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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    3June - LOL..I know right? 10pm on Friday night...WHAT WILL THE NEIGHBORS THINK?? Oh and I didn't actually make it back to the bed with all that food. I stood in the kitchen like a real binger...ok? LOL

    Sake - Careful with the leads to a road you may wish you'd never gone down!
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Newbies Nest

      Lunch break! My favorite time of the day. Happy to see everyone in the Nest is in a great mood. It must be a Friday. I can't believe I have one week down today. It flew by. Stay sober and stay strong Nesters!
      Started living again 2/7/2015


        Newbies Nest

        Got to share my popcorn story from last night...

        I went to our neighborhood sweet shop to buy a thank you gift and while I was there I bought three bags of flavored popcorn. Jalape?o, mushroom, and caramel. Took all three bags to my bedroom and ripped 'em open. Jalape?o was awesome, mushroom heavenly, caramel far too sweet..but I ate it anyway.
        Sigh. It was fun!


          Newbies Nest

          Hey all!
          FD, lunch is my favorite time of day, too! Especially Friday lunch!

          K9, you should do your own reality show: Extreme Snacking!! (home edition)

          I thought I'd heard everything but pizza dipped in ranch dressing is just WRONG!!!
          (sorry...somebody had to say it).

          Hugs to all, stay close to da nest, we'll take care of each other, but we can't read minds yet, so you gotta check in!!! xo, B
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Icanwithoutacan;1555656 wrote: Gambler- I had a yucky aggravating day like that last week- you did great!!!!
            It sounds like your wife was mulling over trusting you and offering an olive branch so maybe look at it like that?

            Thank you. I appreciate your insight about the olive branch and the trust thing. I thought about that long and hard last night. I came to the conclusion that its more of a "dangling carrot" thing. For reasons that I will explain in another post/thread .. She can go ahead and and hop on the same buss that I put AL on! ( Read my thread "my open letter to Al". Replace "Al" with "Wife" and .. well you get the gist ) .. She can take a hike too.

            little beagle;1555658 wrote: Dave please don't feel bad for taking time for you right now. Do what it takes to make it through this first month or so. You need to do this in order to be a better father. Think of it as time invested.

            Thank you for your reply LB . Actually I think of it as part of my new found relationship with my children. Yes an investment would be one aspect it.

            broken halo;1555703 wrote: Hi Nesters.

            Gambler, when I first started reading your post I thought 'oh no...he's had a drink!'

            I am so glad to read that you came here instead. Isn't it great when you can sidestep the old reaction to problems, deal with them without drinking and start to realise you are much bloody stronger than you actually thought? Well done
            Thank you Halo. LOL .. That was the reason I put "Phew !! Finally got back to my Nest !"
            . As in I didnt crash. And yes It does feel good that I can affirm that I am in control.

            Fisher80;1555704 wrote:
            Same here, Dave. I started to read your post and thought "Well, he is on day 1 tomorrow". I am proud of you, bro!
            Yea well .. If I heard that you caved last night then I was going to throw a Red Flag and call you a "lying no good cheating bastard !" for Rigging "round two" by getting a jump on the days over me ! LOL

            But seriously ..To tell you honestly Fisher .. You are reading the "Edited" version of that post. No no.. I didnt cave .. But I did get to a 9 out of 10 on the ol "I Dont Give a Fukometer" scale. Not really the "Oh I Need a drink so bad I cant stand it" .. It was .. Deeper than that. Dont worry Im not going to cave
            ..I could make a concious deliberate
            choice to drink .. But not from AL speaking. I will post a thread about that in a bit so you can understand better I hope. Lets keep trucking man !

            lifechange;1555706 wrote:
            Gambler, I think in the first days, it's important to put yourself, with regards to your sobriety, before everything else!
            Thanks Lifechange. Oh your completely right. I am coming to realize that indeed I need to put my life first .. But not only on the sobriety but every aspect in my life.

            Lavande;1555804 wrote:

            Gambler, I'm glad to hear you maneuvered thru last evening's difficulties without falling out of the nest! All this does become easier in time, I promise.
            Yea it was tough on many different levels ( and still is ). Buuut...Im not so sure its going to "get easier in time" for me anytime soon. Its just going to get worse and worse. Again its not the AL "withdraw" that Im worried about...Its the direction that sobriety its going to take me that Im worried about at the moment.

            Everyone else .. Thank you very much as well for being here. Make it a good day for yourself k.

            Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
            AF: 9-10-2013


              Newbies Nest

              This is a journey of self discovery on top of everything else. Once the haze of AL is gone, and things become clearer, some of them are just hard to accept!! I can't promise that life will be a bed of roses, but I CAN promise that life is easier to deal with when you are sober. It's as if you have more information on which to make decisions, and I guess you really your brain recovers from not being constantly poisoned! But you remember things better, and appreciate things more. Hell, I think food even tastes better! I'm sorry that you have some rough water ahead... sometimes, tho, things are not as bad as we's just the fear of them! Fear kept me from quitting for years! I was afraid it'd be too hard so I didn't even try. It is totally do-able....we are here to help any way we can. We will read with interest about what is going on. Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Byrdlady;1555958 wrote: I thought I'd heard everything but pizza dipped in ranch dressing is just WRONG!!!
                (sorry...somebody had to say it).
                **GASP** You have no idea what you're missing!!! Ranch makes everything even yummier. You can dip any old thing in it...even popcorn!

                Don't be talkin' smack about my beloved Ranch, got it Byrdie? LOL :H
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Newbies Nest

                  And on second daughter has 6 cousins, 4 of them have drivers licenses and their own cars...WHY should I go out at 10PM??? Whew, glad I figured that one out. LOL

                  8:30 bedtime it is! :H
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi everyone

                    Having a peaceful night in and a pizza is on the way. Its nice to have some quiet time as my boyfriend is away on a stag do for the weekend. TV is off and im feeling more positive. One thing i'm doing with this peace and quiet is doing a lot of reading on here - i didn;t really do that last time as i never got any peace!! Ive been reading the tool box thread and some of the members stories which has been really really helpful in trying to calm my mind. For anyone starting out like me i would highly recommend this. There is also a really good post on the general board - its at the top and its a "sticky one, its about a swimming pool. Really good stuff.

                    Hope everyone is having a good night:l


                      Newbies Nest

                      All this popcorn talk!! Halfway, I've never heard of such crazy popcorn flavours! Mushroom? yummy...
                      I still have to stand at the stove top with a pan, melt some butter, throw in a couple kernels 'til they pop.. you know the drill. Love it!
                      Finally, the week flew by, didn't it? It's so nice to have you back-- I've been reading your thread and following you around a bit!

                      Hope everyone has a lovely afternoon/evening!


                        Newbies Nest

                        I pop corn in an air popper then pour melted non-dairy butter on it, yum

                        Gambler, I'm with Byrdie. We all have to go thru major changes adjusting to life after AL. In my case my grumpy husband ran out of our 37 year marriage more than a year after I stopped drinking. I swear he couldn't stand seeing me happy! I've adjusted, not necessarily thrilled but adjusted. Gives me a lot more time to continue working on myself & spend time with happy people like the kids & grandkids
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          All this popcorn talk!! Halfway, I've never heard of such crazy popcorn flavours! Mushroom? yummy...
                          I still have to stand at the stove top with a pan, melt some butter, throw in a couple kernels 'til they pop.. you know the drill. Love it!

                          Feel as though I should explain the crazy popcorn flavors. I am working on a project that involves 200 welcome bags with you guessed it..popcorn! Probably will settle for kettle corn, although white cheddar is a close second. I am an Indiana girl so gotta have corn of some sort in the bags! Mushroom popcorn was delicious but it might scare the clients away.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Friday evening is here, guys. I got loads of snacks, put on a movie and I am camping at home First AF friday in months is coming!

                            Good luck to all of you. And here?s a glass (of coke) to a wonderful Saturday morning!

                            AND Don?t slip tonight, Dave We have a competition going on


                              Newbies Nest

                              Halfway, if you were from the South, there'd be some pork in those bags!!! :H:H:H
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi gang. It's Friday evening here too. After the gym I made a healthy dinner of chicken and mushroom with noodles. I just had a big bowl of strawberry frozen yogurt and am just about to watch the Celebrity Big Brother final with a cup of tea.

                                I feel very, very happy tonight. Enjoy a happy and sober Friday everyone
                                Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe

