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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    I understand. One of the most difficult things for me when first getting off the booze was sleep. I was awake for almost 48 hours when I first got sober actually, and most of that time was spent on here since I was a basket case at work. When I finally did pass out, it was from sheer exhaustion.

    This sucks to be sure, but it is only temporary thankfully. It is just your body's way getting back to normal after being abused for so long. These days, I sleep like a baby, and the even cooler part? When I wake up in the morning I do not feel like complete ass having to force myself to get out of bed. After a nice hot shower, I am ready to rock and roll, and you will be also in due time.

    I am the most impatient person in the world, so I wanted all the perks of being sober without having to wait for them. One thing I can tell you is that about a week from now all of this will be a fading memory and you will be feeling better than you have in a long time Stay the course.
    In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

    AF since August 18, 2013


      Newbies Nest

      Guess what I did????? I was upset about a call from my dad's sitters about him drinking again (remember I told you he is dying of alc.... Idk who even buys it for him? Ugh) anyway.... I have to go tomorrow and stay w him so I am upset he is drinking again so of course what does my brain say? You deserve a drink dealing w him.... How f'ed up us that? Wanting a drink when you're mad at a drinker.... God this alcoholic brain.... Anyway, I had a meeting to go to right after and everyone was drinking a cocktail ...I mean seriously 17/20 people there .... And what did I order?????? You got it... A plain tonic and line so now I am laying my head down on day 9!!!! So relieved.... Hang in there praying and gambler and hi to my other nesters!


        Newbies Nest

        well done Ican. The beast plays a mean game doesn't it?
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning nesters--

          Welcome Praying! My first days, I also spent most of my time here reading and posting. I'm still here at least 3-4 hours a day and it's really helping me on this journey to figure out how to live again as a sober person. I hope to see a lot of you!

          I have a day off today and the first thing I'm going to do --when I'm finished here-- is hit the gym. I've been avoiding it 'cause I know It's going to be hard going-- I've actually been more physically tired the past couple of days then I was at the beginning. Have any of you felt that? Today is day 12 and I keep thinking about what you said, Byrdie, about getting to day 13. Looking forward.

          Gambler, I'm glad you're staying close and posting so much-- and that you had such a nice time yesterday with the kids. You can repair relationships by remaining sober. It takes time for us to prove to people that we're serious. My boyfriend is skeptical, but supportive, and hopeful-- but before he believes it deep down in his heart, we'll need more time.

          big hugs to everyone here in this cosy nest! I'm enjoying autumn, but a bit envious of all of you still above 70! see you later, life:l


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning everyone,
            I have a feeling that this will be a nice AF day


              Newbies Nest

              hey Fisher-- great job on Day 3! Enjoy a lovely AF day!!


                Newbies Nest

                Morning all....

                I've not read the posts, I've come home after another night shift and completely fallen off the wagon on day eight. I couldn't beat the demon in the fridge this morning, I thought I'll have one, I'm now in the sixth....please feel totally free to kick my ass because I need it.... I don't need sympathy. It's my own fault. It's ten to nine in the will never do... I can't mod, I'm an idiot for trying

                So sorry for bringing any positive vibes down. I hate al so much, I'm gonna beat this I'm Gina have to tell him NO AL IN MY HOUSE! It's had a laugh at my expense but not the last... Fuck you al!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Trinity, just please don?t take any more and try to rest. I was exactly the same couple of days ago and this is the advice you gave me. It really helps!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Trinity, as Fisher says get rid of the rest of it and get some rest. Drink plenty of water. When you feel better you are going to have to think about how you are going to make sure there is no beer in the fridge when you get home. I don't think I could have stayed sober with AL in the house, especially in my early days.
                    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                      Newbies Nest

                      I need to go to bed, I've been awake for nearly twenty hours now. There's been so in the house most daysand in a wierd way I've sort of liked that... I've enjoyed staring it in the face and almost laughing at it and waltzing round the house thinking I'm "bigger than it". But one.. all it took was one and that's it. I'm beat. Sobbing like an idiot into my dressing gown. I'll be back though, I've had seven good days. One dayis nnot sending me back off down the slopes. A whole week without al was wonderful, two hours with it and it's hell in earth.... Twenty mins of a "buzz" for this? It's not worth it


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning all.
                        News of the day is that I woke with a headache. Initial reaction was "not again", but then I realised that no, this is just a genuine headache and not self-inflicted. That felt great! Took some painkillers, drank lots of water (I always do anyway) and just had breakfast at my desk and am feeling better already. So nice to be on day 7, feeling proud! I am concerned at how I will start socialising again, but for now, I am just laying low, spending time with my daughter and my boyfriend (when I can - it's tricky when your daughter thinks you are just friends!). Plus I joined a gym the other evening, so if I ever stop feeling like I could sleep for England, and I have a babysitter, I plan to get some exercise in my life too. Onwards........


                          Newbies Nest

                          The french Dr. you were referring to...

                          hopless;1554854 wrote: a book by a freanch dr..
                          Hopless, Glad you got all that off your chest! I think that when you start looking, there is lots of support out there that you can access for free. If there's a will, there's a way!
                          Who is the french Dr. and book you were referring to?
                          Go as far as you can see.
                          When you get there, you'll see further.


                            Newbies Nest

                            And now I've just vomited down the toilet, seem to be having a massively horrible physical reaction to the sudden massive intake of al too....take note people. This is not cool... Stay strong, don't end up like this... It sucks. Bed now.... Stinking of al and vomit:'(


                              Newbies Nest

                              trinity8753;1555247 wrote: please feel totally free to kick my ass because I need it....
                              Trinity, You've been a huge inspiration for us all.
                              Think of the saying "When you fall off the horse, you have to get back on".
                              Well, when you fall off the wagon, you have to get back on too!
                              If you fail or get hurt doing some things you're best off trying again as soon as possible otherwise you will be afraid of it forever.
                              Go as far as you can see.
                              When you get there, you'll see further.


                                Newbies Nest

                                [QUOTE=trinity8753;1555247]Morning all....

                                I've not read the posts, I've come home after another night shift and completely fallen off the wagon on day eight. I couldn't beat the demon in the fridge this morning, I thought I'll have one, I'm now in the sixth....please feel totally free to kick my ass because I need it.... I don't need sympathy. It's my own fault. It's ten to nine in the will never do... I can't mod, I'm an idiot for trying

                                So sorry for bringing any positive vibes down. I hate al so much, I'm gonna beat this I'm Gina have to tell him NO AL IN MY HOUSE! It's had a laugh at my expense but not the last... Fuck Al"

                                Trinity print out this earlier post of yours and blow it up and stick it on the door of your fridge. It was a wonderful post and clearly stated why you wanted to quit. BTW you are more booze in the house

                                "Ive just put him down for a nap and just watching him walk up the stairs holding his teddies has made me cry... he's so wonderful, it breaks my heart that im like this. Ive tucked him in and promised him he will never ever have another morning like this. I know he doesn't understand but ive told him im sorry. I really really am so sorry. I think the best thing i can do now is have an hours sleep myself and try and feel physically better a im exhausted. Ive just cleaned my teeth to get the horrible booze taste away. He must think i stink. an hours sleep and then a shower. ive made his lunch and then we can go out shopping for some food as ive hardly anything in.. even though i spent a fortune on booze last night. We are going to have a better life "

                                09-05-2013, 05:30 AM
                                Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                                William Butler Yeats

