,

              Still no sunshine in my portion of the world, oh well. This has been the summer of rain, many rainfall records broken!

              Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday! I have lots & lots to do so I will be busy all day.
              C-D, safe travels & please stay in touch while you're away. We'll help you stay on track

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Morning all and thankyou to those of you who helped me last night:h Well this is why i need to stop drinking...... i feel like shit. All i want to do is curl up, i stink, my mouth is just disgusting, im sweating, i have a stomach upset and ive wasted my whole morning:upset: This is how i spend my days off......this is no life. the worst thing is that i have a two year old who deserves so much more than this. We should be out enjoying life but instead im sat here ruining both of us. Im determined to better my life and his. Im going to make a cup of tea, brush my teeth, drink water then have a shower and get dressed. Im going to force myself out of the door and take him to the park. its not fair on him being cooped up in here all day and i need to get out of this god damn house!!!! I am NOT drinking tonight. I usually spend all my nights off boozing and waste my days off. Ive had enough, i want to feel healthy and look good again. should really quit the fags to but one thing at a time....:new:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Day 1- I plan on a 30 day ab like Byrdie suggests. Committed but scared


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning Nesters,

                    I do not have much time so this morning as I am still frantically trying to get packed for my business conference. I fly out today and will not return until Sat. This will be the biggest challenge I have faced so far, but I am feeling pretty confident on the whole. Thanks for the support and ideas everyone.

                    Next Stop: Las Vegas
                    In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

                    AF since August 18, 2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      C-Developer;1551531 wrote: Morning Nesters,

                      I do not have much time so this morning as I am still frantically trying to get packed for my business conference. I fly out today and will not return until Sat. This will be the biggest challenge I have faced so far, but I am feeling pretty confident on the whole. Thanks for the support and ideas everyone.

                      Next Stop: Las Vegas
                      Hi, C-Dev

                      If from the first time it comes up you casually and confidently say, Thanks, but I don't drink OR, Thanks, I'll take a Perrier, etc. you establish yourself in the group and in your own mind as a non-drinker. For the most part, no one makes an issue of this unless you do. Acting like a non-drinker makes you one.

                      Enjoy your time away from the office, work hard, and have real,
                      AF fun!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Luck! Check in often and post. If you are feeling weak dont forget we are only a keyboard and wifi connection away! Lastly, from your posts you are with a new company, what a great opportunity to distighuish yourself. Have an AF blast.
                        Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                        William Butler Yeats


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks Unwasted! I'm going to subscribe now! X


                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning, Nesters!
                            C-Dev, please give a hearty hello to my $200 worth of nickels I lost in the first machine as you go into the casino at the Aladin. I miss them terribly and I'm so sorry I lost custody of them. I gave it my best shot.
                            Welcome Trinity and Abby. Yes, we do deserve better that what we are getting thru our associations with Brother AL. He is killing us. You can do this...I found a few things extremely helpful when I finally made the decision to get sober:

                            Check your ego at the door. If you have been sober before, we know that you CAN do it, but STAYING sober is another animal, too. Try to associate yourself sober people, don't listen to the ones who are not, they will (consciencely or not) undermine you. Don't listen to anyone else except people who are doing it.

                            Get all the AL out of your space. I resisted this one for a long time. I wanted to have some booze on hand as a 'safety net'. This is baloney. This is your booze brain telling you that you are going to fail and better have something on hand for when it does. GET IT OUT. I have heard 100's of nesters say, 'if there had been any booze in this house, I'd have drank it'. Or conversely,' there was a bottle of wine in the fridge and I just drank it....I tried to stop at one glass and I couldn't'.

                            Eat. This is your silver bullet to success. As Alkies, we are so used to drinking our meals that it doesn't occur to us to eat! EAT until you are FULL... this will help you THE most in fighting the urges and cravings. Keep hydrated with water! You want to be aware that your belly is that your mind doesn't wander off to other thoughts
                            . Reward yourself with GOOD food. At the end of a long day, treat yourself with a goodie!! Learn to know the difference between and AL craving and hunger!!! Often, eating will quell a craving.

                            GLUE yourself to this site.
                            You will not find another place with more valuable information than right here. This site has 7 years of people JUST LIKE YOU that have battled the bottle....and won!! I hear folks say, 'the nest moves too fast I can't keep up!' BUT, you are reclaiming 4-6 hours back from your day...if it takes you 30 minutes to catch up, that's ok!! We are ALWAYS on topic and talking about this very thing you are struggling with! READ AND POST! It's nice to read about what everyone is doing but posting takes it up a notch. We have shown that those people on this site who have an average of posting at least once a day show a greater success rate than those who do not post. I didn't really buy into this until I looked back at my own history. When I got SERIOUS about quitting, I posted! I discussed what I was thinking, and my struggles. Seeing it come out of your head and onto paper does something to our mindset. This is not a spectator sport, you must get some skin in the game to succeed!

                            Alcoholism is progressive.
                            So let's say you aren't THAT bad today. 20 years ago, I wasn't THAT BAD, either. 10 years ago, I wasn't as bad as I eventually got. 3 years ago, I wasn't as bad as I could have gotten! Unfortunately, with this disease, it doesn't get better on its own, it gets worse. It doesn't even stay the same it gets worse. Unless corrective action is gets worse. I hope I have painted the picture. It get's worse. I wish to heck I'd have stopped when I wasn't so bad! But I didn't. By the time you realize that you have a control issue with AL and join and online forum and identify with the stories, I'm afraid you are one of us. This is not BAD news, it's good! We can give you the tools to make the correction! Once you get some distance between you and AL you will see what it was doing to you. BUT you must get that must starve its food supply. Only in doing so, will you be able to see it.

                            Expect Mood swings and tiredness. You can't abuse your body for 20 years and then expect things to be better overnight. The first 2 weeks you are going to feel better in many ways, but you will know you are detoxing...after Day 13, the waters will smooth out and you will be well on your way.

                            I wish there were some shortcuts to getting sober...but alas. All I can say is to get quit and STAY quit, it's the EASIEST course you can take! It took me 100 tries to get it, don't be like me! In the end, the inevitable happened and I HAD to stop for good. Taking one drink only delays the inevitable....don't prolong it, get 'er done!! The sooner you are over those first 2 weeks the better, you can get on with the business of LIVING!! It is a great place to be!! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi all,

                              well i made it out of the door and got to the park... it was awful, i caught sight of myself in a shop window and i look a right state. My hair is a mess, my skin is a mess, i look like death warmed up and i still feel like crap. Other mums all standing around chatting and looking fresh as daisies and presentable whilst i hovered around desperately trying to avoid eye contact with anyone... I am telling myself that this is the last day i will feel like this. All i can concentrate on is the fact that tomorrow will be better. I'll feel better and i'll look better. Ive just thrown the empty bottle of rum out. It was a 75cl and i drank probably 2/3 of it as I wa pouring myself bigger measures than i was for the other half and i finished it off when he went to bed. I stayed up drinking until 3am. Having a child to get up with in the morning as well i am disgusted with myself. I drink most nights and on my nights off i get blind drunk and dont remember going to bed most of the time and say and do horrible things. Today is a write off.. tomorrow WILL be better. I feel physically sick and shakey. i actually think i am going to be sick. I cant wait to go to bed tonight and wake up not feeling like this....


                                Newbies Nest

                                Today is day one for me. Not the first time I have tried.

                                I have pretty much been in a drunken stupor for the last five months. Somehow today
                                I am finding the strength and courage to not drink. I know I am in for a hell of a ride for the next few days but I am going to give it my all. If I don't stop drinking I know it will kill me plain and simple.

                                All things in time if I am Alcohol free

