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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello nesters and welcome newbies. :-)

    Unwasted- OMG!!!!�� I hate this iPhone predictive. I didn't even notice it until I came online now. So sorry- I am sure your hygiene status is not to be questioned��

    CD- hope Las Vegas is good to you stay strong and listen to these wise nesters. I like the opportunity to have them know you are a non drinker. Think of those waking with a stinkig hangover and you will not be!
    I find,from Byrdies list, the eating one a big trigger. If I can eat and then tackle the craving I usually find it has gone. An awful thought I have had with my drinking is to drink on empty to get the buzz quicker. Once you do that- even just one then you're on that slippery slope. So make a deal/pact to yourself to make sure you have your stomach full to the top before revisiting that craving. Then tell it to bugger the heck off! :-) Stay Strong!

    Trinity- keep those thoughts- emotions and feeling in your head. Wrote down what you felt- ashamed, sickness, fear anxiety. All need to be there in your mind or on paper when you want to drink again. I have a 2.5yt old girl and I have just got to stay AF for her. I don't want her seeing me drink or drunk or hungover. I want to be 100% here for her. I love taking her to the parks, pools, playgroups etc. to do that I need to b here fully and I can't with a hangover. I am ashamed I have spent hungover days on the couch or trying to sleep. She is still young and doesn't understand and I have the chance to change this. I recall hen I fest joined folks telling me to take this opportunity. Many have wasted theirs and now their kids have grown and probably seen things they shouldn't have.

    Can you tell you husband to not have AL in the house. Plan what you will do this evening- organise your dinner- eat early if you have to- get a good book to read. I love know I can get to bed and read for a few hours- maybe a bath/shower. Then plan what you will do with your son tomorrow. Imagine his excitement at having his mum fully present and ready to go :-)

    You can do this :-) I am here if you need to talk- together we can best this thing :-)


      Newbies Nest

      Trinity, 38 days ago I was in a similar state. I had just finished off a liter of vodka the previous night and was feeling really bad. This in a long line of nights that seemed to go on for ever. 38 days later I am sober and feeling way better than that particular day. If you scroll through this site you will see hundreds of simiar stories. You are not alone in your struggle and you really can do it.

      The next couple of weeks will be rough, (if you are feeling super anxious, shake really bad or feel you're heart racing or otherwise feel in danger go right to the emergency room). Listen to ByrdLady, she really knows her stuff and her advice to you was spot on.

      As Byrdlady points out, our disease is progressive. It is also unique to us. We are genetically wired to abuse alcohol. Moderation is not a reality. We are not like normal drinkers and we can never be! I hate the idea that I'm not "normal" in this respect but happy in the thought that I am not poisoning myself any longer. Stay close to this site and listen to the wonderfull advice that folks like Byrdlady or K9 lover and a host of other wise folks have on this site. Good luck.
      Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

      William Butler Yeats


        Newbies Nest

        thanks so much minstar. You are totally right, i have to do this for him. I had planned to take him out shopping and buy him some new shoes today but al has ruined that. WE dont keep al in the house generally.... we go to the shop every night and buy it in. We both drink too much but he knows when to stop. If i go to the shop i will always buy way too much. Tonight im going to have a junk food type tea and fill myself up, drink tea and have a shower, hair wash then an early night. Having to wait in for a delivery tomorrow but Im going to make sure that im ready to go out the door as soon as it arrives and take him for shoes. We are going to go out for tea as well which will be fine because even though there is al there i never get drunk in public when out with my son. It will be when i get home that i struggle. I cant wait for tomorrow, i want to spend a good day with him. Not just lying on the setee with the telly on because i am incapable....


          Newbies Nest

          Thankyou all for your replies, you are all very very helpful xx its good to know im not alone


            Newbies Nest

            Hello Nesters,

            I got my blood tests today. I did the blood work about 25 days back and it was a disaster. Enlarged lever. Enzymes way way up. Uric acid out, cholesterol way out, trig out etc etc. have been taking some meds and most importantly no AL. I am glad after month they came out a lot better. Still more way to go but improvement.

            To be honest I felt tempted why not to have a drink or two now !! Nah but that reminded me how strong that beast is inside me and I have to tame it down ...
            Rewiring my brain ... done ...
            Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
            Rebooting ... done ...
            Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


              Newbies Nest

              it's been a very long time since i've been here

              hi everyone,

              it's been a few years since i've hung out here and i am back. i am at a point in my life where i am determined to beat this. alcohol serves no purpose for me anymore but it's easier said than done. i am just grateful that i have this community to come to.

              i look forward to getting to know everyone and helping others as i know you will support me.

              thanks for reading
              __________________________________________________ _

              Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.


                Newbies Nest

                Rednose welcome glad you found the nest! Still away and on my phone sorry but you will make lots of friends here!
                Newbies Nest
                My accountability thread


                  Newbies Nest

                  Rahulthesweet;1551600 wrote: Hello Nesters,

                  I got my blood tests today. I did the blood work about 25 days back and it was a disaster. Enlarged lever. Enzymes way way up. Uric acid out, cholesterol way out, trig out etc etc. have been taking some meds and most importantly no AL. I am glad after month they came out a lot better. Still more way to go but improvement.

                  To be honest I felt tempted why not to have a drink or two now !! Nah but that reminded me how strong that beast is inside me and I have to tame it down ...
                  Rahul, Boy your post hit a nerve. I used to quit AL for two or three weeks just to get past the blood test and the 6 month Doc appt and even with the two week reprieve I'd get the same results that you mention in your post. My one exception was that I was borderline diabetic on top of the enlarged liver, wacked out liver enzymes, fatty liver conditon etc etc. After the Doc Appt. I'd go straight to the liquor store. Looking forward to the new blood test in 3 or 4 months. by then I'll have been sober nearly 6 months. Congrats by the way on staying strong.
                  Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                  William Butler Yeats


                    Newbies Nest

                    nowandzen11;1551601 wrote: hi everyone,

                    it's been a few years since i've hung out here and i am back. i am at a point in my life where i am determined to beat this. alcohol serves no purpose for me anymore but it's easier said than done. i am just grateful that i have this community to come to.

                    i look forward to getting to know everyone and helping others as i know you will support me.

                    thanks for reading
                    Welcome back, NZ!

                    Did you have success last time you were here and leave MWO thinking you were ready to handle AF living on your own? Or was it just not working?

                    Anyway, you sure are in a great place to get it done this time around!



                      Newbies Nest

                      Unwasted;1551271 wrote: Min Star, you'd better fix my name. K9 will laugh me off the site with that one!:H
                      UNWASHED!!! :H
                      I thought UNWANTED was pretty bad. LOL
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Newbies Nest

                        I am home. They did more tests and still NO CLUE what is up with me. I have an appointment with a hematologist on Friday. I have no risk factors or symptoms or anything that would have indicated that I was heading in this direction. That makes this all the more scary. Need to pick up meds after I go get a good shower.

                        Newbie's Nest

                        Tool Box
                        AF 9.1.2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Half past seven....... this is when the jitters start and I usually find an excuse to head off to the shop. The hangover is gone but the wanting is now starting. Why does it have such a grip? EVIL STUFF!!!! Im staying in, its not getting me tonight and robbing me of tomorrow. No way.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Can Can you can do it. Just had to do that.:H
                            C-d please stay close to us while traveling.
                            Bhalo you cooking sounds delish.
                            Trinity welcome. I hope you can get out and feel better today. Stick around here and we will help you through this.
                            No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                              Newbies Nest

                              TJAF;1551633 wrote: Rahul, Boy your post hit a nerve. I used to quit AL for two or three weeks just to get past the blood test and the 6 month Doc appt and even with the two week reprieve I'd get the same results that you mention in your post. My one exception was that I was borderline diabetic on top of the enlarged liver, wacked out liver enzymes, fatty liver conditon etc etc. After the Doc Appt. I'd go straight to the liquor store. Looking forward to the new blood test in 3 or 4 months. by then I'll have been sober nearly 6 months. Congrats by the way on staying strong.

                              I have been drinking everyday for past several years. And on,y thing I could no is not to drink one night before a blood test. And yes I have a nice collection of reports since past 10 years with ugly results. Every time I told myself now I will quit and almost every time I used to make fake report and show it to my family and wife trying to tell them how balanced my life style is. Enlarged liver and borderline high glucose has been the case for me. Uric acid was also more than 7 for as long as I can remember. I even used to get preventive Heath checkup done and about 2 years back looking at my enzymes doctors prescribed 2 drugs for liver and reduction in cholesterol. I haven been sadly doing self medication since then stopping and starting looking at my reports. But as my drinking increases even medicines stopped acting as if I was immune to it.

                              Today after a month of AL free I see myself with much better enzymes and same medicines which I used to consume. How much Al was damaging me I now know.
                              Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                              Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                              Rebooting ... done ...
                              Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning nesters and newbies

                                Reading the first posts of the newbies always makes me want to cry. Bugger AL for trying to take over our lives but its achievable to get through it. I am still a newbie myself and always thought I was alone but being on here I am not alone and realising I am an alcoholic is mindblowing but acceptable and i have to accept it and I have to go one day at a time, if i focus any further ahead it is overwhelming.

                                MWO has all the help and advice and wisdom needed to keep me on track. There is still that niggling demon telling me go on have one to celebrate your sobriety. Yeah right, one, one hundred it goes on and on.

                                Luckily I wasnt too much of a drinker when my kids were little but now they are older i embarrass them and that is sad, i am not that woman that is an embarrassment. I dont want to be that woman, I want to be me!
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

