Day 4-5 ?
Good morning nesters

I hope everything is going well.
Welp its saturday and I feel much better sense yesterday morning.
Yesterday was kinda tough in the beginning due to lack of sleep Again. I reluctantly took 2mg of Melatonin ( suggested to me by multiple sources .. and I dont like pills ) and I could feel relaxed .. but then it kept me up ALL night. Like flood gates opened up on the thought vault lol. But all got better after a bit. I know I sounded discouraged in a few of my morning posts. So I sat down and started to type out my feelings. Much better after that. And then on the Bonus side my X said that I could have the boys over to watch some movies and hang out with me

Last night was better on the sleep. No more clammy skin. Headache is basically gone unless I focus on It. The best part is my eating...Im finally able to eat enough to make me no longer be worried. My head is much clearer and the Fog is lifting. Like seeing life through a new pair of eyes.
So far I have a very positive outlook. I got my first PM which put me into even more of a elated state of mind

Hey Fisher ... Dude .. Lets keep on truckin'. Im gonna PM you ok.
Everyone else thank you again for Everything !
I have found a new kinship and connection which I will post in a new thread of appreciation. I think you will understand when you read it later on
