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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning all!!

    Wow so this is what a Saturday morning off work really looks like!!!! Hangover free:h Ive been up since 5.30am ( not through choice believe me) my son was crying at 5.20 so i went in to check him and its a good job i did as he was wet through:upset: His nappy ad leaked and he has an upset stomach to say the least..... All i can say is THANK GOD I WASN'T HUNG OVER!!!! Bed stripped and in the bath then down for breakfast, boiled eggs and toast and a nice cup of tea. Its 6.30 now and i have the whole day ahead so hopefully we are off to visit a friend later and out to do a bit of shopping. Just hope the little guy is not ill or else we might have to miss seeing my friend as she has a baby. he's running around quite happily now so hopefully its just been a one off.

    Hope everyone has a great AF day!!

    Trinty - day 2 xx


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Trinity, you early bird! Sounds like you're having a lovely morning with the little one. And ready to have a great AF weekend with him. Did you make a decision to have a talk with your man about the no alcohol in the house rule? I have found that makes a huge difference in my state of mind. I think I'll follow your lead with the boiled eggs and toast--


        Newbies Nest

        :hGood morning LC

        Yes ive brought it up with him and he has agreed that he wont keep any in the house. He said if he does have a drink he will only get the amount he is going to have - usually 2/3 beers and wont leave any lying around. He is away until sunday night so the house is Al free which is lovely. He seems to understand but did say "If you cant have it in the house and ignore it you must be an alkie..." erm yeah, no shit Sherlock....

        I don't think he fully understands what the problem is. He said "surely youre going to drink again though?" I think he is panicking about losing his drinking buddy. The states he has seen me in and the arguments ive caused you would think he would be pleased. He says is "boring" not drinking......Im bored of wasting my life, hangovers are boring, talking drunken rubbish is boring.........

        The eggs on toast were lovely, nice glass of OJ and a cup of tea. Sat at the table instead of led on the setee whilst he eats toast on his own ( makes me feel like a terrible mother) very nice start to the day :h


          Newbies Nest

          TJAF;1556117 wrote: Trinity. I'm pulling for you. Your first post touched me. My youngest is 17. I was drunk most nights for all of my 3 kids childhoods and while I hid it very well there is so much I missed. (Cant tell you how many times I skipped one of my kids games so I could have a few hours alone to pound the vodka before they all got home). Keep focused on your little one. Time moves at an incredible speed. Don't miss what you will later deeply regret.
          Thankyou TJAF:h I feel like ive missed so much already. I dont want to miss anymore


            Newbies Nest

            I just came from the roll call thread, lifechange and available both have 14 days today! Amazing job you two, well done! :yay::yay:
            Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


              Newbies Nest

              broken halo;1556211 wrote: I just came from the roll call thread, lifechange and available both have 14 days today! Amazing job you two, well done! :yay::yay:
              WOW :goodjob::goodjob: you two , keep it up!! xx


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks! I'm also very happy to be sitting here hungover free and full of optimism on a lovely sat. morning!
                Good Morning Bhalo!! Plans for the weekend?

                Trinity, I was also very much afraid of not having that "shared" time anymore with my boyfriend. He doesn't drink so much and in the early days of our relationship we had a lot of fun with it. Lately, he's been begging me to stop and is proud of the progress I've made-- but it's still in the back of my mind a little bit (my deep insecurities)--wouldn't it be more fun for him with a girl who could have a beer or a glass of wine? My confidence is gaining slowly-- and I've met a lot of great guys who don't drink-- and I'm such a better person, friend, girlfriend, daughter, mother, co-worker, etc, when I'm sober. So I'm finally doing this for me and I feel strong and I'll take the consequences for my actions. Scary sometimes, but I'm putting my faith in the stories and promises of the old-timers here!!

                have a great day!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good for you Lc, I know i can never be a one glass of wine girl... it just doesn't work. On the upside its 830 am and we are off out now! Cant believe im dressed ready and even put make up on!!! WOW! Were off to asda ( excited about going to asda but hey... its a big step at this time) Then im taking him to a soft play centre and we will get dinner there hopefully. Sure beats yesterday morning thats for sure. Feel like this is a "normal" day. Doing what other people do. Very pleased


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters,

                    Glad to see you so happy lifechange, trinity, BH

                    Congrats on 2 AF weeks available & lifechange! Life will continue to get better for you. Life will never be perfect or easy for anyone but you will be alert & fully present

                    Weather is real nice in my neck of the woods, finally. Plan to spend some time outdoors!
                    Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning, Nesters!
                      Some really great posts!
                      ICAN, check in soon and let us know you made it ok! Thinking of you, I hope that you were able to overcome the Voice.
                      Good to see all the early birds this morning! Hope everyone has a wonderful, AF day and don't let ANYTHING get you off course! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Congrats Lifechange and Available. You too Dottie Belle. You guys are doing great
                        Lifechange I know what you mean about the losing the thing you do with your partner. My Hubby and I drank together for years. It just got too stupid. Neither of us was having fun any longer. My Hubby has 30 days af this week. My refusing to drink al has really changed our lives. (Pray for me that we can keep it this way). We are at the little beach rental this weekend enjoying our very first totally awesome af weekend we have ever had. It is wonderful. Romantic moonlight walks we can both remember, no waking up crabby and hung over.
                        I quit drinking to start enjoying life again. This was a personal decision. No one forced me to do this. No one is forcing Hubby. He is learning how great life can be af. No more pain. Al is nothing but pain and regret for us. I can drink anytime I want to. Nothing stops me but me. And I just don't want to drink alcohol anymore.
                        Sorry about rambling on. It gets easier when it just becomes a way of life.
                        Have a great one everyone.alm::dog::dog:
                        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Happy Saturday! K9 you were right - I didn't wake up this morning wishing I drank last night!!! I slept through the ENTIRE night - no night sweats, no bursting bladder, no burning thirst, no nightmares or tossing and turning. I'm smiling and happy. I am going to my friend's house for dinner, I'll bring the dessert and flowers or something (it's her birthday). I don't know what to bring to drink, the only thing I like is wine, but I'll find something. In the long-ago past on nights when I didn't want people to see me drunk or was successfully abstaining, I would tell my husband that I'll drive so he can drink. So, I'll drive tonight. I would NEVER drink and drive and he wouldn't let me anyway, so that is my back up plan. I'd not drinking today.
                          10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                            Newbies Nest

                            I also meant to say congrats to you all (to WE all) for the huge accomplishment we've made. I'm still focused on me-me-me, and hoping that my posting gives us all encouragement and support.
                            10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                              Newbies Nest

                              C-Developer;1556123 wrote: Evening Guys and Dolls,

                              Interesting yet frustrating day for me today. My CTO, and immediate superior, was on a fucking rampage today. I am not sure if it was business related, or something in his personal life, but the guy seemed on a mission to make everyone's life miserable today, including yours truly. He is not normally the micromanage type, but today he was hovering over me so much I finally snapped and said, "Why don't you let me do my job, and you do yours ?" In a textbook passive aggressive way, he just glared at me and walked off. He later came and apologized to me, but I was still mad and slightly bewildered by his actions.

                              It would be highly hypocritical of me to pass judgement on others for bringing their personal shit to the office, but it does not make it any less frustrating. To add insult to injury, as I left the office today, I went to start my car and it was dead as a doornail and would not even turn over. On closer inspection, I realized that I had left my lights on this morning. Great! Just what I needed after a particularly brutal day in the trenches.

                              I managed to get a coworker to give me a jump thankfully, but my overall level of annoyance was reaching the boiling point. I decided it was probably a good idea to drive around a bit to let my battery charge. It was not long before I passed some of my old stomping grounds, and I can honestly say that it was the first time in the last 26 days that I actually had a passing thought about drinking. In any event, I quickly dismissed it, drove back to my apartment, changed to go work out at the gym, and found my way back home as I sit and type this.

                              In giving the matter some thought, It seems as though I have been enforcing a sort of subconscious quarantine of myself here in chi-town. Other than the office, the only other places I have gone are the gym, grocery store, gas station, and conner market. You would think after Vegas that driving through fucking Bridgeport would be no problem at all, but for whatever reason, it did seem to send off a trigger in me. It scares me slightly to know that I am not as strong of will as I perhaps thought I was.

                              OK, I will now officially end the armchair psychoanalysis and just say that I am glad I did not succumb, and am even more glad that I have a place like MWO to help me through this difficult chapter in my life.

                              How about renting a DIVY bike and taking a ride down the lakeshore - gorgeous day for it. Do anything outside! I love walking thru Lincoln Park zoo on my own. Sit on a bench, have a hot dog and watch the people. Enjoy a bit of nature and you will feel restored!
                              10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning all,
                                Day 14 here too...feeling good...sleeping better and waking up earlier....
                                Off to yoga open house. I think yoga might be a good thing for me..close to home and not too expensive, relaxing too..
                                Cool and beautiful here in Ohio...great fall weather...

                                Newbie's Nest

                                Tool Box
                                AF 9.1.2013

