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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey Guys,

    After a long day of airports and cabs, made it to Vegas this afternoon. We are staying at a place called the Aria Resort and Casino. It is a pretty swank place, and about on par with the Bellagio.

    I am not actually required to do anything until tomorrow, so I went and worked out at the health spa and got a hour long massage to calm my nerves. I just got back from dinner with about 9 other people, and managed to sip on my water with dinner without so much of a word from the rest of the people.

    However, after tomorrow when the show kicks off, I have a feeling the pressure it going to be on me much more significantly than it was tonight, and if the various conversations I overheard tonight are even remotely true, it appears strip clubs, open bars, and generalized debautchery is the bill of fare.

    I am feeling confident though, but I will still be looking forward to coming back home on Saturday. I just want to get this show done with my sobriety in tact.

    Thanks for all the words of encouragement guys.

    In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

    AF since August 18, 2013


      Newbies Nest

      well done, it does go fast and so you got an impending big 60!!
      hope your back gets better, I know the pain you're talking about.

      you can do it.. general debauchery while drinking water/soda/ something NA.

      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Newbies Nest

        CD stay true to yourself. There will come a time when you can be at all those places and stay AF but for now I would do whatever it takes to get back to your hotel and either the gym, the pool, or right here where you know you're safe.

        Good night nesters! I'm away on vacation enjoying my time AF. Tonight our hostess was pretty trashed and I thought thank god that isn't me,
        Newbies Nest
        My accountability thread


          Newbies Nest

          hello its me Abbie today I got my head chewed up by cousin because of my behavior when I get tipsy I become kinda of vulgar in a fun way but that's my personality just when I drink my personality comes out more my family is on my case and now my best group of buddies who happen to drink more than me but they are more composed I guess or there families don't make a big stink like mine .... I feel like a piece of shit and now I backed off from everyone my reputation this sunday past went to shreads I want to crawl under a rug I don't want to be around nobody no more how is this going to help me we are all newbies help


            Newbies Nest

            :new:hello its me Abbie today I got my head chewed up by cousin because of my behavior when I get tipsy I become kinda of vulgar in a fun way but that's my personality just when I drink my personality comes out more my family is on my case and now my best group of buddies who happen to drink more than me but they are more composed I guess or there families don't make a big stink like mine .... I feel like a piece of shit and now I backed off from everyone my reputation this sunday past went to shreads I want to crawl under a rug I don't want to be around nobody no more how is this going to help me we are all newbies help


              Newbies Nest

              Greetings Fellow Nesters,

              A very quick check-in from my work computer, as my home computer is still not running! The only other option i have is logging in on my phone, which is very tricky and expensive too. Just hope work doesn't track my Internet usage today.
              ANYWAY, i fully intend to get back on and post properly, once my home computer is fixed. I miss hanging out in the Nest, it's the best way to re-inforce my belief that i can never have "just one drink" ever again. A recent post by Byrdlady said it all so well.

              Ok, take care everyone. I look forward to "seeing" you again when i can log on at home....

              STAY STRONG, you'll be so glad you did!

              AF free since April 29, 2013


                Newbies Nest

                Abbie, i completely embarrassed myself at my nieces 21st so that was a big turning point for me to stop AL. God i cant remember half of it anyways but I know i face planted the floor and that is about all i remember. great role model NOT. You stay where you feel the most comfortable at the moment and dont worry about what others say, you need to be and stay positive. They will come around when they start seeing changes in you but dont do this for them, do it for you.
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning all!

                  I didn't really sleep well last night after day 1, i found i kept waking and my head was buzzing so im pretty tired this morning. Tired i can deal with because im not hung over!! Which is fab. I feel great. When i think of the state i was in this time yesterday morning i cringe. For the first time in ages i actually fancy breakfast, usually I wouldn't eat with a hangover until at least 12 but this morning im going to have some eggs on toast rather than just constant cups of coffee. I'm waiting in for a delivery today which could come anytime in the next twelve hours. I hope it comes soon so we can go out. Other than that we will play in the garden. My son (two and ha half years old) seems happier this morning too. Probably because his mummy isn't passed out on the setee this morning. i feel so guilty about that yesterday. I need to get this sorted whilst he is still little, he deserves his mum with him 100% rather than being a drunken mess. Abbie im new here too, like you i become a totally different person when drunk and ive lost count of the times ive totally embarrassed myself and spoilt occassions with my drinking. Arguing, falling over, damaging property, crying, screaming and generally being out of control...... you're not on your own. I know how it feels, waking up in the morning not remembering what you've done or said and trying to piece it together. Then having someone else with a holier than thou attitude fill in all the blanks and being so ashamed you feel sick to the pit of your stomach. Hang in there, we don't have to do that anymore:h


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good on you Trinity for doing day one. I found the headaches the worst and i still get them and the bone tiredness but the positive is we remember the night before, we watch a full episode of a tv show and remember it, no hangover, no shakes, the list is endless.

                    I wanted so much to call in at the bottleshop today it was a struggle. Day 4 and i just thought all of the excuses i used to give myself to drink and i was agreeing with everyone of them. I drove straight home and now i am here i will not leave. I am having a cup of tea and thinking now of what to have for dinner and reading on here.

                    Keep going as you will feel great but keep posting. I will be on here a lot tonight.
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning everyone

                      Trinity, well done on getting day 1 under your belt. I am glad you are feeling better and hope you have some real quality time with your son.

                      Abbie, cheer up love. You can't turn the clock back and change what's happened, but you can look forward to changing your drinking behaviours. It's horrible to feel the way you do right now, but on the bright side, it really is all in your hands. You CAN change things moving forward.

                      Available, well done on day 4 and on not giving in. I know how hard it is, but it's so worth it.

                      C Dev, well done on getting past your first day in Vegas. Sounds like you're in for a hell of a time over the next few days, but you'll stay strong. Piper, well done! We made it to two months buddy, who'da thunk it? Sorry to hear about the pain you are in, I hope the injection helps.

                      Hi Sam and Steadfast, nice to see you both checking in.

                      I am off later to visit a friend overnight, I think I mentioned her before. She stays quite a distance away so it will be overnight and usually ends up with us both being really drunk. I have told her on the phone that I am not drinking and I've been honest about why. As I thought, she confided that she too is worried about her drinking so we were on the phone for ages chatting and making plans for our sober time together! It's quite a long drive and I am already relieved that I won't be hungover driving home like last time!
                      Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                        Newbies Nest


                        Hi all,

                        Have been dipping in and out of reading the boards for a bit now and have found the friendliness and support you have comforting and reassuring.

                        Life has been very hectic lately and I am on the slippery slope of escape drinking ...... there is always a reason to defer taking control of drinking too much, I now realise that I need some support to do that and hoping that you guys can help me with that.... and that I can, in time, give back some of that support and friendship..



                          Newbies Nest

                          Bh it is nice that you told your friend and she understood. I have a friend like that but she lives 11 hours away which at the moment is a great distance. Let us know who it all goes, I bet it will be fun. I am just glad I am having a sober night.

                          Welcome Misty MWO is a great site to be on and probably like all of us scary at first that we are wanting help but just not wanting to ask as we can give up or moderate AL anytime. How wrong is that! You will be a regular on here before you know it. Good luck and keep on here.
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Newbies Nest

                            Haha, just got called boring by a family member. More of a show thing than anything, to get some laughs from everyone else.

                            Boring because my party lifestyle has disappeared and I am concentrating on improving mysself through building a business, exercise, sleep and nutrition.

                            The fun can come when I fix myself Besides, it is fun to me atm


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning nesters!
                              Welcome newbies!
                              I am again on iPhone so hard to scroll through and touch everyone! I will try :-)
                              BH- confiding in a friend is great! I hope you have a great time and love walking up recalling all. Available- D4 and keep strong! Yes tired but that will go :-)
                              CD- well done in d1 in Vegas. I agree with PP on staying close to here. Keep reminding yourself of how far you have got and what you will lose with just a sip. As someone said- you can do all those things and more without AL
                              Abbie and misty- welcome! You're in good hands here! Don't look back. There isn't anything you can change. Just look back to remind yourself of where you never want to go again. This is really in our hands and only US can change it.
                              Byrdie - wow- never knew. Feels like I know you so well eh ? In reality I haven't a clue! Hope today is an easier work day.
                              Londoner- well here's to being boring- just remember your conversations health mind and body are much more interesting now you are sober:-))
                              Trinity! What a great day! I hope you have fun with your son in the garden- stick some water out and have a splash- today is gorgeous in the UK. Where are you based? I believe your host is so used to crashing out with AL that waking up in te middle of te night, night sweats and insomnia is all part of the body healing itself. I am sure a wiser poster will come along with more information soon. Hope that delivery comes soon :-)

                              Afm- woke up still dog tired. Seems my eyes just do not feel bright eyed. Beautiful sunshine in London- I have dinner with an old old friend. She is diving so won't have more than a
                              Glass and I won't have anything! Normally I would be thinking a few as she is driving but I determined this is my forever quit.

                              Slip up for me has turned into - 6 month relapse. I don't want to look back and be ashes of my hungover mornings, unable to play with my child or my inability to do anything for feelin sick! I want to look back and see how quickly this can take a hold again and steal 6m of my life. I let it and don't want to be anywhere near that again.

                              Just some if my thoughts that I hope will help others. Have a lovely Wednesday nesters x


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Wednesday morning Nesters

                                Hello & welcome Misty, glad you decided to join us. Check out the Tool box for ideas to help you make a good working plan

                                Abby & Trinity, whatever happened in the past is history & can't be changed. Focus on today, it's all we really have. Be the best you can be today!

                                C-D, glad your day went well today. Stay true to your plan & think of us

                                Wishing everyone a great AF Wednesday!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

