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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello all just checking in :-)
    Hope you're all well
    Trinity well d6eh? What an amazing achievement. One more day and you've done a week! Blimey!
    I'm stuffing my face most of the time. Don't want any trigger lurking up behind me!
    Off to nap and then a few hours work. Hope all are well :-)


      Newbies Nest

      Hi everyone, Day One for me - AGAIN. All the usual suspects are hanging out with me in my cube today - guilt, shame, remorse, and let's not forget anxiety. Lots of anxiety about being behind at work and school. Yes, I'm mad as hell at myself today, but what's new? I've had many day ones - I know exactly what to expect....

      So, I wonder why I always fall off around day 35? I make it to day 30, get my amazing hat from Byrdie, and then start feeling complacent. Oh what the heck, I can chill with my friends for a couple....


      Then, a week later, after a week-long bender of drinking, eating like crap, and sleeping weird hours, I start over.

      Does this 30-some day mark tend to do this to other people too? Or is it just me?


        Newbies Nest

        Roonie, yes, it happens to me too. I fall off the wagon when I feel my very best after long AF stints. Crazy, isn't it? Well, recognizing this should help us figure it out and avoid it?? Let's do! We will always end up in that bad place because we've crossed that invisible line into problem drinking/addiction.

        Sending you peace and strength and to everyone hunkered down in the lovely little nest. :l:l:l

        Tess, where are you? Hope you're ok

        UN :lilheart:


          Newbies Nest

          I want to post more but have to run. Lav, such excellent advice about not being sucked into others' dramas!


            Newbies Nest

            Morning all,
            Day 10 WooHoo double digits!!!!
            Yet another doctors appointment today. I am tired of this already. Looking at alternative medications that dont have so many side affects. Need to do my research before talking to doctor. It is new on the market but looks pretty good..
            Way too darn hot here..I am ready for cooler fall weather too.

            Newbie's Nest

            Tool Box
            AF 9.1.2013


              Newbies Nest

              Hello everyone .. I just had to stop by and find a cozy space here.

              Im 43 Male. 24 hrs ago was my last beer. ( 10pack a day for 10 years )

              I dont know what to say other than I NEED to QUIT drinking.

              I was a functional drinker. I could drink and then go to work in the morning and give 100% ( of what I had available that is ).

              Right now Im having an especially hard time due to guilt.

              You see .. About a month ago my marriage basically ended when the wife left with our 2 boys ( 7 and 9 ). She had enough of my drinking. No physical abuse At ALL .. EVER. I think she just could not handle seeing the man she grew to love destroy himself.

              I get to see the kids ( when im sober ) but no over nights. The problem im having now is when they leave I get overwhelmed with grief and guilt. Then I just want to go and drink heavy.

              I already lost my job. I can scroll through my phone contacts but I know that nobody ( aside 1 or 2 ) would even pick up the phone to talk to me.

              I Must stop or Im going to lose Everything !

              Im going to hole up for a few days and try to get over the initial Humps.

              Thanks for listening.

              Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
              AF: 9-10-2013


                Newbies Nest

                Welcome Gambler! You've found a great spot to land, most of us have been where you are at right now. We understand that it seems un-fixable...but it CAN be fixed and I believe you can do it. I drank 12 beers every single night for 10 years. I kept a job, a house, my family and everything else I had, except my self-esteem. When I couldn't take the 3am anxiety wake-up anymore, I realized I really had to quit...for GOOD. I did it, and I know you can too. Stick close to this place!

                Welcome back Coco...good to see you! Days 2 and 3 can be tough, so stick close ok??

                Trinity - This may seem weird but you have my dream job. I have been trying to get a job at the police department or jail for over a year! Congrats on day 6...almost a full week...YAY!

                C-dev - Welcome home from your did great. I'm glad there's lots of eye candy at the gym...that really helps the time pass eh? LOL

                Rooni - You know the drill...get up, dust off and start over. You only fail when you quit trying.

                Ok Nesties, velcro, staple or glue your butts to the Nest!!
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thank you for the encouragement K9
                  Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                  AF: 9-10-2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Gambler - Use the next couple days to get re-hydrated and eat healthy. Get lots of rest. Whatever you do, do NOT drink or you will have to start all over again. As hard as this is, you only have to do it once if you never go back to drinking. The next few days is nothing compared to enjoying sobriety. Instead of being overwhelmed by guilt, use that energy to come up with a plan to get well. You can't change the past, so learn from it, but move on. Let us know how you're doing!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Newbies Nest

                      gambler;1554267 wrote: Thank you for the encouragement K9
                      Stay strong, brother. And stay here. I just finished another drinking session yesterday and if it wasn?t for MWO, I?d be probably hanging somewhere. Here people really do help each other.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hang in there Fisher!
                        This place is definitely a lifeline. What are your plans for today?
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          Newbies Nest

                          hello everyone!
                          hi everyone!
                          Welcome Rambler. I hope you'll do exactly what K9 suggested. Such great advice. Have you already been directed to the toolbox thread? It's a great place to get ideas -- especially for the first days. Someone here said they spend as much time reading and posting here as they did drinking-- about 4 hours a day. I think I've been doing the same and it does help.

                          Good to see you back, Roonie! I'm also getting myself ready for the time in which I feel so comfortable in my quit, that I start to toy with the idea of drinking again. I wonder, if one doesn't become complacent, will that still happen? or will the thought never be allowed to reach that point?
                          I hope to see you a lot around here again--

                          hello to everyone else-- great on day 6 Trinity!!
                          will check back in awhile.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello Nesters! I had not checked my MWO emails or this site in months, and I apologize to all who worried, wrote and tried to reach out. You know the black hole I've been in. At least this time I still remembered my user name and log in. But I am not strong and in control at all. I'm certainly less cocky than the other times I've gone and come back. I just don't know what to do. In the sober morning with a huge hangover, I always feel the remorse, guilt, desperation, sadness and know that I am an alcoholic. I'm not a daily drinker (yet - but close) I just don't stop drinking until the bottle is empty or I pass out. I've been on a 5 day binge and haven't gone to work. Other than typing at this keyboard, I just don't know what to do.
                            10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Afternoon Nest! Hang in there every one in your first few days. By day 4 the brain fog starts to lift and you feel much better. Drink lots of water and if you need meds for anxiety or worry about withdrawl issues. GET TO A Doctor! And the toolbox is invaluable for the early days.
                              Started living again 2/7/2015


                                Newbies Nest

                                Oh my what a busy nest!!!!! Welcome all new peeps and lurkers.... Come on in and post if you're lurking we are all just like you.... Gambler wow I feel for you - all you can do is change now; you can't change the past but you can have a great future. It sounds like your wife loves you and your kids enough to give you the wake up call you need.... There was a man Jimmydama here a while back in a similar situation .... You could look up some of his posts for encouragement ...
                                Available - no words just prayers for you and in laws
                                Just want to thank you all for saving me last night w your kind words
                                Life chg you're right I missed so much by zoning out w kids... Just need to deal w stress of evening better... Beer is all I ever could do that helped... Until it didn't

