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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Free - AA helped keep me sober for 8 years in my early 20's but I have no desire to be a part of that atmosphere ever again. AA helps a lot of people and for that, I can not fault them but it was also a meat market and sneaky stuff going on. Not for me!!

    Going forward, I will use my belief system (Christ), good friends that want to see me succeed, this forum and a couple AA folks that are just friends of mine. It really is a very personal thing and decision. If it feels funny...then run! If it feels right...then hang!


      Newbies Nest

      Free- Like yourself, I could not handle the atmosphere of AA. I attended one meeting my first week of getting sober and have not been back since. They really creeped me out. I am sure there are plenty of people out there who might get some benefit from it, but to me it felt more like the Spanish Inquisition than a support group.
      In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

      AF since August 18, 2013


        Newbies Nest

        Just checking in nesters. Hope everyone is well and enjoyin a
        Sober Sunday. I just finished watching a movie. About to read and crash!
        Ican- I hope your plan is in full force- slips ups we can learn from as long as we get back in again!
        Available- hope your well - you date sounds - ahem- interesting! :-p
        Trinity- how are you doing?
        CD- your gym activities are making me feel lardy :-/
        Byrdie- halo- lavand, lifechange and all newbies and oldies- sleep tight.
        I'm looking forward to waking up to Day 14 sober and AF !


          Newbies Nest

          I made it today! Sundays and watching football are always a huge challenge for me. Especially when my Vikes blow the game in the final seconds. Oh well! At least there won't be a hungover tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a great Sunday!
          Started living again 2/7/2015


            Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters

            Had a great day, beautiful Fall-like weather - perfect really!!

            Hello & welcome Free2B, glad you found us!
            Before you think about drinking moderately again, get 30 AF days first to clear your head, detox your body & give the CDs a chance to work on changing your thinking. I came here hoping to be able to moderate too but realized as I approached 30 days - I wasn't ready for just 1 drink. I had to be completely honest with myself. Turns out remaining AF is healthier & just plain easier. I no longer have to think about or plan where or when to drink. I just don't drink

            Hang in there everyone & have a safe night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Min my date was not exactly a disaster but I have had better. I know it wasnt the no AL, it was just a dud date. Oh well plenty more fish in the sea so to speak. Already onto the next and being AF its amazing how much i remember what i have said, very novel i must say. So many past cringe times that are not worth thinking about so i suppose i deserved dud date ha ha.

              Doing well no AL here up to day 16 so life is good. Still the cravings/urges but they wont go away in a hurry when i have been drinking for so many bloody years.

              Gym? Whats a gym, I am still being slack with no motivation as not sleeping well again so taking it easy for the moment.

              My next task is to give up the fags and get fit, start date, no idea!
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Newbies Nest

                Sake & C-Developer - thanks. I have some good friends from those days, but yes it is too intense. I think I works for some - I mean in some ways it worked for me for 14 years. But the end result wasn't good. I like having this forum. I will continue here and keep you all posted. Thanks :-)


                  Newbies Nest

                  Howdies everyone and good day to you.

                  Just a check in .. things are going good in the past day. Well kinda but its just normal life things and not AL so Im happy about that. Not so happy about other things but Im taking it in stride.

                  Sleeping is getting a little better. Headache completely gone ( about friggin time lol ). Im eating more which is even better. The energy level is through the roof (Nobody told me that one of the side affects of quiting is that your brain would start producing speed heheeh).

                  I had a rough time tearing down the boys room but I need to move on I guess.

                  Anyways dont want to bore you with my personal deals atm so ..

                  You guys and gals have a pleasant and peaceful rest of the day :l


                  PS. Screw that quitting smoking thing i mentioned.. no way no how right now lol NOT a chance for me.. peace
                  Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                  AF: 9-10-2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey everyone,

                    Spent most of the day watching football, and I am still watching the 49ers/Seahawks game actually

                    My fantasy team is all but slaughtered. Adrian Peterson had an off day, Steven Jackson left early with an injury, Brady did not perform well on Thursday, etc. etc. etc. Unless Antonio Brown (WR Steelers) has the game of his career on Monday Night, I am pretty much fucked since he is all I have left to play.

                    Oh well, I still enjoyed the games immensely sober, and I did not scream at the TV nearly as much as on Sundays prior.

                    Hope everyone is having a great AF Sunday!

                    In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

                    AF since August 18, 2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      I did wonder about the not smoking gambler as i am like you with that aspect. One addiction at a time i reckon. I resemble a chimney at the moment but have ordered one of those electronic cigarettes which will probably stay in its box for a bit longer.

                      Glad you have the motivation, all i want to do is nothing. Wish my brain would start producing what yours has!
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Newbies Nest

                        Night all - sleepy day 1 again but done


                          Newbies Nest

                          Day 6 for me and the 1st weekend, going good. Been practicing (trying to quit) thinking about it for a couple years now. This has been a training program, training/learning how to deal with the urge.

                          Learning that the urge is a good thing, accept it, and expect it. Am I giving up my best friend (yeah right) or am I gaining something. I am gaining so many benefits.

                          WHen an urge comes, accept it, say "yeah I can have a drink but that means a DUI a rotten liver a hangover or whatever yor nightmare is.... or I can have this urge and soon it will go away and it is just a thought, I am the boss and choose to have the benefits of being AF, soon this urge will mean nothing to me.

                          This premise comes from a website I don't know what the cost is, my company paid for it.

                          Many self help books say the same thing in other ways. In life you have choices, be responsible and choose your attitude. This is all easier said then done but it takes practice.
                          What you resist persits


                            Newbies Nest

                            Wine-no!;1556716 wrote: Opens the door to the nest and sneaks back in with tail between legs....
                            :hug: I'm back. I can't moderate... Ever.....
                            how are you doing? Glad to see you, hope all is well
                            Liberated 5/11/2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters,

                              Just a quick accountability check in for me this morning-- I'm up early to geth the kids ready for school and then head to work. I remember now one thing I don't like about the long autumn-spring months-- waking up in the dark. I hate it!
                              Oh well.

                              Sounds like everyone had a relaxing weekend-- staying strong on this journey.
                              see you this afternoon!


                                Newbies Nest

                                gambler;1556856 wrote: Howdies everyone and good day to you.

                                Just a check in .. things are going good in the past day. Well kinda but its just normal life things and not AL so Im happy about that. Not so happy about other things but Im taking it in stride.

                                Sleeping is getting a little better. Headache completely gone ( about friggin time lol ). Im eating more which is even better. The energy level is through the roof (Nobody told me that one of the side affects of quiting is that your brain would start producing speed heheeh).

                                I had a rough time tearing down the boys room but I need to move on I guess.

                                Anyways dont want to bore you with my personal deals atm so ..

                                You guys and gals have a pleasant and peaceful rest of the day :l


                                PS. Screw that quitting smoking thing i mentioned.. no way no how right now lol NOT a chance for me.. peace
                                Gambler - quitting smoking was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Give yourself some time to handle one life-threatening habit at a time! You are doing great.
                                10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.

