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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Ive managed day 1!!! Its nearly 10pm and the shop will be shutting but thats fine.... I'm not panicking like i usually would. Usually i would be getting my coat now and rushing out of the door. My other half is having a beer which is torture but he is not like me, he can have a couple and leave it whereas i'd be finishing the pack then dashing off to get more. I actually spend a lot of my drinking time worrying about running out ( and i try kidding myself im "relaxing") I'm so pleased i get a fresh start tomorrow with my boy:h bed time for me soon i think


      Newbies Nest

      Trinity :goodjob: You'll hear it often but judge your success in small doses. The first day is one of the hardest ( at least in young AF life) You did fantastic.
      Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

      William Butler Yeats


        Newbies Nest

        Congrats Trinity, stay on here and be safe. You will enjoy waking up sober
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Newbies Nest

          Aww trinity! Well done! You're going to wake up feeling so good about yourself! I always have that flicker when I wake up where I think - Did I drink? Then a lovely feeling that I didn't. I am still shattered- dont feel as awake as I would like. But I know that is because I am getting much deepe restful sleep. After the days of AL abuse, feeling refreshed takes awhile for me. If you can go to be early- take the opportunity. Your body needs to rest and re set. I hear you on panic for the next drink- I changed my routine - during the witching hour- I made sure I had eaten- sometimes meaning I had my tea at 5.30 but I did. My hubby also has AL in the house- u have drunk beer but have had some whiskey. I now have moved that to the living room making it harder for me to sneak in a drink whilst goin to the kitchen or bathroom.

          Congrats again- day one and you did it! Lets do this together! I can't wait to hear how your day goes tomorrow. I find I am tired when I awake but gradually am much more alert. I have more energy and can get more done in a day than I ever thought before. Happy happy happy for you!

          Rahul- well done on getting this far! Look forward to your new set of results!

          Welcome newbies and those returning. - I am also interested to find out if your last quit eded due to thinking you can manage on your own or because of some othe reason. For me I felt after a year I could have a few- and I did for a few weeks holiday here and there. Then when I knew I had to quit again, I became like a child an just indulged and indulged when I could- this then led back to drinking in secret. I know it is a slippery slope and one that starts with that one drink.... I can't have just one so I am better to have none!

          Available- how are you today?

          I'm off to bed- still finding it hard to fall asleep and had a mammoth two hour nap this afternoon so lets see how it goes. I have a toddler also wide awake :-/

          Hope all are enjoying an AF evening:-)

          Stay safe nesters!


            Newbies Nest

            Evening everyone.

            Rahul, you have concrete evidence there of how much AL was harming your body. You are not out of the woods yet, but the evidence is clear. Stay off the booze and your body is healthier. So is your mind, your relationship with your wife and children, your performance at work. Alcohol enhances nothing and detracts from everything that's good in life.

            Available, I wish I could hug you.

            Luckily I wasnt too much of a drinker when my kids were little but now they are older i embarrass them and that is sad, i am not that woman that is an embarrassment. I dont want to be that woman, I want to be me!
            I have one daughter, she is her late twenties. I usually do my best to behave around her and her fianc?, but over the past two years she has put me to bed twice, once in her house and once in mine. The most poignant thing about it is, she always tries to justify my behaviour in some way. Even when I apologise she'll make a joke and say 'oh Mum, it was your birthday' or 'you didn't have much to eat'.

            Yet I know deep down she is worried and probably embarrassed. I love her more than I can say. She doesn't know the full extent of my drinking in the past, but she's nobody's fool. She and I have been through a lot, and despite the drinking I know she is fiercely proud of me and also protective of me.

            I want more than anything to feel that I deserve that kind of love and pride that my daughter has for me. I am lucky, I don't think it is too late to salvage that, and for you available, the same applies. Let's make our kids proud :l
            Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


              Newbies Nest

              Welcome, Trinity and NowandZen!!! It's one day at a time!

              I get overwhelmed, too, when I think of things way off in the I don't do that, I concentrate on today mostly. Getting overwhelmed doesn't help anyone, so I try not to do far, so good!

              Dot Belle, gosh, keep us posted! We are all thinking of you!

              I wish we'd hear from Tess!!

              I worked 2 of my 3 days off and thought I was caught up! Then today hit and I'm behind again. UGG!

              Have a safe night whatever it takes to get thru this day AF!! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Hello Byrdie. Sleep well. Sorry your work load increased- what is it that you do?

                Available and Broken Halo- what great role models you are! Nothing can change the past but you have the power to control and change your future. Whether they are 2 or 22. It doesn't matter in their eyes you are always going to be important.

                Trinity- hope you have managed to complete D1 and are fast asleep.

                I can't seem to sleep gut Toddler just gone to sleep so back to trying to sleep.

                Night night nesters!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Mins, I sell shoplifting deterrents and security stuff. Enjoy your evening!! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    MinStar I am good, feeling tired again for some reason, but waking up at 3am i am sure does not help but my body is trying to get back into whack. Still that horrible demon thinking have just one drink you have deserved it but the 2000000 before i dont think i deserved either.

                    Oh thanks for the hug BH, my children are fiercly protective also but I am the mother not them when push comes to shove. I think my eldest thinks "please dont get pissed and embarrass me mum" but then i have that first drink and boy does it taste great and off i go. I have told her i am not drinking and she is very proud of me as she gets married in November and I WILL not embarrass my daughter on her big day. Not sure what to do about the nerves though. Oh well I will cross that bridge when I get to it and I am sure there will be great advice to be given from here.

                    Well i suppose i had better do some work, there is an office manager i want to kill at the moment and I am just in the mood but I will do it with dignity when the time arises. Why oh why do we have to have just one dickhead to work with

                    have a great one all
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Newbies Nest

                      well done working on day 1. Enjoy your next morning and breathe the air of no hangover, remember it all day long how wonderful it feels, guilt free.

                      Liberated 5/11/2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters!

                        Welcome back nz, glad you decided to join us

                        Dottie, great that you are back home. I hope you stay well!

                        Congrats on getting thru day 1 Trinity - the hardest day!

                        C-D, stay tuned in while you're away for support

                        Can't believe tomorrow is Wednesday already. Keep plugging away everyone, one day at a time!
                        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello Newbie's glad to see that Lav and Byrdie are stayin strong in the nest and providing their excellent words of wisdom! I have not been on site for awhile but can atest that an AF life is definitely a better one, and we all deserve the very best.
                          Stay close to the nest and the MWO, I had been AF for 5+ months, on summer holidays and away from the MWO (no internet), I was doing really well but unfortunately slipped last weekend (wine at a bf's wedding). I have no desire to go back to the living hell of AL and am using all the tools I can so I never slip again. When I was posting daily I was able to get those AF days, my advice is to please stay close to the nest.
                          On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                            Newbies Nest

                            Note to self. No more mouthwash. Without thinking took a swig after brushing my teeth. Swished it around, hmmmm tastes familiar. Ah oh not good. Thought about swallowing it, now that would be a crappy way yo fall off the wagon.
                            Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                            William Butler Yeats


                              Newbies Nest

                              It is good to see you, Halo. I'm sorry you're disappointed but it is great that you are getting back on track so quickly! There are others here in the same situation - more of an isolated bad choice than a complete relapse. We are so lucky to have this site and support for quick corrections. Mistakes don't have to lead to disasters.

                              I'm glad you're planning to hang out here more often again. :h NS


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi all....I realized last night I went a whole month without drinking... I was actually amazed myself it went so fast. Today is the 59th day I am going to bed without blacking out. I wish I were happier about it, but I have lower back pain that is causing me to be depressed. A second daughter moved home and the stress I know is causing it. Have gone to numerous drs and no one can help. It's nerve pain. Scheduled an injection on the 16th. When I asked the last dr. why people over 50 with the same aging issue I have don't have any symptoms (pain and numbness) he said it's the same as why some folks go bald and some don't. Not exactly the answer I was looking for. I plugged away at my 3 mile walk tonight with my I do every night.

                                night all...piper

