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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Day 4-5 ?

    Good morning nesters

    I hope everything is going well.

    Welp its saturday and I feel much better sense yesterday morning.

    Yesterday was kinda tough in the beginning due to lack of sleep Again. I reluctantly took 2mg of Melatonin ( suggested to me by multiple sources .. and I dont like pills ) and I could feel relaxed .. but then it kept me up ALL night. Like flood gates opened up on the thought vault lol. But all got better after a bit. I know I sounded discouraged in a few of my morning posts. So I sat down and started to type out my feelings. Much better after that. And then on the Bonus side my X said that I could have the boys over to watch some movies and hang out with me .. Oh man that put my day over the edge in happiness.

    Last night was better on the sleep. No more clammy skin. Headache is basically gone unless I focus on It. The best part is my eating...Im finally able to eat enough to make me no longer be worried. My head is much clearer and the Fog is lifting. Like seeing life through a new pair of eyes.

    So far I have a very positive outlook. I got my first PM which put me into even more of a elated state of mind

    Hey Fisher ... Dude .. Lets keep on truckin'. Im gonna PM you ok.

    Everyone else thank you again for Everything !

    I have found a new kinship and connection which I will post in a new thread of appreciation. I think you will understand when you read it later on

    Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
    AF: 9-10-2013


      Newbies Nest

      Good Day Guys and Dolls,

      Dottie, congrats on 14 days. I am betting you feel very euphoric

      Strong- that might not be a bad idea. It is indeed a beautiful day today, and who knows how many more weekends like this we can expect right?

      Gambler- I know EXACTLY what you mean about having fucked up sleep patterns after getting off the booze. It took me a solid couple of weeks before I was "normal" again. About the only thing I can tell you is that it will pass in time, and you can look forward to waking up in the morning and feeling like a rockstar very soon.

      As for me, I woke up early so I could get my laundry knocked out, then went to the gym for my weekend cycle fitness class. The insanely hot girl who leads the class was in rare form today, sporting some black under armour tights that emphasized every curve. I am starting to get the impression that she enjoys tormenting us guys, and I bet she has addictive qualities right on par with my love for spiced rum

      I am not sure what exactly else I have planned for the day. Weekends are always awkward for me since it seems like I have nothing but time on my hands and not enough activities to fill said time. Becoming a gym rat has already started to bear fruit at least. I am about as far from vain as you can possibly imagine, but after I got out of the shower and grabbed a towel, I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror for a good 30 seconds or so. I am really starting to develop some cuts, particularly in my biceps, shoulders, and chest. A couple of people have mentioned this to me in passing, but how often do most of us (guys especially) actually take a cold hard look at ourselves in a mirror? I honestly did not start working out for fitness value initially, it was just an activity that took my mind off things and sucked up time that I had previously spent boozing. However, I am certainly not opposed to the side effect of getting shredded either

      I hope everyone has a wonderful AF Saturday, and keep up the good work!

      In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

      AF since August 18, 2013


        Newbies Nest

        Evening nesters

        Touching post of the day goes to LB, finally getting to spend some quality sober time with that man of yours! If anyone deserves it you do LB, I am so happy for you! :l

        C Dev, I know what you mean about the weekends. I tend to plan mostly day time activities like going out for lunch, shopping etc where AL isn't a big thing. Friday and Saturday nights in the West of Scotland tend to revolve around alcohol, it's hard to find something to do here that doesn't! I am glad you are finding the gym beneficial, I have to say I always kind of was interested in health and fitness, but on account of my alkieness I never really could pay it much more than lip service. But now that I am sober I am really into it. I do mostly rowing and running but I am going for a session with a PT on Monday with my daughter and he's going to take us through what kind of weight training would benefit us.

        Today I swore I was having a rest day, got up early, met a friend for coffee, met my daughter and niece for shopping. After all that I came home and thought bugger it, I'll rest tomorrow! I didn't have a mammoth training session, but enough to make me tired and satisfied.

        My plans tonight are chicken tandoori (home cooked!) followed by more frozen yogurt and the X factor! Rock star lifestyle! :H

        It's so good to see everyone in the nest doing so well. I can, let us know how you are doing please :l
        Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


          Newbies Nest

          Bhalo :l:l
          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


            Newbies Nest

            Good Afternoon Nest! Wow sleep has not been good so far. A hour here and hour there. But I know it will get better. So being very patient with it. I start outpatient treatment this week. And I am very much looking forward to it. Saturday eating food and watching football. It's raining outside right now so my plan to mow the lawn waits until Sunday. Hope everyone is having a great day so far!
            Started living again 2/7/2015


              Newbies Nest

              Just checking in, my usual Saturday night check in.

              Spent the afternoon in the pub watching football. Not tempted to drink, but left early as I was getting fed up of the setting.

              So no cravings. Think the next step is finding new hobbies and maybe a woman


                Newbies Nest

                K9Lover;1555908 wrote: Praying - I hope you are ok today, I was thinking about you last night. I hope that you come back here today and try again. Nobody I know got it right the first time, just please DO NOT give up!

                That trail mix in bed sounded good (who said that? I can't scroll down that far and I'm not the computer genius that some of you are). I was in bed reading last night and thought "popcorn sounds good" I got up and put it in the microwave. While it was popping I ate a granola bar. Then after the popcorn I had a HUGE slice of pizza (dipped in ranch dressing). Then I decided a pudding cup was in order. Oy vey. Talk about a wonder I feel "hungover" today...:yuk:

                My daughter is going to the first football game of the season tonight which means I will be forced to stay up until the ungodly hour of 10pm to go pick her up! I hope I can avoid another food binge. LOL

                Happy friday everyone! Don't use the weekend as an excuse to drink, use it as an excuse to enjoy your time off (if you have it)...nothing beats a hangover free Saturday morning with the whole day ahead of you!

                A craving never lasts as long as a hangover, and you'll never wake up in the morning wishing you'd drank the night before.

                Now get out there and have a great sober weekend! :yougo::yougo::yougo:
                Thank you K-9:l I was hungover yesterday and feeling remorse and having to work kind of sucked (especially since I work in a store that sells AL all day long and more so on weekends) but read through some of the posts especially about the eating and have to say that although I still felt crappy I was able to make it through the day. Bought a Red bull though and drank it slowly it seemed to help at least give me the energy. Loved reading about your food binge lol. Something I have seen myself doing, not when I am under AL influence but the days I have had in the past AF I could just eat and eat, and chocolate, ice cream, and salty foods I seem to crave and have to have them all together. LOL just can't stop at one good taste have to have them all Congrats and wtg everyone on your AF days. You're all inspiration for me and thankful for you all!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Londoner;1556353 wrote: Just checking in, my usual Saturday night check in.

                  Spent the afternoon in the pub watching football. Not tempted to drink, but left early as I was getting fed up of the setting.

                  So no cravings. Think the next step is finding new hobbies and maybe a woman
                  I have this friend in Croydon who teaches yoga :H

                  Seriously, well done Londoner!
                  Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi everyone

                    Struggling a lot now on the evening of day 2. My mind is completley consumed by thoughts of al........ theres none in the house, my son is in bed. I keep thinking about running off down the shop to get a bottle of wine but i wont. What if something happened along the way? My boy would be here all by himself and nobody would know... NO i cannot do that, no way. So i wont. Ive got the shakes... i have a headache. I know this will pass.

                    My friend and her husband are supposed to be coming to see me, theyve come up from the South. Ive seen on facebook that theyve been drinking along the way..... I dont think im going to be able to cope with anyone thats been drinking in my house. What if they're drunk? But then i think what if they bring booze? I dont want them to but i do. My mind is playing a tug of war with itself. I think the best thing i could do is tell them i'm ill and going to bed... but part of me doesn't want them too. They might not bring booze, they might not be drunk..... but they might....My body is aching, my neck and shoulders are tight.

                    Ive had a good day today up until now. Just needed to let the rambling out.


                      Newbies Nest

                      trinity....EAT something.
                      Get your mind OFF of AL and on to another task. Clean out that nasty drawer in the kitchen!! eheheh.... If you don't feel like dealing with those people call them and tell them you aren't up to it. NOTHING is worth falling for. You know how hard Day 1 is 1000 times easier to maintain than to start over. Tomorrow you will be THRILLED that you did it. Using these muscles makes them stronger!! Do not give in no matter what and no matter who!!! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        broken halo;1556356 wrote: I have this friend in Croydon who teaches yoga :H

                        Seriously, well done Londoner!
                        :H c-town.

                        Thanks, feeling more like Man each day. Amazing how socially binging kills your life force.


                          Newbies Nest

                          C-Developer;1556345 wrote: The insanely hot girl who leads the class was in rare form today, sporting some black under armour tights that emphasized every curve. I am starting to get the impression that she enjoys tormenting us guys, and I bet she has addictive qualities right on par with my love for spiced rum
                          ROFLMAO !!! Thanks man..I never knew how much liquid could come out of a persons nose before ! ( Well..half digested chunks of Surf and Turf dont count :H )

                          Hey CDev You got me thinking ( I hope the women arent listening ) does Sobriety make the those *ahem* "curves" even more pronounced ?? Because if so then Im ALL IN !!

                          Just gonna put that thought right in the Top drawer of my Toolbox. On second thought Screw that !! That fookers going Directly into my back pocket ! :thanks:
                          Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                          AF: 9-10-2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Below is a pic I had one of the employees snap of me at Planet Fitness this morning. 225 pound machine-assist bench press. I can do about 9-10 reps now before my arms give out on me, and I am maxing out at 245 on Bench. My personal best in my Lacrosse days was a 275 max, which I have made it my personal goal to eclipse.

                            In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

                            AF since August 18, 2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thanks Birdie, you really are a star!

                              Ive put some chicken in the oven - ive been waiting to see wen they turn up as i didn't want to be eating when they came but screw em... im hungry now ive thought about it. It wouldn't surprise me if she cancels anyway, it was an our and a half ago they arrived at the local train station and she does often cancel on me after leaving me wondering what the hell is going on for ages. They will most likely go out drinking.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Trinity....that's the spirit! In this fight, it's every girl for herself!! Take care of YOU! That chicken sounds divine...what are we, I mean you, having with it? A tater??

                                Yummo....put yourself on a task! It really works!
                                Have you got the makins for a cookie? B
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

