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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning everyone ..

    Hey Trin .. I dont know why you want or feel that we need to give you an ass kickin. Looks like your doing a good job of that on your own.

    I also hit a rough patch last night for a number of Stupid ass reasons. I mean Stupid !

    Example: Last night we had a big thunder storm roll through here. As I was just relaxing on the boards reading and posting there came a bolt of lightning right outside my house. Scared the Crap outa me. I said my night night to the Forum and turned off the computer. I was still freaked out by the thunder ... I wanted to just pop open a beer or two to calm down ! ( No I dont have AL in the house luckely )

    Can you believe that crap ?? Wanting a few because of a freaking lightning strike ???

    Be positive and keep on trucking.
    Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
    AF: 9-10-2013


      Newbies Nest

      Wow, thanks for my full moon!! :thanks:
      Going to one of my favourite restaurants after work tomorrow night - I would normally have wine there and right next door, there is a place with the best frozen margaritas.....I know it won't happen as it is just me and my boyfriend going, he is fully supportive and actually gave up drinking himself over a month ago (he is not a problem drinker, he just decided to and says he feels great). So I am not worried about caving, I just don't want to feel like I'm 'missing out' and have that ruin a rare special night out. I must just tell myself that at least I'll actually taste and enjoy my food this time!
      Welcome Regaining My Life - I can't offer you much 'help' I am afraid, but I do know what you mean re AA - I know it works for many but for me, talking about drinking and the generally depressive atmosphere I found at a lot of meetings, really got me down and I often found I'd pick up wine on the way home - NOT the idea!! However, AA has kept my dad sober for the last year so as I say, it works for some.
      Almost time to leave work now thankfully - home to see my little girl before I put her to bed, then make some dinner and get a good sleep I hope. Have a good evening/day all.


        Newbies Nest

        Here we go.... Long time lurker here and it is time to post.

        I have been drinking on and off for all of my adult life. I have managed a few 3 month quits before. Last night I got wasted by myself in the basement - and now I have to face the music. This is going to wreck my life and I am not happy.


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Nesters! Thanks for that post Byrdie! Eating lunch on my break at work and wanted to say Hi and welcome all those posting there first time. You found a great place here. Keep coming back!
          Started living again 2/7/2015


            Newbies Nest

            Regaining My Life, all I can say is that for me MWO has been so much more help than AA. But then again, I am just starting here, and I am in very similar situation with you.

            Soon someone who has already succeeded, will give you some good advice here. Til then, do not despair. This place is full of success stories. Read different threads and tell us about your feelings.

            EDIT: And same to our other new friend, Done like Dinner


              Newbies Nest

              Yay you!

              Dottie Belle;1555384 wrote: Morning all,
              Off to the cardiologist..sure hope he can shed some light on this mess.....
              Sun is out but i am hoping for rain to cool us off...too darn hot to do anything....
              Day 12 and feeling pretty good...still tired but that could be a combination of things.
              Get my hair done tomorrow and may get my toes painted to celebrate day 13....
              Do things that make you feel better. As women, we want to feel good about ourselves. So proud of you! Day 12! Awesome! Congratulations!:goodjob:


                Newbies Nest

                Uuugh, I'm lost in this thread, I'm sorry!

                I don't know how to reply to people, specifically! HELP!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Regaining My Life;1555435 wrote: I don't know to people, specifically! HELP!

                  You hit the little quote button in the lower right hand corner. That puts what the person said in the blue field like you see above. You can edit it to focus in on the part you want to address --- I removed 'how to reply' above and you can see it isn't there.

                  Just be sure you don't change the stuff in [ ] at the beginning and end or it won't work.

                  Good luck and it's great you're here on MWO!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good afternoon Nesters,

                    Glad I stopped back in
                    CONGRATS Stupot - awesome on 7 AF days

                    Hello & welcome both Regaining My Life & Done like Dinner!!!!
                    I'm sure we'll give you both short nicknames
                    No matter how old your are, no matter how much you drink, if you want to stop you will find a way. It was the best decision I ever made & now I have 4 1/2 years AF! You both can do it too!
                    I started by downloading & reading the MWO book from the Health store here on the site. I also purchased the MWO Hypno CDs (original set) & used them daily as directed for a year or more. They really helped me to relax & change my thinking ~ very important for success!!!
                    Then take a look in the Tool box for great ideas to help you make your plans! Stick close to the Nest & please ask if you have any questions. Wishing you both the very best!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello Done and RML ..

                      Im new hear as well ( 3days ).

                      I can tell you a few things that is helping me personally.

                      I Jumped in here with both feet ! I felt the help being offered and I am going to take Complete Advantage of that ! At first I didnt want to be a "Bother or a Pest" .. Screw that ! I found that is Impossible to do here on MWO !

                      Ive stayed on MWO .. Actually if im not sleeping Im on the boards.

                      Read the threads ( Im on page 520 on this board and 400 something on the general board ). Ive read the whole toolbox thread ( good reading in there guys )

                      Hang around .. post.. post anything you want whenever you want ( Hell I do LOL :H ) If you hang around for just a little bit your gonna find a close tie with some of the other members ( Like Fisher and me ). This helps me Tremendously.

                      This site is a TOOL for me. I can tell you for a fact that the members here do not care about one thing and thats how WE use the boards as a tool. However best you utilize it for you .. is Best for YOU.

                      Keep on it. It does get much better.
                      Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                      AF: 9-10-2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        NoSugar, I just hit the Post Reply button down in the left hand corner...I still have trouble with those quotey things....
                        Regaining and Done, welcome aboard! We're so glad you've found us, this is step one in your commitment to get your life back, so you should already feel good about what lies ahead! I tell you, when I first came here I was SCARED to even think of a life without my faithful crutch but I'm here to tell you, that it's a lying sonofabotch! I am not only doing better, I'm thriving! (and I'm JUST a salesman!!!) :H:H:H
                        It is NEVER too late to grab life by the b.......Backside and begin again!! Try not to let the fear of the whole thing KEEP YOU FROM DOING IT! It's not as bad as I had imagined the first part to be. Just take it in small steps and the next thing you know, you'll be an old hen like me!! Please take a look thru the Tool Box, link is below, and you'll find all sorts of good reading! Welcome aboard!!!
                        PS, don't forget to eat, that's the silver bullet for fighting cravings!!! Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Praying! I'm glad you found your way to the Nest...I guess I was a little behind when I suggested it in your other thread...the point is you made it and we're glad you're here! Please take care of yourself today. Focus on not drinking, not on what happened the other night. You will NEVER have to go through anything like that long as you don't drink!

                          Fisher and Gambler: I'm glad you have a buddy system set up It really does help.

                          Welcome to all the's not easy at first, but you're in a great place, so stick around, keep reading and can do this...and we can help!!
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Checking in!

                            Hey there nesters new and old (no offence LOL) I'm going to get all fancy and do my best to say hey to everyone from the last day or so. If I miss you, I apologize. I just like showing off!

                            K9 how's it going? Are you back working out? Your foot good as new yet? I hope so, I know how it got you down not being able to work out.

                            Byrdie great advice as always. Taking it one step at a time is key!

                            gambler you pest LOL good to see you're thriving! AL has a way of sneaking in where ever he can. Thunderstorms, or fear, are a trigger? Well at least you know that now. AND you didn't cave!

                            Lav I took your advice and ordered the CDs but they haven't arrived yet, looking forward to it. I also have tried a few I found on You Tube. I laugh, thinking I hope they don't subliminally tell me to bark like a dog when I see the colour red or something!

                            NS you are the techno queen. I bow to you!!

                            fisher I'm happy to see you here still doing so well.

                            finallydone hi there keep posting and keep reading!

                            donelikedinner what a cute name, I also drank alone most of the time, sad aren't we? But now I enjoy my time alone, and get things done!

                            stupot, how was dinner out? I am so glad your BF is on board that's very helpful. My hubby doesn't drink, not sure how he put up with me all those years!

                            Regain I'm sorry you've been so unhappy for so long. Quitting AL will not solve everything but it does help. You will have more energy, less moodiness, and hopefully it will make you feel better about yourself in general. It's worth a shot eh? We are here to help!

                            praying you have also had your share of grief, so sorry. But it proves you aer strong, to have gotten through it all. I hope court went ok?

                            day 13 is a fabulous day and good for you celebrating your success! Being good to ourselves is important!

                            LOL you dissed Byrdie? Nice.

                            hey there you're almost at two weeks too, right? Awesome! Keep up what you're doing, it works!

                            little beagle
                            sorry to hear of your daughter's BF, I hope he gets some help. Funny about Miss L keeping all that booze around eh? I guess she's ready for company any time. I am hosting a dinner tonight, told them to bring their own and take it when they leave LOL

                            I'm strong
                            I felt like you did in the beginning and someone told me to get all the AL out of the house, it was good advice. You just never know when the urge will hit, and it's best there are no temptations.

                            , FYI there is a thread dedicated to swearing. Not saying you shouldn't swear here, this is the nest and anything goes, but it's a funny thread. Loved the image of you dunking the loudmouth at the nail salon!

                            , I am so proud of you!

                            I can
                            how's it going?

                            hey you're all dusted off and it's a brand new day, right? I hope hubby can understand why he needs to stop keeping AL in the house?

                            good advice, we all need to remember that getting back on the horse as soon as possible is the quickest road to recovery.

                            Well I haven't got a lot of news to share except I am still on vacation, still AF (stopped counting at 100 days) and still happy as can be. Sure the odd time I get an urge but it's remote now, and I almost look at them clinically, like "where did that come from?"

                            Hope I've impressed you all LOL talk soon!!
                            Newbies Nest
                            My accountability thread


                              Newbies Nest

                              Just checking in as I haven't poked my head in for a while. Up to a month again.

                              Have self medicated with sugar. Which makes me lousy. So kicking that habit too. Trying to get high on life and stand up to challenges, instead of crawling into a little cave.

                              Have been a hermit for a month though. But happy to be boring for a bit if it means my 30's can be fantastic.


                                Newbies Nest

                                H nesters,

                                My trip to states s coming this weekend. I had done such meticulous planning for the trip as follows

                                Staying in lower manhattan close to village .... And bars
                                Staying in Indianapolis downtown close to bar
                                Staying in denver (for hiking) and drinking ..
                                Staying in Las Vegas ... Bars everywhere
                                Staying in brussels ... Lots of bars around ...

                                Entire trip was planned carefully where I will go where I will drink .... Work during the day and drinking in evening ... Alone ... (

                                This of course I planned like 4 months back.

                                Now sober for 40 days ... It makes me scared and strange at the same time as to what and how i have planned ....

                                Now looking at the same trip with a perspective of sobarity ....

                                Hope to come back as a survivor .... (.
                                Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                                Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                                Rebooting ... done ...
                                Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...

