I understand. One of the most difficult things for me when first getting off the booze was sleep. I was awake for almost 48 hours when I first got sober actually, and most of that time was spent on here since I was a basket case at work. When I finally did pass out, it was from sheer exhaustion.
This sucks to be sure, but it is only temporary thankfully. It is just your body's way getting back to normal after being abused for so long. These days, I sleep like a baby, and the even cooler part? When I wake up in the morning I do not feel like complete ass having to force myself to get out of bed. After a nice hot shower, I am ready to rock and roll, and you will be also in due time.
I am the most impatient person in the world, so I wanted all the perks of being sober without having to wait for them. One thing I can tell you is that about a week from now all of this will be a fading memory and you will be feeling better than you have in a long time
