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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Afternoon everyone,

    CG and SG glad to see you made it through. Doesn't it feel good!! I remember how happy I was when I started getting my first AF days. What freedom

    Lav, I'm in MI, and your in PA? Weather is quite similar here. A bit foggy and moist around 40.. I do want snow but I hope it waits till I get my X-mas shopping done! Hope your feeling better today.

    Hi Chooks, so good to hear from you and glad your gaining strength. What a nice X-mas present for you. Give those wee chicks a hug from me. Wish I could shrink my babys back once in a while just so I can cuddle with them on the couch....Great times.

    TW, aka, Sun any one else who flys back today Have a great AF one. need to go shopping


      Newbies Nest

      Hi everyone! I've been AWOL for a few days trying to get ready for Christmas and my trip back home this Friday (20 hour train ride - YIKES!)

      I've had quite a few AF days this past week, and finally feel as if I am getting a grip.
      I hope to enjoy a glass of wine here and there at my Mom's but no more than one.

      I am getting better at figuring out how to restructure my evenings to be AF, and it seems to be helping a LOT.

      Chillgirl - I have a Portuguese last name - my husband's grandparents came from Madeira.

      Keep the spirit, everyone!


      Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
      That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
      Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
      Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


        Newbies Nest

        I've been here a couple of weeks, but I finally got all of the stuff in and started the supplements and Topomax last night, as well as listened to the CD's. I made it through the clearing CD, but zonked out when I tried to listen to the hypnosis one!

        So - I was anxioius to see how my cravings would be tonight - I am an after work drinker - as soon as I walked in the door, I would pop open a beer and have 9 or 10 every night. Well, tonight, I only had 3! And, poured out the last half of the last one! I am drinking hot green decaf tea with lemon right now and loving it! I am so excited about this!

        Anyway - hi to everyone! It is great to be here, and I am looking forward to getting to know everyone.


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters!

          Hi FlaMomof3, welcome to the Nest! Find yourself a comfy twig & settle in with us, always plenty of room here Sounds like you are making some good progress, that's great! Keep using the CDs - I really think they helped me out a LOT! You are doing the best thing for yourself & your kids!

          Chooks - cluck, cluck Yay, glad to hear you are doing well. Don't know how you got to Zen style but who cares? As long as it works, right? Glad the kiddies are doing well too! Stick around, we love hearing from you!

          Well, I'm sitting back with my decaf green tea now & watching Family Guy on TV - how stupid is that, ha ha.

          Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.
          Hey Tranq, the temp hit 52 today but it's too muddy for golf here.......

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Everyone.

            Lav dear, right now I'd wear hip boots to get out in 50 degree weather. It's like 10f here with a 15mph wind. Eewww!

            FlaMom! Hi. You're going for a hypno endurance record huh? I never tried to do more than one in an evening. I was lucky to get through one! I did use the sleep learning one everyday though - that was easy. ;} Great job on controlling last night. As you get more comfortable, and get to some af time you will begin to feel a real freedom that's pretty cool.

            Clucker you sound great. Keep doing what you're doing - or not doing! You Go with the Zen-ness! That's good stuff. Keep clucking!

            Phoenix - Good work on the af time - and figuring out how to work your evenings. I'm always on the go (always was), so keeping busy sure helped me in going af. Even reading here on mwo or books when I needed some down time was helpful.

            Chill - James Brown - great gym music! I'm gonna have to grab some jb for my pod.

            Stirly, Mighty you guys sound great too.

            Take good care everyone!
            Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


              Newbies Nest

              Good night nesters, Got back late from x-mas shopping and I'm exhausted. would have previously wanted to drink after this but not interested at all!! Yeah

              pheonix, So glad your figuring things out for yourself. Hope you can keep that control going strong. Enjoy your trip. this is a crazy busy time of year

              Flamom, I plan on doing a cd tomorrow also and then using the bedtime one for sleep. I never did the sleep one yet. I'm hoping it makes me stronger because I have a few xmas parties this weekend. Glad to have you here and great job on your start, your on your way!!

              Lav, Your shop sounds lovely,,I'll picture you in your pjs tomorrow morning embroidering away.( my response from a different thread, sorry)

              TW, So happy you sound so great and positive

              Need to go to bed, Hi to CG and SG. Keep adding on those "Feel Good" days. right CG.

              :l to all,MM


                Newbies Nest

                Happy Humpday Nesters!

                The nest is open for business
                Have a great day!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Afternoon to all,

                  Is everyone doing ok? Wednesday and pledge AF for me.

                  FlaMom, How are you today? I know your at work right now but I'm thinking of you and wishing you another step forward today.

                  Lav, We have sunshine today! Yeah! I woke up a bit scroogy so it helps.

                  Wishing everyone the best, MM


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi all,

                    A newbie on day5 of week 3.

                    haven't posted my full story yet - I am not sure where to do it - I guess I should just start another thread in the intro section.

                    Look forward to talking to you all

                    Cheers and Blessings



                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters!

                      Hi jc2cats & welcome to the nest! Please find a comfy twig & settle in with us - we're a pretty nice bunch of folks here You can talk about anything you like here, we're listening!

                      Tranq, I have to tell you the temps dropped like a rock today - back to where they should be this time of year & there's talk of snow this weekend - oh well.

                      MM, the sun was nice today wasn't it? Always helps my mood

                      I had fantasized an afternoon in the kitchen baking Christmas cookies but of course that never happened. Hopefully tomorrow I'll squeeze in some baking time. I really am looking forward to AF baking this year.........oh yeah!!!!

                      Greetings to all who may drop in tonight. Wishing everyone a warm, safe night in the nest.
                      I'll leave the night light on for you

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi everyone! I am doing so great! I had one beer tonight, and did not want another. I am having no side effects so far - other than soda (and beer) tasting flat. So - I am drinking water all day instead of soda and hot green decaf tea all night instead of beer. I cannot begin to explain how elated I am at how easy this is and how good I feel!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks for all the welcomes and encouragement! :hug:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Fla - I love the enthusiasm! I too was amazed at how effective the supps and cds were for me. H2o has become my drink of choice in most circumstances. I stopped drinking soda about 3 years ago. One thing I learned was that dehydration (thirst) was a real trigger for me (hunger too). Once I learned that simply drinking water sometimes quelled the cravings, it was a real eye-opener.

                            Welcome jc2. Lot's of good information in all the forums. Read. Enjoy. Ask questions.

                            MM, Lav, Hi and Bye. Just about to blast out into the cold. Another 10f degree night here.

                            Take care all!
                            Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good evening to all, late night of xmas shopping very tired again.

                              :welcome: JC2, so glad to have you here.

                              :goodjob: Flamom, Yeah I am so happy to see your post and find you doing well. I wish you continued success. . I didn't have time to do my cds today, will try again tomorrow. Isn't it great to find some answers to tame this beast!!!

                              Lav, Hope we wake to sun again. It does make everything nicer.

                              Night Tw, CG, SG and all else who pop by. MM


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters!

                                Yes, the sun is back today MM - but very chilly Lots of layers I think for today!

                                Not going to let anything or anyone get in my way today - I will get some baking done, I will!

                                Wishing everyone a terrific Thursday, hope you get your chores done today as well

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

