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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Of course it will Min my sober mind knows that but its one day at a time and im proud I have done one 7 day stint and now up to day 5. Its been a long time since i have achieved any AL days. I know i cant moderate, god that word should not even be in the English dictionary lol. My trigger is always an hour before work finishes when i "deserve" a drink and on my way home it was always which bottleshop was I at yesterday. God the things we do to hide our drinking. Do you get on with your fam or was AL a way to cope with them?
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesters,

      Wishing everyone a happy AF Thursday
      I have toms of work waiting for me & am jumping into it right now! Wishing everyone a great AF day.

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Hey lavande- how are you?

        Trinity hope you are ok. Come check in.

        Available. I get in so well with my family. It's hubby's side. They are close to our house but a useless bunch of twits. His mother is a dragon but luckily I am just as gobby! So give back as good as I get. She does get me annoyed but not the reason I drink. The loneliness is form not having like minded family or friends around and mine are te other side of London! Might as well be in Leeds lol. I know I am lucky to have them close though :-)

        Oh yes - working out which shop and when we last visited. Lol I even went to superstore Tesco to get mine so each teller was different. I also have brought some online when I killed Hubby's whiskey :-( ashamed. Now when I look at my purchase on line I have a constant reminder. The dates between each purchase is too little. Too shmeful!

        Well done on day five. I reckon you can crack the last d7 record :-) hope your having a loeu evening. What are you up to?!

        CD- check in with us. Hope you're ok.

        Lunchtime for me- then my little girl up form her nap so ill check in soon x


          Newbies Nest

          I think Tesco is like Cosco that we have here but i never thought of going there. There were 5/6 bottleshops in a 5km radius that i regularly called in to. I never did the online AL shopping. Gees i must of been good lol. I used to be proud when i only drank 1 1/2 bottles a night and only needed to buy one bottle the next day, felt i could justify one bottle. My son has AL in the fridge and not tempted to steal his. I am on fb and playing candy crush, bloody addicted to that which is not a bad addiction for me atm. It is 10.30pm in Aus so I am off to try and sleep and wake up hopefully without a headache would be novel.

          My mum lives a few thousand kilometres away but she is coming to visit in October for god knows how long. Love her to death but she loves her wine or three at night so that is going to be testing. I have October to prepare for that.

          I know i can do the day 7 although Friday here tomorrow, but just another day really.

          CD sounds like he is doing so well in such a difficult situation. Lav we are all doing well here and enjoying the AL days we are clocking up.

          Have a great day everyone, i am off to have some amazing dreams which i never remember but seems so real.
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Newbies Nest

            Good Thursday morning all,

            Hoping for a quiet restful day here as work begins again tomorrow with freight truck. I really don't like that truck, but it helps pay the bills. Enough complaining.

            Trinity you know what to do to get through this day. Drink lots of water, tea, lemon with water and rest as you can. If this can be a learning experience then one day it will be worth it. Samstone told me the last time I was on day one "go to the mirror and take a long hard look at yourself, and remember how you look the next time you want a drink" that among other things is what has kept me sober this time. I am still new just under 3 weeks, after 30 days, 2 weeks, etc.

            Let this be the last time you have to feel this way. WD and hangovers are like giving birth, you remember the pain vividly and then as time passes we forget and do it again, then we are like oh crap I remember why I don't drink.

            Lots of love and support your way,
            Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


              Newbies Nest

              available;1552215 wrote: No never negative Moss, everyone has an opinion. I've been all over the place, not wanting to drink at all but the temptation has been great so been just typing crap on here, well feels like crap but it helps me. Wouldnt it be lovely if we woke up "normal" and the urge, the want, the need were gone. Maybe I need to be hypnotised as i love that.

              Stay strong and chat soon
              Stay tuned, Available! THIS IS POSSIBLE! It has happened to me and it is a wonderful feeling! Does it happen in 30 days? 60, or 90? No, I wish it did, but with every day that does pass, it gets BETTER. Once I hit the 2 year mark earlier this year, I realized that it had finally happened to me. I woke up in the morning feeling like a NORMAL person! I don't have the urges (once in a blue moon but I tell them to F-OFF) I don't have the 'want' and I certainly don't have the 'need'! I didn't pay much attention to old timers when I was struggling so, I'm not talking about Lav who was here for the daily struggle, but others who would fly in from time to time and say how great it was. That was all well and good, but they weren't telling me how to GET there. All I can say is just set your mind to not drink on this day and before you know it, 2 years will have passed! Some days are better than others in the journey but now I am on even ground! Just do whatever it takes to stay AF. You will reap the rewards in time! I'm living proof and I NEVER thought I'd get here! I was a very resistant case and I kept holding on until the bitter end. If I can do this, I know you can!! We ALL can! Hold tight and do not give in!!!
              Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!! Byrdie

              PS, NoSugar is the master of how to do links in the signature line...I may have saved her instructions from when I did it, let me go look.....
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                How to put a link in your signature line by NoSugar:

                You can put any thread in your signature using this general format but adding [ at the beginning and ] at the end with no spaces. I can't include them here or the coding won't show up in the post.

                url=]Newbies Nest[/url

                After you add the [ and ], it should look like the name it was given after "html]" above and it should be an active link:
                Newbies Nest

                After you edit your signature, you can preview it before you "go live".

                Edit: I hope this makes sense to you, I think she finally TALKED me thru it!
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  I think there might be typos in there - I'll post later when I'm off this shuttle .


                    Newbies Nest

                    NoSugar, typos will NOT be tolerated. NO SOUP for you! I didn't see no typos. But it all looked like gobbledegook to me. Code? What code? Did you see a code?

                    No code here.....
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Byrdie. Your words are so encouraging to me. I find I've got to set my mind to no al when I first wake up, some days are so much harder than others. You give me hope that it will get easier!
                      I'm back to my part time schedule at work after a crazy couple of months. Spending the day on the boat with hubby and our son, kinda a farewell to summer. Happy Thursday all.


                        Newbies Nest

                        So I tried to copy and paste as mentioned above under edit signature-- didn't see anything different though. Let's see


                          Newbies Nest

                          It's not working!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey LC- I posted this in UNs thread earlier this a.m. for you. I will repost here later.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Happy sleeping available! Where in Oz are you. Tesco would be like your woolworths or Coles. I know them as my brother is in oz:-)

                              I find it amazing how we can be devious and get al into our lives. I never had drink upstairs in the house but for the once I took the tail end of the gin with me whils I had a conversation with a friend on the phone :-/ I did hid the bottle and then worry that hubby would did it and how I would explain. I have even watered down stocks. I don't want to do that again! Looking or excuses, hiding places or where the next bottle is going to come from. Eradicating AL means I lose a lot of the worry I spent many an hour doing

                              Hello everyone else! How are you all doing? Hope boating is fun lizann! Sorry NC I have no clue :-/


                                Newbies Nest

                                Slept very well for a change. Tired of the injections already. Hopefully this is short term. Go for blood test today to see if coumadin is in therapeutic levels.
                                Just taking it easy for now until I get some answers. Not what I had planned but it is what it is for now.
                                No cravings...guess I am more occupied with other health issues...which is a good thing...

                                Newbie's Nest

                                Tool Box
                                AF 9.1.2013

