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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Byrdie, I did NOT make it but I miss the nest more than I want the next drink so I will see y'all tomorrow ...I think I'm going to write down exactly what the Voice said and work on my triggers more.
    In case anyone is feeling week and wondering if you can moderate!? I tried .... Last night's 1 turned into 6 even though I swore to myself I was just taking the edge Headache, tired, depressed, stomach ache, irritable... Then bc I felt so bad I tried again???? Wtf? It was like I thought last night was a fluke ?!!!! And 1-2 turned into 7 .... So yeah moderation not happening and I don't recommend testing the waters


      Newbies Nest

      Icanwithoutacan;1556540 wrote: Byrdie, I did NOT make it but I miss the nest more than I want the next drink so I will see y'all tomorrow ...I think I'm going to write down exactly what the Voice said and work on my triggers more.
      In case anyone is feeling week and wondering if you can moderate!? I tried .... Last night's 1 turned into 6 even though I swore to myself I was just taking the edge Headache, tired, depressed, stomach ache, irritable... Then bc I felt so bad I tried again???? Wtf? It was like I thought last night was a fluke ?!!!! And 1-2 turned into 7 .... So yeah moderation not happening and I don't recommend testing the waters
      Hi ican, I did exactly the same the other day. Like you I know deep down that I can never moderate. Always wanting more. I'm on day three now after my slip. I don't even know what the triggers are for me. I haven't figured it out yet. It just creeps up on me. Hope you feel better soon and see you tomorrow x x


        Newbies Nest

        As I was preparing breakfast this morning (Day 6 starting), I started humming Pink Floyd?s "Wish You Were Here":

        "So, so you think you can tell
        Heaven from Hell,
        Blue skies from pain.
        Can you tell a green field
        From a cold steel rail?
        A smile from a veil?

        I was almost through the first verse, when I heard Me saying to Myself: "Yes, I can".


          Newbies Nest

          Good Sunday morning to all waking up across the pond, coming in from a shift, or having a bout with insomnia. Just in from my dinner out with friends - first social event that I didn't get drink. First Saturday night in months(years?) that I was not totally wasted. I feel elated. The only time I had the slightest thoughts about drinking, was when picking out which bottle of cabernet to bring. (The wine club box arrived yesterday and we haven't taken it off site yet - cheapo me won't throw it away, so I thought I'd bring it as the hostess gift). It looked like a really good bottle of wine. Thank you K-9 (again). I won't wake up tomorrow wishing I drank tonight!!!
          10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


            Newbies Nest

            Oh!! I nearly forgot! THANK YOU so much to each and every one of you. I treasure your posts - your joys, failures, laughs, snacks, and willingness to open your heart and tell the truth. Off to my pillow, with a grateful smile on my face. I am not drinking tomorrow.
            10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


              Newbies Nest

              One of my favorite songs

              Fisher80;1556550 wrote: As I was preparing breakfast this morning (Day 6 starting), I started humming Pink Floyd?s "Wish You Were Here":

              "So, so you think you can tell
              Heaven from Hell,
              Blue skies from pain.
              Can you tell a green field
              From a cold steel rail?
              A smile from a veil?

              I was almost through the first verse, when I heard Me saying to Myself: "Yes, I can".
              One of the first I learned to play on the guitar. And, yes, I got to see Pink Floyd in concert. Not bragging, it was just a great night.


                Newbies Nest

                I never thought of it that way, "so you think you can tell heaven from hell." I'm new to getting sober, but I get it. I thought it was about Vietnam, but, it can be about any war. We, or at least I, am still fighting a war. Thanks for reminding me.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning, Nesters!

                  Well done last night, I'm strong! Good idea to give the wine away as a hostess present-- I hope you try to get rid of the rest, at least far away from the house at this point, ASAP. I think it's so much easier not to have al around-- just in case one of these crazy, irrational urges comes out of nowhere. Wishing you a fitful sleep and a wonderful Sunday morning!
                  I second what you said about cherishing each and every person in this Nest and being thankful for the sharing.

                  Love the lyrics, Fisher-- man, I haven't listened to them in ages. I'll have to through and dust off some old cd"s--

                  I can, I'm sorry you decided to try out that moderating thing again!! I can really feel for you 'cause it's exactly where I was not so long ago. I don't know why it takes us so many repeated attempts and failures to finally learn that it can NEVER work. I don't doubt that anymore-- not for 1 second. Take it as another lesson and get back in the game-- work on your state of mind, how much better your life is without the al-- don't let any crazy beast voices get you down to the point of questioning whether you can do, want to do it etc. etc.-:l

                  Off to make breakfast for a hungry boy. Will check in again later!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Regaining!!
                    and Available! Here's to sober dates! I actually have a hard time believing you could ever be at a loss for words. You're such a natural conversationalist, seems to me..


                      Newbies Nest

                      I remember Brydie saying she ate chocolate (me too).....I have one of those books from your birth year and found an ad for reads like this:

                      Diet Advice: Snack on some candy one hour before lunch

                      Sugar's quick energy can be the willpower you need to to eat less. Surprise! Sugar isn't the bad guy. The sugar in a soft drink or ice cream cone, shortly before mealtime, turns into energy fast. And that energy could just be the energy you need to say "no" to those extra helpings at mealtime. That is why sugar is the good guy. Surprise! Sugar....only 18 calories per teaspoon, and its all energy.

             advertising follows the suit of sugar advertising from 1971.....disappears


                        Newbies Nest

                        LC i tried to hold a conversation but he was sports mad and me i hate sitting and watching sport. Said he wasnt into it much but knew the names of all the players in the football match i was made to watch so bit of a giveaway really. Where are all the "normal" men ha ha or maybe he was normal and I am not! It was good to know I could go on a date and have a half a glass of wine. The temptation was not there but not pushing my luck with thinking i can moderate.

                        Hope you are doing great with the AF days also.
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Sunday morning Nesters,

                          Sunny & chilly in my portion of the nest this morning ~ nice

                          Ican, my years & years of attempting to moderate all came down to one thing - it's bullshit
                          When I joined MWO the elders convinced me that it was time to stop lying to myself. No, I cannot moderate, most of us cannot moderate. Accept & embrace that knowledge & begin your new, healthier lifestyle. You will have no regrets, promise!

                          Perfect work outside weather again today so that's what I am going to do!
                          Have a great AF Sunday!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Afternoon Nesters!

                            Ican, please come here and post when the voice is nagging at you. We will do our utmost to help you. I know I got loads of help and support when I was wobbling!

                            Me and a friend made a date this morning to go to a car boot sale. Little did we know that it would be raining with gale force winds lol. I had never been to one before, it was great fun. Needless to say I bought a few bits of junk to add to my own collection! :H

                            Hope everyone is well this morning, what's all this talk about dates? What everyone really wants to know available is, did you snog him? :H
                            Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                              Newbies Nest

                              Bhalo, that sounds like fun! How does it work, though? A huge empty lot where everyone drives in, opens the trunk and sells like at a flea market?


                                Newbies Nest

                                You have to rent a stall in advance lc, and then you just turn up and sell all your stuff on! I am actually thinking of doing it, I'm a wee bit of a hoarder and could use the extra cash
                                Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe

