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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters & Happy Friday the 13th

    lifechange, way to go on the change of thinking
    Stopping in to talk to the wine shop guy was a brave move - good for you!!!

    Gambler, I'm glad to hear you maneuvered thru last evening's difficulties without falling out of the nest! All this does become easier in time, I promise.

    Wishing everyone a great AF day!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Morning all, I've come back to lurk after my disaster yesterday.....ended up on a bender last night and am now remembering how good it felt being seven days af. I want that again. So here I am, day one. I've done seven before I can do it again.


        Newbies Nest

        Clipped Wings, unless I missed it, I think you got lost in the shuffle here. I'm posting a link to the meds thread where you can post about Balcofen:

        Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, other meds - My Way Out Forums


          Newbies Nest

          Happy Friday nesters! Just checking in and glad to find you here. Night sweats and headache are not as bad - nearly all the alcohol must be out of my system by now or tomorrow. I haven't wanted a drink - maybe I should tell myself it is out of strength of character rather than feeling like crap - the truth is what we tell ourselves anyway. I'm not going to drink today. I'm grateful to be sitting in my nice little house, with a gorgeous, peaceful view and the love of my life fast asleep, finally resting after a really, really rough week at work (where I was no support as I was licking my wounds). As I mentioned earlier, I have a dinner party tomorrow night with 2 of my oldest friends-not as close as we once were, but the love is still there. Due to my drinking, I've avoided them both all year. I don't want to get together with them tomorrow night because there will be wine. There will be guilt trips from all sides (including husband who is looking forward to this). I still have shakey knees and don't trust myself around wine. My plan ("don't drink") sounds a little lame and weak. Face the demons or cower safely and choose my battles? As I write this, I realize that I will be no more resolved next Saturday, or next month Saturday, or any other day. I will always have this thought and this fear that there will be wine and I will drink so why play the mind games about tomorrow. Right now, I'm not drinking. I will not drink today. See you all later in the nest, off to make the donuts.
          10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


            Newbies Nest

            Strong and in control
            might want to make part of your plan of what you do like to drink instead of Al. Look forward to no hangover, no poison.
            you can do it!
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              Newbies Nest

              Dang...I just deleted my whole post....ARG!!
              I was going to go over some acronyms for today's lesson:

              Triggers are HALT: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired
              S: Stop
              O: Observe
              B: Breathe
              : Experience
              : Respond
              You don't want to wake up with the GSR
              Brothers tomorrow! (guilt, shame, remorse).
              Just because it's Friday, doesn't mean we let our guard down. For many of us, this is the day to let our hair down (our guard, our shorts, our family, ourselves).....reward yourself with something else wonderful!! Tomorrow you will wake up with ZEAL!
              (Zippy, Excluding AL)....(the GSR Brothers suck.....they must be salesmen!!)
              Have a great day everyone!!! Byrdie

              PS, Clipped I hope you found your way to the meds section! All the best to you!
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                I'm Strong and in Control;1555833 wrote: I don't want to get together with them tomorrow night because there will be wine. There will be guilt trips from all sides (including husband who is looking forward to this). I still have shakey knees and don't trust myself around wine. My plan ("don't drink") sounds a little lame and weak. Face the demons or cower safely and choose my battles? As I write this, I realize that I will be no more resolved next Saturday, or next month Saturday, or any other day. I will always have this thought and this fear that there will be wine and I will drink so why play the mind games about tomorrow. Right now, I'm not drinking. I will not drink today.
                Hi, Strong

                It is likely that you will feel even stronger next Saturday or next month. The more AF time you gain, the more you have to lose, and the more committed you become to your new lifestyle. It is relatively "easy" to cash in a few days and think to yourself that you'll just start again. There are plenty of stories in the nest revealing how hard that really can be. Plus, with more time AF you become physically and mentally healthier, making challenges easier to meet.

                If you simply cannot postpone this event, could you enlist your husband's help? Or perhaps call your 2 friends today and tell them you are not drinking anymore and could really use their support? My life became so much easier when I opened up to everyone and said I don't drink anymore. I'm a pretty decisive person (once I finally make up my mind) and no one has even tried to influence me. Even if you don't feel 100% committed -- act
                like you do. Often, feelings can follow actions.

                All the best to you Strong. You chose such a good name to aspire to .

                :h NS


                  Newbies Nest

                  okay, I have tried, and tried, and now I know I have not made it, my brother suffers from a brain tumour and there are only days or weeks, I would go there and drink with my sil but now I also start a new job and need to keep clean, please please help me, I want to quit


                    Newbies Nest

                    Moretoit , so sorry to hear of your brother's health, is there any treatment possible? Being there for your SIL sober aware and able is the best gift you can give. Drinking won't help in any way at all. Please stick close, we are here to listen and to help in any way we can.

                    Fisher the moodiness will wear off, it's part of your process...hopefully your family can be patient, it's worth it!

                    Gambler you inspire us all, good job!

                    Trinity work on your plan, think about your triggers. Stay close.

                    Halo what shift ae you on now?

                    Byrdie TGIF eh?

                    I'm strong, NS has given you great advice, talk to your friends in advance and think of alternative drinks. I like cranberry and soda in bars.
                    Newbies Nest
                    My accountability thread


                      Newbies Nest

                      Moretoit - I am very sorry to hear about your brothers illness. This must be heartbreaking. A friend of mine, who has been sober for a year lost her dad about 6 months ago. One of the first things she told me was how grateful she was to have been sober by his side. If you have nothing else...ask for the strength for your brother. He needs you (not the booze).

                      Byrdie - I love this! ).
                      ...(the GSR Brothers suck.....they must be salesmen!!)
                      In polyester suits with clip on ties and too much hair gel!!

                      Happy Friday everyone!! Here's to one more day AF! Raise your awesome glasses of sparkling water, coke, tea, coffee, water or hot chocolate. I congratulate each one of us here. All we have is this day, I'm going to make it count! I am extremely Grateful to this forum and the people on it!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Yeah, here?s to AF Friday! We can make it! I sure plan to


                          Newbies Nest

                          Praying - I hope you are ok today, I was thinking about you last night. I hope that you come back here today and try again. Nobody I know got it right the first time, just please DO NOT give up!

                          That trail mix in bed sounded good (who said that? I can't scroll down that far and I'm not the computer genius that some of you are). I was in bed reading last night and thought "popcorn sounds good" I got up and put it in the microwave. While it was popping I ate a granola bar. Then after the popcorn I had a HUGE slice of pizza (dipped in ranch dressing). Then I decided a pudding cup was in order. Oy vey. Talk about a wonder I feel "hungover" today...:yuk:

                          My daughter is going to the first football game of the season tonight which means I will be forced to stay up until the ungodly hour of 10pm to go pick her up! I hope I can avoid another food binge. LOL

                          Happy friday everyone! Don't use the weekend as an excuse to drink, use it as an excuse to enjoy your time off (if you have it)...nothing beats a hangover free Saturday morning with the whole day ahead of you!

                          A craving never lasts as long as a hangover, and you'll never wake up in the morning wishing you'd drank the night before.

                          Now get out there and have a great sober weekend! :yougo::yougo::yougo:
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            Newbies Nest

                            K9 staying up till 10 on a Friday? You party animal you! LOL loved your binge story, better shake out the sheets they must be full of crumbs!
                            Newbies Nest
                            My accountability thread


                              Newbies Nest

                              K9- as I read about your list of binge foods....all I was thinking was yum, yum, yum and damn, do we have any popcorn? Is 9am too early for popcorn? LOL!!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Afternoon all,
                                Off to get beautified...will once again be a lovely redhead....
                                Weather has changed a little here..cooler and nice...may even be able to take nice walk.
                                Feeling better physically so of course the first thing that comes to mind is to have a little wine tonight....NOT.....good grief....strange how easily my mind drifts back to old habits...will keep busy tonight....argh....

                                Newbie's Nest

                                Tool Box
                                AF 9.1.2013

