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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Trinity (hug). You have had a slip up today. Try to get some sleep and start afresh tomorrow. Sorry I dot have much medical advice on the withdrawals and the levels of aL. I am sure an more experienced poster will come along with some advice

    Please try not to drink anymore. All these feelings you're mad about have come about because of one thing and one thing alone. Get yourself to bed and lets start another day tomorrow.

    Try and focus on the good day you had with your so. And how clear and happy you felt.


      Newbies Nest

      Trinity, I have slipped several times since coming here. But one thing I have learned from the people here is to never quit trying. It's not easy. We all understand. Withdrawl is awful. And you may need medical assistance to get through it, but it is so worth it. Just think how wonderful it would be to live a life without anger and shame and regret. After you get some sleep, and eat (remember to eat a lot), c'mon back and start again. You really can do this.
      Everything is going to be amazing


        Newbies Nest

        My other half has just gone to bed.... its hitting me.... im an alcoholic.... im a massive majpr alcoholic. Oh no....... I have to admit it, i am. I want to cry there is another can in the fridge and i know im going to open it. Thats how i know.. ifeel this shit but yet i'll still open it, nothing anybody can say will change me otherwise.. I need it... Oh shit, i'm in a world of shit....


          Newbies Nest

          Oh my god i'm so sorry to keep going on but what the hell am i doing?????? Ive just been moving beer cans and bottles outside so that i dont see them in the morning and teling myself "its so its tidy and doesn't look so bad.." thers only me thats coming down in the morning.. am i ashamed of myself? i think so.....I'm more of a mess than i first realised, I'm looking at a picture of my son but i'm still crying and i'll admit, i still cant even put the can down.......not even for him. I hate this...I dont want this anymore i want to be a normal mum. I think i need more help than what i first anticipated. I thought i could just turn over a new leaf but the physical, mental horribleness is way more than i ever imagined. And so again tomorrow i start day one..


            Newbies Nest

            Trinity as everyone says sleep it off and tomorrow is another day. The support is here for you and no one is judgmental of you at all. We have all had Day 1's and then celebrated with a drink only to feel as you do. Only you though have to want this and only you can change. Today before work I went to the shops to get what i want for tonight as after work is a trigger for me and its Thursday and one of my busiest days so i deserve a drink. No I dont deserve a drink, i deserve a life, so I will go straight home and be away from temptation for another day. I have no AL in the house and for me this is a great idea.

            Keep trying Trinity there is light at the end of the tunnel although the tunnel may be a long one, it will be worth it to see the sun shining at the other end.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Newbies Nest

              "No I dont deserve a drink, i deserve a life..."

              Well said, Available.
              Everything is going to be amazing


                Newbies Nest

                Thankyou available you seem very wise.... and i am very drunk (for the last time) Its not big and its not hoping for a sober weekend because im working the majority. Its my dayd off when this happens wasted days


                  Newbies Nest

                  Please don't judge me i'm literally on my arse here... ive just spent the last five mins looking for my beer because i couldn't remember where i put it, i found it on top of the toilet. i wont pour it, i cant pour it. i hate it but i love it. i'm screwed.... the only thing i can think is a better tomorrrow, yes i'll be hung over but it will be day one again. And day one is where we start right? Tomorrow is where i start. I cant believe the realisation im having. I really didn't hink things were this bad. They're worse!! bu thopwfully will get better. No more denial


                    Newbies Nest

                    Trinity :l

                    Please let go of this day and get yourself to bed. You cleaned up your bottles and cans so that you wouldn't feel so ashamed tomorrow, but you will still feel ashamed. I was the queen of "erasing" my night before so I wouldn't look so bad, even just to myself. What's done is done for tonight. We DO understand. We have all had the same feelings and thoughts that you are having right now. You're not hopeless...believe me...I drank 12+ beers every single night for 10 years. If I can quit, you can quit. We'll help you. Get to bed and start over tomorrow. Be sure to check in...otherwise we will worry! :h

                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Newbies Nest

                      CD - You're probably still in your meetings or convention, but that time of day is creeping up on I just wanted to give you some encouragement to stay strong. You CAN do this, it doesn't matter what other people are doing!
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Ive just poured the last beer down the sink and now i'm going to bed. Even though i got drunk im feeling a bit of pride in the fact i poured it away. Up soon to face the hangover. i'll check in. Thankyou all for your support xxx


                          Newbies Nest

                          No Trinity I am not very wise and I still struggle and i am only up to Day 5 or 6 but I have made a fool of myself enough times to finally give it my best shot. I have to reinforce the positives of no AL as the devil is on my shoulder constantly but i hope to knock him off eventually.

                          K9 i used to just put my empty bottles under the bed or in my bedside drawer and only throw them away when i could fit no more in, which would mean sneaking to the recycle bin to hide the evidence. I still have one under the bed for gods sakes.

                          Please let us no how you are going Trinity as K9 said we will worry about you and dont be worried about what we will say as it will all be positive! The negative is alcohol, the positive is giving it up.

                          Hi Moss hope you are going well. I am at work posting, bugger work i say!
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Newbies Nest

                            Night time here, Available, but totally understand. Never thought the work day would be over today. Nice to finally be home and relaxing. I quit posting for a few days lately. I felt like I was being negative and didn't want to bring that to the boards. This quit has been rougher than most for some reason - physically and mentally. But back and here with you all the way. Stay strong.
                            Everything is going to be amazing


                              Newbies Nest

                              :thanks: again for all your help. hoping you all have a good day/ evening whatever time it is where you all are! Its 1am and bedtime for me. I'll have to face the consequence tomorrow but hopefully as its not he usual spirits ( i haven't passed out and fallen down my usual hole) it will be not as bad.... thats not to say its ok though. I'll be checking back in tomorrow:l


                                Newbies Nest

                                Night everyone! Trinity, hope you are getting some rest now. Available and MR, it does a nester proud to see you in action. It's a helpless feeling to try and reach thru the computer and offer support. It's hard when we have all been in the same valley and we know how low it can get. Let's hope tomorrow is a new day! Hey K9, I keep missing you, how do you manage to hobble by me so quickly?? Hope your leg is mending nicely!
                                Hope everyone has a safe night in the nest, buckle up, it can be bumpy! We are right by your side! Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

